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The “Jungle”

The “Jungle”. A guide to military ranks. Gazelles = Ensigns. Although easily frightened, they have been known to stupidly lounge in plain sight of the “lions” Runs at high speeds, with no purpose or direction The slow and weak are frequently slain. Cheetah = LTJG. Loner, feisty

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The “Jungle”

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The “Jungle” A guide to military ranks

  2. Gazelles = Ensigns • Although easily frightened, they have been known to stupidly lounge in plain sight of the “lions” • Runs at high speeds, with no purpose or direction • The slow and weak are frequently slain

  3. Cheetah = LTJG • Loner, feisty • Makes the occasional kill on a weaker animal

  4. Lions = Lieutenants • Hunts in packs • Can bring down a larger animal with coordination • Easily slays the “cheetah”

  5. Water Buffalo = Lieutenant Commanders • Aging, slower beast, but- • Cannot be brought down by a single “Lion”

  6. Hippopotamus = Commanders • Slow and cumbersome on land • Safe in own environment • Lays low to avoid enemies

  7. Elephants = Captains • Rules the “Jungle” • Impossible to bring down except by his own vials.

  8. Hyena = Chief Petty Officer • Laughs continuously at the “Cheetah” • Helps the “Lions” complete the kill on larger animals

  9. Sloth = Warrant Officer • Skilled in one area only • Comes around only to feed and take care of bodily functions

  10. Dung Beetle = Sailor • Forced to deal with the “crap” created by other animals

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