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Support and Aspiration. Update on Reform of provision for children and young people with Special Educational Needs. Ann Thornber Strategic Lead SEN. A reminder: the case for change. The current system is not working for families and children:
Support and Aspiration Update on Reform of provision for children and young people with Special Educational Needs. Ann Thornber Strategic Lead SEN
A reminder: the case for change The current system is not working for families and children: Too many children with SEN have their needs picked up late; Young people with SEN do less well than their peers at school and college and are more likely to be out of education, training and employment at 18; Schools and colleges can focus too much on the SEN label rather than meeting the child’s needs, and the current Statements/ Learning Difficulty Assessments do not focus on life outcomes; Too many families have to battle to find out what support is available and in getting the help they need from education, health and social care services; When a young person leaves school for FE, they enter a very different system which does not carry forward the rights and protections that exist in the SEN system in schools.
Legislation - key highlights. From Sept 2014 New 0-25 Education, Health and Care Plan, replacing the current system of Statements and Learning Difficulty Assessments, which reflects the child or young person’s aspirations for the future, as well as their current needs Option of a personal budget for families and young people with a Plan, extending choice and control over their support New statutory protections for young people aged 16 - 25 in FE and a stronger focus on preparing for adulthood. Academies, Free Schools, Further Education and Sixth Form colleges to have the same SEN duties as maintained schools A revised SEN Code of Practice From 2014 the LA and CCGs will have to have a joint commission plan to understand the need for SLT, OT, physio etc and to agree how to commission this.
Legislation - key highlights continued. Involvement of children, young people and parents at the heart of legislation, including assessments and local offers. New requirement for LAs, health and care services to commission services jointly, to ensure that the needs of disabled C&YP and those with SEN are met. A duty on health commissioners to deliver the health elements of EHC plans. LAs to publish a clear, transparent ‘local offer’ of services, so parents and young people can understand what is available; developed with parents and young people. More streamlined assessment process, which integrates education, health and care services, and involves children and young people and their families.
The SEN Code of Practice The draft Code of Practice can be found via the DfE website: http://www.education.gov.uk/aboutdfedepartmentalinformation/childrenand familiesbill/a00221161/children-families-bill. The attachments to access this are on the right hand side of the web page A family centred system around person centred planning Definition of SEN remains the same. SENCO must be a trained teacher working at the school. Additional SEN support replaces School Action and School Action plus Four primary areas of SEN are: Communication and interaction Cognition and learning Emotional, social and behaviour development Sensory and/or physical development
Timetable for legislative reform (indicative) Allows the provisions to be informed and improved by the views and evidence of stakeholders, and to continue to learn from the experience of the Pathfinders September to December 2012 Period of pre-legislative scrutiny led by the Education Select Committee December 2012 Education Select Committee publishes a report of its findings Early 2013 Children and Families Bill introduced into Parliament. Early 2013 Draft Regulations and a Draft Code of Practice published for consultation, informed by pathfinder learning. Spring 2014 Royal Assent (subject to Parliamentary process) September 2014 Implementation of provisions (meeting original Green Paper commitment to have reforms in place by 2014) • From now until Enactment: • 1996 Education Act and current Code of Practice still applies • Transition arrangements will be clarified by DfE
Applying for funding Schools will continue to make applications for either: Statutory assessment for an EHC or Element 3 funding
Funding reforms Introduced April 2013 (before the overall SEN reforms are introduced in 2014) 0 to 25 Place plus system Applied across all types of schools, academies, colleges, settings, alternative provision mainstream (AP) and special Supported by clear information in the form of a local offer about high needs provision available in schools, colleges and other providers Top up funding
Centrally retained DSG DSG of £30m held by the LA now has to be split the following way: Delegated to schools Ringfenced to fund statutory services To create a centrally retained fund for pupil growth transferred to High Needs Block or Early Years Block
Overview: Reform of high needs funding Pre-16 SEN and AP Post-16 SEN and LDD Mainstream settings Specialist settings All settings Mainstream per-student funding (as calculated by the national 16-19 funding system) Element 1: Core education funding Mainstream per-pupil funding (AWPU) Base funding of £10,000 for SEN and £8,000 for AP placements, which is roughly equivalent to the level up to which a mainstream provider would have contributed to the additional support provision of a high needs pupil. Base funding is provided on the basis of planned places. Element 2: Additional support funding Contribution of £6,000 to additional support required by a pupil with high needs, from the notional SEN budget Contribution of £6,000 to additional support required by a student with high needs Element 3: Top-up funding “Top-up” funding from the commissioner to meet the needs of each pupil or student placed in the institution This diagram appeared as Figure 1 (p.43) of School funding reform: Next steps towards a fairer system.
Manchester context2013 Amanda Corcoran – Senior Strategy Lead : Education
SEN in Manchester –PLASC 2013 19.8% population SEN Secondary 21% Primary 17.2% Categories of need: Primary – MLD, BESD, SLCN Secondary – BESD, MLD 17.1% pupils have SEN but no statement Primary SAP – 6.0% Secondary SAP – 6.7%
SEN high needs – headline data Maintain 2136 statements 478 SLD, 429 ASD, SEBD 378 1045 state funded mainstream placements 1041 special school placements– includes 105 pupils in independent provision 50 – PRU/AP 247 resource agreements
Special school places – total spend 35m*excluding resourced provision
SEN – schools and services funded from high needs block Commissioned Services Educational Psychology (council budget) Sensory Service Pre School SEN team Outreach from special schools and PRU Independent travel training AAC Speech and Language Therapy Social Communication and Interaction team (SCAIT) – part contribution Special schools 3 secondary specialist support schools 3 primary specialist support schools 2 all through: 1 ASD and 1 PD and complex medical needs Hospital School with commissioned services 9 specialist resourced mainstream schools – ASD 1 specialist resource school – SEBD Federation SEBD schools – 2 day schools and 1 residential school PRUs Primary KS3 and 4 PRU
Key issues/challenges Increasing population including SEN Increase in number of statements and resource agreements Pressure on special school places Early years Post 16 Continuing to reduce high cost independent school placements and 52 week placements Reductions in other services supporting children with SEN Health provision Implementing significant SEN reforms at a time of significant reductions to budgets