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MADHYA PRADESH STOCK EXCHANGE. INVESTOR AWARENESS INITIATIVE. What is the Average Age when one starts Earning?. 25 Years. What is the Average Retirement Age?. 60 Years. What is an Average Income of an Middle-Class House-hold?. Rs.15,000/- p.m. How much can a person
What is the Average Age when one starts Earning? 25 Years
What is the Average Retirement Age? 60 Years
What is an Average Income of an Middle-Class House-hold? Rs.15,000/- p.m.
How much can a person save on a regular basis? Rs.5,000/- p.m.
If a person can save Rs.5,000/- per month What will be his wealth when he retires? Assuming: He increases his investments by 5% every year Invests in an Asset class that gives returns of 20%
At Age 60 his wealth would have been Rs.27 Crores
27 Crores* 4.90 Crores* 40 years 25 years 60 years Start Early Give time to your investments rather than timing Give time to your investments rather than timing Assumptions: (a) Savings grows at 5% annually (b) Returns assumed at 20% CAGR
Rs. 10,000 worth of Gold bought every month Highest price Lowest quantity 20 grams 15 grams Lowest price Highest quantity Invest Regularly • Builds wealth over the long term • Just Rs. 1500 per month invested for 17 years @10% would grow to approx Rs. 8 lakhs…could be used for your daughter’s marriage • Take advantage of market volatility • Buy more when the markets are down
Invest Regularly • It is the small drops that make an ocean!! • Relieves you of the last minute pressure • Slow and steady wins the race • E.g. Split your Sec 80C investments into smaller amounts and invest every month • Reduces the risk of investing at the wrong time • Difficult to predict the market and know when is the right time We earn regularly; We spend regularly Shouldn’t we also invest regularly?
Invest Regularly Rs. 22.6 lakhs • …….It all adds up! Rs.1000 invested every month for 30 years @10% 30 A small amount invested regularly can grow to substantial lumpsum A=P*{(1+i)**n-1}/i*(1+i)
Earn More • Earn more…it can make a big difference One time investment of Rs.1 lakh invested for 30 yrs @ 6% @ 10% @ 15% 5.7 lakhs 17.45 lakhs 66.2 lakhs A= P(1+r)**n
POWER OF COMPOUNDING - QUIZ Earn More • Rs. 10,000 invested every month for a period of 30 years At 8% - At 15% - At 20% - 1.5 crores 5.6 crores 15.5 crores
Invest Regularly Create Wealth Start Early The Formula for Creating Wealth Earn More Make your money work hard for you
NEED FOR FINANCIAL PLANNING • One of the most common reasons cited for not doing proper financial planning is “if I continue to earn as much as I do now, what is the big problem? And always my salary will only increase with experience and hence I will always have enough money at hand for unexpected expenses and regular living expenses.” • The objective of financial planning is to ensure that the right money is available to the investor at the right time to enable him to meet the different goals in his life.
NEED FOR FINANCIAL PLANNING (contd..) Examples: • Saving to buy a car costing around Rs 3,50,000 after 3 years. • Investing for higher education of children where money is required after 10 and 12 years. • Planning for retirement to meet expenses for 25 years after retirement. • Investing to save taxes in an efficient manner. • Passing on wealth to the next generation (estate planning) etc
THE MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION I am convinced that I should save and invest regularly, but the million dollar question is… Where should I invest?
A PERSONAL PLAN FOR INVESTING Establish realistic goals Determine the amount of money needed to meet your goals Specify the amount of money available to fund your investments List different investments you want to evaluate Evaluate risk and potential return for each Reduce possible investments to a reasonable number Choose at least two different investments Continue to evaluate your investment program
SAFETY AND RISK The Risk-Return Trade-Off • Choosing higher risk investments, investors expect higher returns
When Diversification Works Must combine stocks that are not perfectly positively correlated with each other to reduce variance. The greater the negative correlation between two stocks, the greater the reduction in risk achieved by investing in both stocks The combination of these stocks reduces the range of potential outcomes compared to 100% investment in a single stock. It may be possible to reduce risk without reducing potential return.
Adding More Stocks to the Portfolio: Systematic and Unsystematic Risk Total risk is made up of two parts: Unsystematic or Diversifiable risk and Systematic or Non-diversifiable risk. Unsystematic risk, Company specific risk, Diversifiable Risk product or labor problems. Systematic risk, Market risk, Non-diversifiable Risk recession or inflation Well-diversified portfolio -- one whose unsystematic risk has been completely eliminated. Large mutual fund companies.
Adding More Stocks To The Portfolio: Systematic And Unsystematic Risk As the number of stocks in a portfolio approaches around 25, almost all of the unsystematic risk is eliminated, leaving behind only systematic risk.
Portfolio Management Process Specification of investment objective and constraints Choice of asset mix Formulation of portfolio strategy Selection of securities Portfolio execution Portfolio revision Portfolio evaluation
Area of Knowledge required by Financial Planner Developing personal financial statements and budgeting Investment decisions and strategies Retirement Planning Insurance Taxes and their implications on personal financial decision Estate Planning Knowledge of Law, Standards & Code of Ethics
Warren Buffett Investment Principles Look for the absence of change. Look for the business whose only change in the future will be doing more business. Its far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price rather than buying a fair company at a wonderful price. Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy only when others are fearful. If someone tells you they have a “foolproof” method to get rich in the stock market, run, don’t walk, for the nearest exit.
Warren Buffett Investment Principles (contd..) View stocks as businesses, not pieces of paper. There are times when doing nothing is a sign of investing brilliance. Take a close look at management. Read, Read some more and then Think. A few good investments are all that is needed. Know the value of something rather than the price of everything.
Using The Wisdom We can direct our savings in such a manner that we create wealth, the way we wish DISCIPLINED SAVINGS + SUFFICIENT TIME + RIGHT ASSET CLASS = Smart Investor’s Preference