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ART SNAPSHOTS OF THE PAST AND PRESENT. TURKEY Çağlayan Secondary School. THE FIRST PRESENTATION FAMILY PORTRAIT OSMAN HAMDI BEY ( A LADY OF CONSTANTINOPLE ). This painting ,‘ ’A Lady of Constantinople , Istanbul is signed by Osman Hamdi Bey in 1881 .
Thispainting,‘’A Lady of Constantinople, Istanbulis signedbyOsman Hamdi Bey in 1881. Although it is knownthat Osman Hamdi generallypreferredfiguring his closeenvironment , it isn’tknownwhothelady is in thispainting. He figuredTurkishvaluesand a youngladywhoreflectsthelatestfashion of Paris with her clothes.It is a greatexample of orientalistpainting. Also in Turkish Art history it is one of thetries of figuring a personwith an overalllength.
Osman Hamdi Bey( 30 December 1842, Istanbul - 24 February 1910, Istanbul) Osman Hamdi Bey wasthe son of İbrahim EthemPasha, an Ottoman Grand Vizier.Osman Hamdi Bey wenttoprimaryschool in the popular Istanbulquarter of Beşiktaş,afterwhich he studiedLaw, first in Istanbul (1856) andthen in Paris (1860). However, he decidedtopursue his interest in paintinginstead, lefttheLaw program, andtrainedunderFrenchorientalistpainters Jean-LéonGérômeandGustaveBoulanger. Osman Hamdi Bey also met his firstwifeMaria, a Frenchwoman, in Paris when he was a studentandthen had twodaughters. He was an Ottomanstatesman, intellectual, art expertandalso a prominentandpioneeringTurkishpainter. He wasalso an accomplishedarchaeologist, and is considered as thepioneer of themuseumcurator’sprofession in Turkey. He wasthefounder of IstanbulArchaeologyMuseumsand of IstanbulAcademy of FineArts (Sanayi-i Nefise Mektebi in Turkish, knowntoday as the Mimar Sinan University of FineArts. In brief ,he was an intellectual who looked forward to the future. His cultural and artistic activities and endeavors were to lead the society towards modernization.
Inthepaintingyouseethereflection of Frenchfashion in Ottomanperiod. Theelegantladiesdresssuchclotheswhentheygoto a specialinvitation. Theladydressesformerly a long, fullcoatwhich is called ‘’ ferace.’’ Insidethiscoatthere is a whitedress on her. As yousee her hair is coveredwith a clothlike a hat and her face is coveredwith a transparentveil. On theotherside, yousee a ladywhogoesto a specialinvitation, too. Shedresses a long, modern dresswithcleavage. Her hair is openand a part of elegance. Sheusesearringsand a purse as accessories. Instead of onlyeyemakeup in Ottomanperiod, women can applymakeup on theircompletefacestoday. Whenyoulook at thefeelings of portraits, yousee a ladywho is shyandformal in thepainting. Howeveryousee a self-confidentladywith a smilingface in thephoto. We can say thattherearebigdifferences in boththeirclothingstylesandmannersthatreflectthehabits of thepastandpresent…
Namık Ismail(1890, Samsun - 30 August1935 ,Istanbul ) Namık Ismailstarted his education in Istanbul. When he was in Primaryschool, he wassointerested in Art. After he had studied in Galatasaray HighSchool, he wentto Paris for Art education. First he trained at Academy of JulianandthenFernandCormonworkshops. In 1919 he camebacktoTurkeyandstartedtoteach Art. Then he workedfor a newspaper as an artist andeditor in chief.In 1922 he wentto Paris andwon a competitionthatwasrelatedtothebook ‘’LesDesenchantees’’ of PierreLoti.In 1928 he becamethedirector of Mimar Sinan FineArtsUniversity. Namık Ismailwasknownwith his realisticfiguresandlandscapepaintings.It is seenthat he followed an attitudefromstartingimpressionismtoreachingexpressionism in his paintings. He wasone of thedefenderartistswhosaid ‘’ Art is forsociety. ‘’
Both in thepaintingandthephototherearetwomiddleclassfamilies.Inthepaintingyouseethetraditionalvillagers’ clothes of Ottomanperiod. Bothwomenand men wearbaggytrousers (şalvar). Men wearhatswhicharecalled ‘’ fes.’’ Thewomenareveiled. Inthefamily life of that time, womenonlydealwithhouseworkandlookafterthechildren. Men earntheirkeep of thefamily. Inthepaintingyouseethatthehouse is made of soil. Windows are in deepcovessothey can be used as shelves. On thewallstherearesomeIslamicitemsandpicturesandsomesymbols of fertility.Thefurniturearemade of woodsuch as theloungethatthey sit. However, in todayphotothetraditionalclothesgiveplacetoquitecomfortableand modern clothes. Youseehighapartmentsandconcretebuildings. Thisfamilylives in a flat. Theyhavesomedecorativeitemswhichreflecttheirlikes. More modern andstylishfurnitureareprefered. Furthermorewe can indicatethatbothwomenand men takeplacetogether in family life andalsowork life today.