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New Ideas influence the Colonies

New Ideas influence the Colonies. Chapter 3 Section 3 (Part 2). The Enlightenment. The Enlightenment was a renaissance movement in which people concluded the world was governed by law of math and science not by chance or miracles Copernicus, Galileo Galilei , Isaac Newton

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New Ideas influence the Colonies

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Presentation Transcript

  1. New Ideas influence the Colonies Chapter 3 Section 3 (Part 2)

  2. The Enlightenment • The Enlightenment was a renaissance movement in which people concluded the world was governed by law of math and science not by chance or miracles • Copernicus, Galileo Galilei , Isaac Newton • Science vs. Religion and Natural Rights

  3. Enlightenment

  4. Enlightenment in the colonies • Because Literacy was high in the colonies (esp. New England) Many colonists read about and were influenced by enlightenment ideas • Ben Franklin was greatly influenced by the Enlightenment, he conducted science experiments including his famous key in a storm proving lightening was electrical power

  5. Colonial Figures • Thomas Jefferson was also influenced by the enlightenment • He concluded that humans had natural rights, certain rights people had which governments could not take away.

  6. Jonathan Edwards • Jonathan Edwards was a Puritan preacher who emphasized the personal side of religion. (you decide if you go to heaven (Unlike Predestination) • His sermons are published and widely read by colonists.

  7. Quote from Edwards famous sermon “[It is] God that holds you over the pit of hell, much as one holds a spider: his wrath towards you burns like a fire; he looks upon you as worthy of nothing else but to be cast into the fire;…and yet it is nothing but His hand that hold you from falling into the fire every moment” Very graphic description; You control your own fate

  8. The Great Awakening • In the 1730s and 1740s religion in the colonies changed • The Great Awakening was a religious revival. Religion changes from the old puritan way of a minister preaching to simpler, more emotional style.

  9. Great Awakening Cont. • Religion is more accessible to the common man. • New dominations spring up such as Baptist and Methodist. • Native Americans and African Americans are included in organized churches.

  10. The Old Style (pre- Great Awakening)

  11. New Colleges formed • More church members required more ministers • Colleges formed to train ministers include Princeton (1746) Columbia (1754) Dartmouth (1769) and Brown (1764)

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