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Radio’s Weekly Reach Remains Consistent

Radio’s Weekly Reach Remains Consistent. ## Indicateds that beginning with the RADAR 95 December 2007 report, the audience estimates produced may be based on varying combinations of PPM and Diary respondents until 2011 when measurement mix became consistent

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Radio’s Weekly Reach Remains Consistent

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  1. Radio’s Weekly Reach Remains Consistent ## Indicateds that beginning with the RADAR 95 December 2007 report, the audience estimates produced may be based on varying combinations of PPM and Diary respondents until 2011 when measurement mix became consistent Source: RADAR 75 Fall 2002 - RADAR 115, December 2012; Radio Usage; All Radio; Persons 12+; Monday-Sunday 6am-12midnight; Weekly Cume Persons and Rating.

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