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A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SOCIO- ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STATUS OF LOCALS AND THAI ETHNIC MINORITY IN VIETNAM. Final Thesis Defense . Nguyen The Manh manhvasi2004@yahoo.com Committee: Dr. Mokbul Morshed Ahmad (Chairperson) Prof. Jayant Kumar Routray (Member)
A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SOCIO- ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STATUS OF LOCALS AND THAI ETHNIC MINORITY IN VIETNAM Final Thesis Defense Nguyen The Manh manhvasi2004@yahoo.com Committee: Dr. Mokbul Morshed Ahmad (Chairperson) Prof. Jayant Kumar Routray (Member) Dr. Soparth Pongquan (Member) AIT,SERD, 2011
Objectives of the Study The general objective is to assess socioeconomic aspects of Thai ethnic people in Vietnam Specific Objectives • To examine the socioeconomic status of Thai ethnic minority groups; • To specify the problem of Thai ethnic group regarding development status compared to Local group; • To assess the policies regarding of socioeconomic for ethnic minority; and • To give recommendation for the development socioeconomic of Thai ethnic minority for policy makers. 26/2/13 2
Conceptual Framework of the Research 26/2/13 3
Chapter 2: Literature Review 2.1 Ethnic Minority/Indigenous People in the World 2.1.1 Definition 2.1.2 Indigenous People in Philippine 2.1.3 Indigenous People in Bolivia 2.1.4 Indigenous People in Guatemala 2.1.5 Indigenous People in Nepal 2.1.6 Ethnic Minority in Thailand 2.1.7 Ethnic People in China 2.1.8 Ethnic Minority People in Cambodia 2.1.9 Ethnic Minority in Laos PDR 2.2 Ethnic Minority/Indigenous People in Vietnam 26/2/13 4
Chapter 3: Methodology of the Research • Study Area • One of the mountainous area in North of Vietnam; • Thanh An located far from Dien bien phu city only 15-20 km • Most of population: Thai ethnic minority ( more than 60%); • The Ethnic Minority poverty rate: 40% to 50%; • Thai Ethnic: second largest of number population (1,500,000 people). 26/2/13 5
Study Area (Dien Bien Province) Map of Study Area Source: Thanh An Office 2010 26/2/13 6
Sampling Procedure and Method 26/2/13 7
Data Collection Method 26/2/13 8
Chapter 4 Profile of the Study Area Dien Bien Province • Mountainous, one of poor province • North-west region far from Hanoi 650 km (GSO, 2009) • Population: 468,280 (DSO 2007) • Land area :9,554 km2 • Ethnic minority: 21 EMs • Climate/Weather: 24 to 270C • Humidity: 84% • Rainfall: 1,500 mm - 2,700 mm Map of Study Area 26/2/13 9
Chapter 5 Main Findings Profile of Household Household Size There was no difference in household size between Thai ethnic minority households and Local households Source: Field Survey, 2010 26/2/13 10
Chapter 5 Main Findings (Cont…) Age of the Respondents There was no difference in terms of age both groups. Source: Field Survey, 2010 26/2/13 11
Chapter 5 Main Findings (Cont…) Land Holding of Households Source: Field Survey, 2010 26/2/13 12
Chapter 5 Main Findings (Cont…) Land Ownership by Households There are a difference in terms of total land ownership Source: Field Survey, 2010 26/2/13 13
Chapter 5 Main Findings (Cont…) Total Land Use Unit: Square meter Source: Field Survey, 2010 26/2/13 14
Chapter 5 Main Findings (Cont…) Education Education of Respondents It was found that the education level of Local respondents was better than that of Thai ethnic respondent in terms of all three educational levels. Source: Field Survey, 2010 26/2/13 15
Chapter 5 Main Findings (Cont…) Number of Children per Household There was no difference between two groups in terms of number of children per household according to statistical analysis Source: Field Survey, 2010 26/2/13 16
Chapter 5 Main Findings (Cont…) Educational Level of Children There is no difference in primary, Secondary, High school, but difference in University level Source: Field Survey, 2010 26/2/13 17
Chapter 5 Main Findings (Cont…) Perception of Respondents on Education There was a difference between Thai ethnic and Local people in terms of perception on education for children Source: Field Survey, 2010 26/2/13 18
Chapter 5 Main Findings (Cont…) Level of Satisfaction on Education There was a significant difference in termss of satisfaction on education between two groups Source: Field Survey, 2010 26/2/13 19
Chapter 5 Main Findings (Cont…) Living Condition and Health Care System Source: Field Survey, 2010 26/2/13 20
Chapter 5 Main Findings (Cont…) Drinking Water Source There is a difference between two groups in terms of water source Source: Field Survey, 2010 26/2/13 21
Chapter 5 Main Findings (Cont…) Food Shortage There are a difference in terms of food shortage, more Thai ethnic households experience inadequate food than Local households None: enough food Source: Field Survey, 2010 26/2/13 22
Chapter 5 Main Findings (Cont…) Employment Main Employment Source: Field Survey, 2010 26/2/13 23
Chapter 5 Main Findings (Cont…) Secondary Occupation of Respondent and Spouse Source: Field Survey, 2010 26/2/13 24
Chapter 5 Main Findings (Cont…) Economic Status Income Unit: 1,000 VND There are a differences in terms of income between two groups, Local households have income better than that of Thai ethnic minority in significant Source: Field Survey, 2010 26/2/13 25
Chapter 5 Main Findings (Cont…) Distribution of Household Income by Classification Unit: 1,000 VND Source: Field Survey, 2010 26/2/13 26
Chapter 5 Main Findings (Cont…) Household Expenditure 26/2/13 27
Chapter 5 Main Findings (Cont…) Poverty Situation of Ethnic Households Unit: 1,000 VND Saving by Groups saving = total income – total expenditure - : negative saving There is a difference in terms of saving between two groups in significant Source: Field Survey, 2010 26/2/13 28
Chapter 5 Main Findings (Cont…) Poverty Situation by Groups Note: 1 USD = 20,050 VND, Source: VietCombank 2010) In sum, the rate of Thai ethnic poverty were significantly higher than that of local households Source: Field Survey, 2010 26/2/13 29
Chapter 5 Main Findings (Cont…) Credit Borrowing situation It can be said that, there was a difference between Thai ethnic minority and Local people in terms of loan taking Source: Field Survey, 2010 26/2/13 30
Chapter 5 Main Findings (Cont…) Loan Amount Unit: 1,000 VND In sum, there were a difference between Thai ethnic minority and Local people in terms of loan amount. Source: Field Survey, 2010 26/2/13 31
Chapter 5 Main Findings (Cont…) Loan Purpose Source: Field Survey, 2010 26/2/13 32
Chapter 6: Assessment of Perspective on Their Backwardness of People Perspective of Respondents Source: Field Survey, 2010 26/2/13 33
Chapter 6: Assessment of Their Backwardness SWOT of Socioeconomic Aspects 26/2/13 34
Chapter 6: Assessment of Perspective on Their Backwardness of People SWOT of Socioeconomic Aspects 26/2/13 35
Chapter 7:Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendations Summary of Main Findings Household size: No difference Respondent’s age: Not different Land ownership: a different in terms of cropland, no different in terms of total land ownership Education: there was different in education of respondents Education for children: no different, but at university level, a different in significance statistic testing. Health Care and Living Condition: There were still have many constrains and limitation in terms of health care system, and clinic etc Employment: Most of villagers in Thanh An has lived base on agricultural activities Thai ethnic minority tends to move to city to earn money, work as wage labor 26/2/13 36
Chapter 7:Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation Economic Aspect • There was disparity in terms of economic aspects • Thai ethnic household did not have enough income for daily life (50%) • The poverty rate of Thai ethnic households (36.84%), 1USD/person/day, the rate of poverty 65.8%, poverty of Local household increased to 10%. If poverty line condition is 1.25USD/person/day, Thai ethnic 84%, 30% for Local households. Credit and Loan More Thai ethnic households (57.9%) took loan compare to Local households (21.2%). Many of Thai ethnic misused loan Policy The unsuitable policy still existed in each policy; no perfect policy, no policy for market and disable people Poverty reduction policy, most policy just focused the result of policy not find out the root cause of poverty in order to help poor people sustainable escape poverty 26/2/13 37
Chapter 7:Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation Conclusion + Big disparity socioeconomic development status + Thai ethnic minority people are less development than Local people in terms of perception, education. + Thai ethnic minority people are poor and passive not only economic aspect but also poor in knowledge that why even they are poor but they are not felling poor. + Although supporting by government in terms of programs and policies but Thai ethnic minority cannot get much benefit compare to Local people + The conventional culture somehow brings direct or indirect impact to Thai ethnic minority in terms of negative impact on socioeconomic aspects + Capacity of Local Leaders were limited, lacked skills working, low salary, as a result not willing to work. 26/2/13 38
Chapter 7:Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation Recommendation • Capacity of local leader • Government of Vietnam provides the policy should very clear and more focus on education for children next time in order to reduce poverty • Creative more occupation for both Thai ethnic and Local people • In terms of health care and living condition, government should enhance, provide more project in health care and clean water source. • The government should provide the policies and programs in terms of poverty reduction and sustain escape poverty, particular focus not only economic but also focus other aspect as health care, knowledge, occupation, living condition (multi-dimension poverty) • To improve and provide the policy on terms of market orientation. • “OVOP (One Village One Product) as OTOP in Thailand” 26/2/13 39
Chapter 7:Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation • Government also should take care of non agricultural sector and migrated employment because Thai ethnic minority tends to move to city earning money • Government should also reform the program in poverty reduction (P 135 phase III) sustainable escape poverty • Call for more stakeholders in terms of funding, all part of society should take care of ethnic minority people, NGOs, private sector, philanthropy Further research • An assessment agricultural sector and analysis of agricultural policy which impact on income of Thai ethnic minority. • Study on impact climate change on socioeconomic status of ethnic people. • Research on impact of wage worker on livelihood of Thai ethnic society. 26/2/13 40
Thank you very much 26/2/13 41
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