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Organic Compounds

Organic Compounds. AP Biology. The Chemistry of Carbon. The Uniqueness and Variety of Carbon.

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Organic Compounds

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  1. Organic Compounds AP Biology

  2. The Chemistry of Carbon

  3. The Uniqueness and Variety of Carbon

  4. Don’t forget the structure and function relationship. The shape of a molecule is important because structure often determines function (or, if you prefer, the shape probably evolved for a particular function). See page 41 in text.

  5. Chemical Groups

  6. Functional Groups; take place in the chemical reactions.

  7. Smaller organic molecules join together to form larger molecules (macromolecules) • 4 major classes of macromolecules: • Carbohydrates • Lipids • Proteins • Nucleic acids Macromolecules

  8. Long molecules built by linking a chain of repeating smaller units together • polymers • monomers = repeated small units • Held together by covalent bonds (shared pairs of electrons) Polymers

  9. Condensation reaction • Dehydration synthesis • Joins monomers by “taking” H2O out • 1 monomer provides OH • the other monomer provides H • together these form H2O • requires energy & enzymes How to build a polymer

  10. Hydrolysis • Use H2O to break apart monomers • Reverse of condensation reaction • H2O is split into H and OH • H & OH group attach where the covalent bond used to be • ex: Hydrolysis is used in digestion to break down large macromolecules How to break down a polymer

  11. Carbohydrates

  12. Carbohydrates are composed of C, H, O • carbo - hydr - ate CH2O (CH2O)x C6H12O6 • Function: • energy u energy storage • raw materials u structural materials Monomer: simple sugars (monosaccharides) • ex: sugars & starches

  13. What functional groups? carbonyl aldehyde ketone hydroxyl

  14. Most names for sugars end in -ose • Classified by number of carbons • 6C = hexose (glucose) • 5C = pentose (fructose, ribose) • 3C = triose (glyceraldehyde) Sugars

  15. 5C & 6C sugars form rings in aqueous solutions (in cells). Sugar structure Notice carbons are numbered

  16. C 6' C O 5' C C 4' 1' Numbered carbons C C 3' 2'

  17. Monosaccharides • simple 1 monomer sugars • glucose • Disaccharides • 2 monomers • sucrose • Polysaccharides • large polymers • starch Simple & complex sugars

  18. Disaccharide formed by dehydration synthesis. Two monosaccharides joined by a glycosidic linkage.

  19. Dehydration synthesis disaccharide monosaccharides Building sugars | glucose | maltose | glucose glycosidic linkage

  20. Dehydration synthesis monosaccharides disaccharide | glucose | fructose | sucrose structural isomers glycosidic linkage

  21. Polymers of sugars • costs little energy to build • easily reversible = release energy • Function: • energy storage • starch (plants) • glycogen (animals) • building materials = structure • cellulose (plants) • chitin (arthropods & fungi) Polysaccharides

  22. Branched vs linear polysaccharides

  23. Molecular structure determines function Polysaccharide diversity • isomers of glucose • How does structure influence function???

  24. Digesting starch vs. cellulose

  25. Most abundant organic compound on Earth Cellulose

  26. Which food will get into your blood more quickly? • apple • rice cakes • corn flakes • bagel • peanut M&M Glycemic index

  27. Ranking of carbohydrates based on their immediate effect on blood glucose (blood sugar) levels • Carbohydrate foods that breakdown quickly during digestion have the highest glycemic indices. Their blood sugar response is fast & high. Glycemic index

  28. Which food will get into your blood more quickly? • apple 36 • rice cakes 82 • corn flakes 84 • bagel 72 • peanut M&M 33 Glycemic index

  29. Lipids

  30. Lipids are composed of C, H, O • long hydrocarbon chain • Diverse group • fats • phospholipids • steroids • Do not form polymers • big molecules made of subunit smaller molecules • not a continuing chain

  31. Structure: • glycerol (3C alcohol) + fatty acid • fatty acid = long HC “tail” with COOH group at “head” Fats dehydration synthesis

  32. Triacylglycerol • 3 fatty acids linked to glycerol • ester linkage = between OH & COOH Fat

  33. Dehydration synthesis

  34. Long HC chain • polar or non-polar? • hydrophilic or hydrophobic? • Function: • energy storage • very rich • 2x carbohydrates • cushion organs • insulates body • think whale blubber! Fats

  35. All C bonded to H • No C=C double bonds • long, straight chain • most animal fats • solid at room temp. • contributes to cardiovascular disease (atherosclerosis) = plaque deposits Saturated fats

  36. C=C double bonds in the fatty acids • plant & fish fats • vegetable oils • liquid at room temperature • the kinks made by double bonded C prevent the molecules from packing tightlytogether Unsaturated fats

  37. Structure: • glycerol + 2 fatty acids + PO4 • PO4 negatively charged • other small molecules may also be attached • adenine (ATP) Phospholipids

  38. Hydrophobic or hydrophilic? • fatty acid tails = hydrophobic • PO4 = hydrophilic head • dual “personality” Phospholipids • interaction with H2O is complex • & very important!

  39. Hydrophilic heads attracted to H2O • Hydrophobic tails “hide” from H2O • self-assemble into aggregates • micelle • liposome • early evolutionary stage of cell? Phospholipids in water

  40. Phospholipids define outside vs. inside • Where do we find phospholipids in cells? • cell membranes Why is this important?

  41. Phospholipids of cell membrane • double layer = bilayer • hydrophilic heads on outside • in contact with aqueous solution • hydrophobic tails on inside • form core • forms barrier between cell & external environment Phospholipids & cells

  42. ex: cholesterol, sex hormones • 4 fused C rings • different steroids created by attaching different functional groups to rings cholesterol Steroids

  43. Diversity in steroids

  44. What a big difference a little atom can make! From Cholesterol  Sex Hormones

  45. Important cell component • animal cell membranes • precursor of all other steroids • including vertebrate sex hormones • high levels in blood may contribute to cardiovascular disease Cholesterol

  46. helps keep cell membranes fluid & flexible Cholesterol

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