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Clinical Commissioning In Action - Unleashing The Power Key survey results Joint NHS Alliance / NAPC e-survey of CCGs

Clinical Commissioning In Action - Unleashing The Power Key survey results Joint NHS Alliance / NAPC e-survey of CCGs Julie Wood National Director Clinical Commissioning NHS Alliance.

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Clinical Commissioning In Action - Unleashing The Power Key survey results Joint NHS Alliance / NAPC e-survey of CCGs

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  1. Clinical Commissioning In Action - Unleashing The PowerKey survey results Joint NHS Alliance / NAPC e-survey of CCGs Julie Wood National Director Clinical Commissioning NHS Alliance

  2. Survey undertaken late Aug / early September 2011 to test the ‘temperature’ of the transition to Clinical Commissioning • 131 responses • Over 55% responses from GPs involved in CCGs / 27% are from emerging CCG managers / 18 % ‘others’ many from Practice Managers • Responses received from across SHAs

  3. Commissioning support Shape, size & configuration Management support in transition Confidence & engagement in commissioning Relationships with PCT clusters Obstacles

  4. Shape / size & configuration We asked..... .... Is your emerging CCG facing pressure from the PCT cluster to change its size/shape to pass their ‘viability’ test in October 2011 36% said Yes 50% said No .... Is your CCG being told it can only include practices who are ‘neighbours’ irrespective of their desire/ ability to be part of the same CCG 28% said Yes 57% said No

  5. Shape / size & configuration We asked..... .... Is your CCG going to make a case for the NHS Commissioning Board to accept a lack of co- terminosity with the Local Authority 30% said Yes 57% said No 13% Don’t know For those who said Yes – why is this? Natural patient flows / desire to work with like minded practices

  6. Commissioning Support We asked.... .... Has your CCG been fully involved in shaping the commissioning support ‘offer’ that is being developed for use locally? 47% said Yes 32% said No 21% Not sure ... Is your CCG being restricted in the commissioning support ‘offer’ it is able to access? 46% said Yes 35% said No 19% Not sure

  7. Commissioning Support We asked.... .... If you are being restricted, why is this? (asked to tick all that apply so sum greater than 100%) 60% said ‘only offered existing PCT cluster support 40% Being given no choice at all 47% not being made aware of all possible choices 21% having to bear the financial consequences of not taking the PCT ‘offer’ .... Do you think that your CCG should be free to decide from where you source your commissioning support 84% said Yes 11% said No

  8. ... What is your level of confidence about the commissioning support offer providing you with what you need during and after transition in order to fully discharge your statutory functions? Fully/quite confident 22% Lack some confidence 42% Not confident at all 19% .... What help/advice are you receiving to develop your ability to act as ‘intelligent customers’ of commissioning support? Not being helped much at all No real choice PCT is designing it We designed it!

  9. Relationships with PCT clusters & style of working We asked.... .... How would you describe your relationship with PCT clusters? (asked to tick all that apply so sum greater than 100%) Locally enabling & permissive 35% Developmental & supportive 34% Controlling & directing 32% Performance managing & centralist 30% Mirroring previous style 28% Too early to tell 16%

  10. .... How would you describe the style of working coming out from guidance in relation to NHS CB and transitional PCT clusters? Too centralist 44% About right 18% Can’t tell 32% Too prescriptive 19% Too remote 9%

  11. Confidence & engagement in commissioning We asked.... .... How engaged is your CCG in the local health community QIPP plan ? Very engaged 61% Somewhat engaged 32% Minimal /no engagement 7% ... How confident are you that when you are authorised, it will not have to deal with legacy debt from the former PCT? Fully / quite confident 27% Lack confidence 31% Not at all confident 36%

  12. ... As an emerging CCG what level of confidence do you currently have in terms of feeling ‘liberated’ in being able to commission services as you see fit within available resources? Fully confident 4% Fairly confident 27% Not confident 50% Not sure 19% ... What level of commissioning budgets have now been delegated to your emerging CCG? None All

  13. .... How confident are you that you will be ready for full authorisation to go live in April 2013? Very confident 17% Confident 43% Not sure 24% Not confident 15%

  14. Management support in transition We asked.... .... Are you in receipt of the £2 per head management support in addition to any monies received under ‘PBC rules’? Yes 74% No 14% Don’t know 12% ... Are you receiving the level of development support that you can expect from the recent DH guidance from your PCT cluster? Yes 51% No 34% Don’t know 15%

  15. .... Have you now got PCT staff assigned to support you in making the transition to CCGs? Yes 79% No 17% Don’t know 4%

  16. Obstacles We asked.... .... Are there any obstacles / issues that are getting in the way of a smooth transition to CCG? Lack of time Lack of guidance Over domination of PCT cluster The day job! The debt we may inherit Lack of clarity about running costs Cross boundary issues Tiers of hierachy & bureaucracy

  17. Obstacles – Group A Relationships – Group B Making a real difference – Group C Leadership – Group D What are the key issues for you? What do you want US as the collective voice of emerging CCGs take forward on your behalf in our discussions with Ministers / Department of Health / emerging NHS Commissioning Board / others?

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