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sPHENIX PD-2/3 Review Level-3: Trigger

sPHENIX PD-2/3 Review Level-3: Trigger. Jamie Nagle (University of Colorado Boulder) May 28-30, 2019 BNL. The L3 Trigger Component. Level-1 Trigger System (WBS 1.6.2). 1.6.2 Level-1 Trigger MBD, EMCal , HCal. 1.6 DAQ Timing System Global Trigger Decision. 1.5 EMCal FEE

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sPHENIX PD-2/3 Review Level-3: Trigger

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  1. sPHENIX PD-2/3 ReviewLevel-3: Trigger Jamie Nagle (University of Colorado Boulder) May 28-30, 2019 BNL sPHENIX PD-2/3 Review

  2. The L3 Trigger Component Level-1 Trigger System (WBS 1.6.2) 1.6.2 Level-1 Trigger MBD, EMCal, HCal 1.6 DAQ Timing System Global Trigger Decision 1.5 EMCal FEE 1.5 HCal FEE 1.7 MBD FEE Front End Electronics • Goals – sample luminosity pp, pAu, AuAu for rare probes (photons, jets, Yee) • Trigger inputs – EM + H Calorimeter: tower energy sums 2x2 (8 bits each) • – Min.Bias. Detector (MBD): mean time each side, energy • Trigger outputs – Summary information to Global Level-1 within 4 microseconds, • trigger primitive archiving sPHENIX PD-2/3 Review

  3. Key Physics and Trigger Detectors • Key Physics • High pT Jets, Hadrons • High pT Photons • Upsilonee • Key Trigger Detectors • Minimum Bias Detector • interaction, zvertex, mult. • Electromagnetic Calo. • photon, electron energy • Hadronic Calo. • - Combine with EMCal for jets sPHENIX PD-2/3 Review

  4. Trigger Rate Overview sPHENIX 5-Year Run Plan • Trigger needs to deliver the physics within the • 15 kHz DAQ bandwidth constraint. • Au+Au plan – record minimum bias events at ~ 15 kHz (MBD Level-1 trigger). This delivers 239 billion events. • p+p and p+Au plan – sample full luminosity for key physics (EMCal and HCal Level-1 triggers). • Again 15 kHz archive rate. sPHENIX PD-2/3 Review

  5. L3 Trigger Technical Overview • Digital inputs well-defined (advanced calorimeter FEE prototypes) • Level-1 digital electronics platform, two technology options • Custom electronics designed at Nevis Laboratories • FPGA Algorithm development underway • No major technical issues to be resolved sPHENIX PD-2/3 Review

  6. L3 Trigger Scope • Digital electronics system (boards [12-15], backplane, crate, slow controller) calculating trigger primitives • Well-defined Front End Electronics input (note that same Nevis team has designed the Calorimeter and MBD FEE). • Well-defined clock synch inputs • Well-defined latency time for Level-1 calculations • Final output bits to Global Level-1 for trigger decisions and additional output stream for archiving / debugging decision block (path through Data Collection Module II, also designed at Nevis). sPHENIX PD-2/3 Review

  7. L3 Trigger Collaborators Professor Jamie Nagle Professor Dennis Perepelitsa Dr. Sanghoon Lim University of Colorado Boulder Dr. Cheng-Yi Chi Columbia University, Nevis Laboratories PHENIX Trigger Coordinator (2002-2010) sPHENIX Jet Working Group Co-Convener sPHENIX Calorimeter FEE, MBD electronics PHENIX DAQ / Electronics • Previous successful electronics collaborations: • PHENIX Data Collection Modules • PHENIX Resistive Plate Chamber Electronics • PHENIX Data Collection Modules II sPHENIX PD-2/3 Review

  8. Schedule Drivers • Technology down-select January, 2019  review held January 23, 2019, endorsed custom design selection with green light to proceed • Complete design and moving to first round prototype • Included second round of prototyping (to be conservative) • Already well-defined FEE trigger input (good) • No major external schedule drivers sPHENIX PD-2/3 Review

  9. Cost Drivers • Cost structured as four contracts with Nevis Laboratories for deliverables • Design ($90k), Prototype1 ($83k), Prototype2 ($60k), Production ($117k) • Engineering time and board components (FPGA, transceiver/receivers) • No big surprises, all components commercially available, project well within scale of similar projects by Nevis/Colorado team. sPHENIX PD-2/3 Review

  10. Milestones LL1 Trigger Design S261400 9/28/2018  Complete LL1 Trigger Prototype v1 S262300 4/10/2019  Underway LL1 Trigger Preprod complete S262700 4/15/2020 LL1 Trigger Prototype v2 S263900 10/01/2020 LL1 Trigger Production S264700 3/5/2021 LL1 Trigger Production Complete S265300 7/12/2021 Currently on schedule with milestones… sPHENIX PD-2/3 Review

  11. Status and Highlights • Preliminary board layout • Proceeding to full prototype • Algorithm development work sPHENIX PD-2/3 Review

  12. Physics Algorithms • Hadronic jets • SUM over EMCAL + Hadronic towers • With 0.2 eta X 0.2 phi tower overlapping 2x2 sum. • Threshold apply over the 2x2 sum. Isolation cuts. • Upsilonee pair trigger • With EMCAL 4x4 overlapping sum • SUM threshold applied, isolation cut applied • 10 bits energy with both eta and phi angle • 3 bits eta and phi address will be enough to reconstruct the mass. • look up table to deal with the math associate with angles. sPHENIX PD-2/3 Review

  13. Full GEANT4 Trigger Simulations sPHENIX PD-2/3 Review

  14. Full GEANT4 Trigger Simulations sPHENIX PD-2/3 Review

  15. ES&H / QA Our system does not have gas, mechanical, radiation, etc. hazards The main identified safety hazard is electrical safety (> 50 V bucket input). All board components are commercially available, no custom chips Custom-developed board are subject to the relevant safety reviews and sign-offs by our Electrical Equipment Inspector All components are fused, have breakers, etc. (all in racks with “buckets”) Standard smoke / water detector protection Note that crate, backplane, board power distribution all copies from Calorimeter electronics design sPHENIX PD-2/3 Review

  16. Issues and Concerns No major schedule, cost, or technical concerns. Risk is due to fact we are just completing conceptual design. However, negligible residual schedule impact and low potential cost impact. sPHENIX PD-2/3 Review

  17. Summary Algorithms well understood. Electronics well matched to physics / algorithm requirements. Electronics design down-select complete. Custom Nevis electronics has preliminary board layout. The sPHENIX Level-1 Trigger system is ready for PD-2/3! sPHENIX PD-2/3 Review

  18. Back Up sPHENIX PD-2/3 Review

  19. Schematic Blocks Pair Trigger 16 inputs From EMCAL Shower max HCAL Level 1 Trigger primitives concentrator 24 fibers Outer HCAL GL1 8 fibers output 24 fibers inner HCAL Jet Trigger 16 inputs From EMCAL 8X8 sum GL1 8 inputs From HCAL 2x2 sum 0.2X0.2 eta and phi sPHENIX PD-2/3 Review

  20. Module count • Each trigger processing block cover 16 channel in phi, • 16 (256/16) trigger blocks will cover EMCAL section • 1 Trigger blocks for HCAL concentrator • 1 trigger processing block for the pair trigger • 1 for jet physics. • So we are talking about around 10 Modules to do the whole L1 trigger • 1 crate for the moment sPHENIX PD-2/3 Review

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