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Jamie M. Holmes, MLS Reference & Instruction Librarian Northeastern State University, BA

Jamie M. Holmes, MLS Reference & Instruction Librarian Northeastern State University, BA. Information Literacy Skills. 50 Minute Instruction Session. Professor Requested Objectives. True learning = seeing +hearing + doing + processing!. Survivor Island – Grammar Style!.

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Jamie M. Holmes, MLS Reference & Instruction Librarian Northeastern State University, BA

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jamie M. Holmes, MLSReference & Instruction LibrarianNortheastern State University, BA

  2. Information Literacy Skills 50 Minute Instruction Session Professor Requested Objectives

  3. True learning = seeing +hearing + doing + processing! Survivor Island – Grammar Style! Instruction should be student centered!

  4. Host can gauge how learners are doing Helps build camaraderie Discussion on teams increases understanding Supports diverse learning styles: visual, auditory and kinesthetic Events w/ emotion= long-lasting learning Boredom/apathy do not promote learning Learners need repeated practice and immediate feedback Use both competition and collaboration Avoids long periods of passive listening & too much hectic activity “Games are one of the most highly effective ways to engage adult learners”

  5. Motivation

  6. 1st place gets 3 tickets 2nd place gets 2 tickets 3rd place gets 1 ticket Grand Prize = 100 pages on library print server

  7. Image Credits, Links & References NSUBA Campus: http://www.nsuok.edu/goodies/wallpaper/brokenarrow640x480.jpg Day 5 Sleeeeepy: http://www.flickr.com/photos/crock/297090749/ Portrait of a College Student: http://www.flickr.com/photos/reflection/2087916305/ NSU Libraries Curriculum & Instruction Department page: http://library.nsuok.edu/collegeed/cni/index.html and various Tech Smith logos from: http://www.techsmith.com/ Sleeping person image from: Office Online, http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/clipart/default.aspx Survivor Library blog: http://www.survivorlibrary.blogspot.com/ Surviving the Library Wiki: http://survivingthelibrary.pbwiki.com/ Yaman, D. & Covington, M. (2006). I’ll take learning for 500: Using gameshows to engage, motivate and train. San Francisco: Pheiffer. Various EBSCOHost screen shots. Facts from Yaman & Covington (full reference above) Candy & money images from: Office Online, http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/clipart/default.aspx Document presented to students in library instruction sessions: Library Mission Possible Stormy Clouds Cover the Jungle: http://www.flickr.com/photos/lapidim/43201197/ Mission Impossible (film, 1996) poster from The Internet Movie Database: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0117060/ Mission Impossible logo (TV series, CBS, original logo) from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mission:_Impossible Mission Impossible Theme Song (15 second clip) from my copy of Television's Greatest Hits, Vol. 1: From the 50's and 60's [SOUNDTRACK]. Available from http://www.amazon.com/Televisions-Greatest-Hits-Vol-50s/dp/B000000GOI

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