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Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs): What you need to know to stay healthy. STD Community Interventions Program (SCIP) STD Control Branch California Department of Health Services. Every 97 seconds a teenager in California is infected with an STD. ...37 teens every hour,.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs):What you need to know to stay healthy STD Community Interventions Program (SCIP) STD Control Branch California Department of Health Services
Every 97 seconds a teenager in California is infected with an STD... ...37 teens every hour, • ...891 teens every day, ...26,730 teens every month
Treatable…but repeatable Syphilis Chlamydia Gonorrhea Trichomoniasis Crabs (pubic lice) Not curable...some life-long HSV (Herpes Simplex Virus) HPVs (Human Papilloma viruses) HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) HBV (Hepatitis B Virus) The Major STDs
Yeast andbacterial vaginosis (BV) are not considered sexually transmitted infections… Caution: BUT, symptoms caused by these organisms may mimic other STDs If you are having sex, and think you have one of these infections, it is important to get it checked out by a doctor or nurse and NOT treat it with over the counter medications.
3 of every 5gonorrhea and chlamydia cases in California are Among 15 – 24 year olds.
Four Most Common STDs Among Sexually Active Teens in California HPVs Trichomoniasis Chlamydia HSV (genital herpes)
Why Teens Have High Rates of STDs: Only 3 of every 5sexually active teens (15 – 19 years of age) used a condom at last sexual intercourse.
Why Teens Have High Rates of STDs: The large number of 15-24 year olds infected with STDs increases the odds of meeting someone who already hasan STD. Can you tell who has an STD?
Why Teens Have High Rates of STDs: People often don’t have enough information about the health of their sex partners – and don’t protect themselves.
Why Teens Have High Rates of STDs: Some teens are in relationships with older partners who often control their decisions. Sometimes they have trouble getting their older partners to use condoms to prevent STDs or unwanted pregnancy.
What are the odds that a sexually active teen will get an STD this year? • 1 out of 2 • 1 out of 4 • 1 out of 5
Why teens need to know about STDS: 1 of every 4sexually active teens in California will get anSTDthis year... ...which is about325,000 teens getting an STD this year!
325,000 STD-infected CA teens will fill the Rose Bowl over 3 ½ times!!
Medical Complications of STDs If a young girl or woman gets an STD, she could end up with: -Cervical cancer - Pelvic Inflammatory Disease - Tubal pregnancy - Permanent pelvic pain - Infertility (inability to have babies)
Medical Complications of STDs • In men or women, STDs can result in: • Liver disease or cancer • Anal cancer • Nervous system problems • AIDS (from sexually transmitted HIV) • Death
Medical Complications of STDs If apregnant womanhas an STD, her baby could end up with: • Eye infections resulting in blindness • Lung infections • Brain infections • Birth defects • being Stillborn (born dead) .
Stress and difficulty in telling current or past sex partners they need to get tested and possibly treated. Having an STD for the rest of your life. Herpes and HIV are incurable, life-long infections. More Problems Linked to STDs
Fear and distress in telling future sex partners that you have an incurable STD – and they could get it from you. Worry about the long-term effect of an incurable STD on your body and health. More Problems Linked to STDs
STDs increase the chances for giving and getting HIV by3 – 5 Times!! * Chlamydia * Genital Herpes * Gonorrhea * Syphilis * Trichomonas
STD Transmission Direct contactwith an STD lesion, sore, or infected tissue through oral, anal, vaginal sex…and other intimate sexual contact Transfer of STD-infected semen & vaginal fluids, discharge, or bloodthrough oral, anal, vaginal sex STD organisms can be passed even when there are no signs or symptoms present!
How you can protect yourself: • Not having sex (oral, anal, vaginal) is the only sure way to avoid STDs.
How you can protect yourself: • Talk to your partner about STDs • and agree to protect yourselves if or when you have sex.
How you can protect yourself: 3) If you have sex - use condoms correctly each time for oral, anal, vaginal sex. Quick Fact: Latex condoms reduce – but don’t eliminate - the chances of STD transmission. This is because some STDs might infect areas not covered by a condom.
How you can protect yourself: Quick Fact: Birth control pills, the shot (depo), the ring, or the birth control patch do notprotect against STDs.
How you can protect yourself: 4) It’s safer to have sex with only one partner, who has sex only with you – and who doesn’t have an STD infection.
But…even if you have unprotected sex with just one person… you can’t really know about his/her sex partners… or their sex partners – or the STDs that could be passed to you. You
How you can protect yourself: 5) Avoid sex-under-the-influence (SUI) of alcohol and other drugs. 6) If you have sex, get tested for STDs at a doctor’s office or clinic at least once a year. If you are female – also ask your doctor about a Pap Test.
Minor Consent for STD Care Anyone 12 years old or older can be tested and treated for STD infections without permission by parents or guardians… CA Family Code 6926 (a) Healthcare providers cannot notify parents or guardians when minors get tested or treated for STDs. P r i v a t e
How would you know if you have an STD?
Most people with STD infections haveNO signs or symptoms!! However, if symptoms are present, they may include: - itching/burning - discharge (genitals/anus) - blisters - open sores (with/without pain) - abnormal bleeding - painful intercourse - burning urination - swelling of/around genitals - abdominal pain - warts (on/around genitals/anus) - rash (body, palms, soles) You can’t tell by looking if someone is infected or not!!
Caution… Most people with herpes don’t know they are infected because their symptoms are mild or absent!!
Caution… About half of all males with Gonorrhea or Chlamydia will NOT have signs or symptoms - such as discharge or painful urination.
Caution… About 4 of 5females with Gonorrhea or Chlamydia will NOT have any signs or symptoms.
Young women who have chlamydia without any signs or symptoms can still develop PID
Most people with HPVs doNOT have the types that cause visible warts.
Remember: Even when no signs or symptoms are present... ...STDs can still be transmitted ...STD consequences like infertility or cervical cancer can still occur.
Anyone who has any of these signs or symptoms, should not try to treat themselves. Attention!! They should not borrow medicine or use any left-over medications. Instead, they should go to a doctor or clinic for the appropriate tests.
Key STD Facts for Teens If you get an STD - ALL sex partners should be informed that they might have an STD – even if they have no symptoms. Reinfection by untreated partners is common.
Key STD Facts continued... There is no single test for all STDs, so be sure to ask which STD tests are being done.
Where can teens get low-cost and confidential STD testing? • Teen-friendly Providers • 1-800-942-1054 http://www.familypact.org/pages/home/ • Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) • City or County Health Departments • Community Clinics • Your own doctor • For referral to STD clinics, call: • 1-800-232-4636 in English, en Español
NEW!! HPV Vaccine Gardasil protects against 4 HPV types that cause about 70% of cervical cancer and 90% of genital warts. Nearly 100% effective in clinical trials. Recommended for girls 11-12 years old, up to age 26. Best if given before first sexual intercourse. If interested, discuss with your parents/doctor.
Safely Surrendered Baby Law Within 3 days of a birth, a person can anonymously turn over a baby to an official safe place – like a hospital or fire department – without being arrested. Surrendered babies are given medical treatment and placed in a foster home. A parent or guardian has up to 14 days from the time the baby is dropped off to reclaim the baby. For more information go to:www.babysafe.ca.gov
Myth Busters: True or False? • People with STDs usually will feel some kind of pain or see some sign of infection. FALSE • STDs usually happen to people who aren’t “clean”. FALSE • “SEX” occurs only when there is penis-in-vagina contact. FALSE
Myth Busters: True or False? • One of every four sexually active teens will get an STD this year. TRUE • The chance of passing STDs through oral sex is very low. FALSE • STDs are commonly transmitted even when no signs or symptoms are present. TRUE
Myth Busters: True or False? • HPV infections usually cause warts that can be seen on the genitals or anus. FALSE • STDs are passed by intimate sexual contact (vaginal, anal, oral) between partners. TRUE • Several STDs increase the chances for HIV transmission and HIV infection. TRUE
Myth Busters: True or False? • Infertility, still birth, birth defects, chronic pain, cervical cancer, liver failure, and death can result from STDs. TRUE • Herpes and HIV are incurable life-long infections. TRUE • The birth control pill and patch help lower the chances of getting an STD. FALSE