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This meeting in Hilton Head will review technical proposals, discuss the elevation of J5GSG to Task Group, and establish plans for future meetings.
5GSGHilton Head, South Carolina March 12-15, 2001 Bruce Kraemer, Intersil
General Guidelines • IP • If you know about patents or patent applications that are (or may be) required to implement the standards then be aware that the IEEE does have a patent policy • Submissions • Conform to Templates (on web, on flash card) • Submit prior to presentation (if at all possible) • No Logos on submissions • Document numbers available from 802.11vice chair Harry Worstel (or Secretary) • Roberts Rules of Order apply to meeting procedures • Available on IEEE web and flash • Voting Status • Anyone can vote in Study Group • In plenary, only 802.11 voting members can approve motions Bruce Kraemer, Intersil
5 GHZ GLOBALIZATION STUDY GROUP Meeting Objectives Hilton Head March 12-15, 2001 Review the results and actions from ETSI-BRAN#22 Review the results and actions from 5GWIAG meetings in Stockholm & Hilton Head Review technical proposals for near term Interworking mechanism Discuss PAR and 5 Criteria for elevation of J5GSG to Task Group within Thursday 802 ExCom via WG Plenary Discuss mechanism for creating proposed 5GPP to create single global standard Establish plans for BRAN#23 and subsequent meetings Bruce Kraemer, Intersil
5GSG - Near term Critical Action Items & Deadlines Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 10:30 – 12:00 Agenda, Minutes, Roll PAR* & 5 Criteria* Life extension of 5GSG 5GPP* & MOA* Prepare for Julius 10:30 – 12:00 Votes on PAR & 5 Criteria Life extension of 5GSG 5GPP & MOA Call for proposals AM 13:00-15:00 Julius Knapp - FCC PAR & 5 Criteria 5GPP & MOA Complete any open items Prepare for plenary votes Prepare for Excom Review proposals Prepare for next meetings 802.11 Plenary 13:00 – 15:00 Vote on PAR & 5 Criteria Life extension of 5GSG PM 20:00-23:00 Review proposals Finalize docs for voting Timeline Eve Bruce Kraemer, Intersil
Tuesday AM • 10:30 – 12:00 • Agenda • Minutes from Monterey and BRAN#22 • History Overview & Introduction • Life extension of 5GSG • PAR* & 5 Criteria* as drafted • Improve & Finalize • Prepare questions for Julius • 5GPP* & MOA* introduction Bruce Kraemer, Intersil
Meetings – Partial List Only • How best to conduct business and make progress in a multinational context? Must address at least… • Coordinated Documentation numbering system • Coordinated Meetings and Logistics among BRAN/IEEE802.11/MMAC • IEEE802.11 (Jan 12-15, Monterey, CA) • 5GWIAG (Feb 6 in Stockholm) • H2GF (Feb 21-23, Frankfurt, Germany) • IAG (March 11, Hilton Head, SC) • IEEE802.11 (March 12-15, Hilton Head, SC) • BRAN#23 (April 3-6, Sophia Antipolis, France) • 5GWIAG (May 13 Orlando?) • IEEE 802.11 (May 14-18, Orlando, FL) • H2GF (May 15-16, Princeton, NJ) • BRAN#24 (June 26-29, Sophia Antipolis, France) • IEEE802.11 (July 9-13, Portland, OR) • IEEE 802.11 (September 10-14, Sydney, Australia) • H2GF (September 11-13, Eindhoven, The Netherlands) • BRAN#25 (September 18-21, Sophia Antipolis, France) • IEEE802.11 (November 12-16, Austin, TX) • H2GF (November 20-21, ?) • BRAN#26 (December 4-7, Sophia Antipolis, France) Bruce Kraemer, Intersil
Standards Convergence Steps Assumption: This will also apply to MMAC Bruce Kraemer, Intersil
Assumption: This will also apply to MMAC Standards Convergence Steps Bruce Kraemer, Intersil
Regulatory Convergence Steps • Allowing 802.11a in Europe • DCS/TPC (TGh) • 802.11a would have to add the upper part of the band when talking about DFS, not just the lower 200 MHz portion of the Band • It is unclear whether there is a 2nd step needed for 802.11a to be classified as a HiperLAN2 • Currently, ERC calls out HiperLAN1 and HiperLAN2 “as defined by ETSI” as the legal standards in Europe, but not certain how this could be interpreted • Need to write a test specification for 802.11a for certifying the radio • Allowing HiperLAN2 in US • The band allocation in the US is limited, so the HiperLAN2 solution would have to limit itself to operate in the US-allocated frequency bands • In the lower 100MHz, the US power limit is lower than in Europe • Spectrum Harmonization Bruce Kraemer, Intersil
Convergence Progression Single Global Standard Now Now Implementation Issue (2 radios) Interwork Interwork Single Global Standard MAC Bridge MAC Bridge MAC Bridge MAC Bridge MAC Bridge MAC Bridge MAC Bridge H2 CL 11 MAC H2 CL 11 MAC H2 CL 11 MAC H2 CL 11 MAC H2 CL Hybrid MAC/DLC Hybrid MAC/DLC/CL H2 DLC H2 DLC H2 DLC H2 DLC MAC/DLC Convergence Layer H2 PHY 11a PHY H2 PHY 11a PHY Hybrid PHY Hybrid PHY Hybrid PHY Hybrid PHY Choose one step in gray parts Bruce Kraemer, Intersil
Internet Corporate/Public Scenario - 1 802.11 AP HL2 AP MAC Bridge MAC Bridge 11 MAC H2 CL H2 DLC Ch1 Ch2 11a PHY H2 PHY HL2 MT 802.11 STA Coexistence – Level 1 - Using different channels in the same coverage area Data exchanged between the devices using the backbone (each device communicates with its Access Point) Bruce Kraemer, Intersil
Internet Corporate/Public Scenario - 2 802.11 AP HL2 AP MAC Bridge MAC Bridge 11 MAC H2 CL H2 DLC Ch1 Ch1 11a PHY H2 PHY 802.11 STA HL2 MT Coexistence – Level 2 - Using the same channel in the same coverage area Data exchanged between the devices using the backbone (each device communicates with its Access Point) Bruce Kraemer, Intersil
Internet Corporate/Public Scenario - 3 Unified AP 2 different MACs MAC Bridge H2 CL 11 MAC H2 DLC Ch1 Ch1 MAC/DLC Convergence Layer Hybrid PHY 802.11 STA HL2 MT Coexistence – Level 2 - Using the same channel in the same coverage area • Data exchanged between the devices using the backbone • Each device communicates with the Unified Access Point but to a different MAC entity. • Each MAC has a different address Interworking – 1 (one AP) Bruce Kraemer, Intersil
Internet Corporate/Public Scenario - 4 OR Unified AP Unified Dual MAC MAC Bridge MAC Bridge H2 CL 11 MAC H2 CL Hybrid MAC/DLC H2 DLC Ch1 Ch1 MAC/DLC Convergence Layer Hybrid PHY Hybrid PHY 802.11 STA HL2 MT Coexistence – Level 2 - Using the same channel in the same coverage area • Data exchanged between the devices using Layer 2 of the AP • Only one MAC address is used Interworking – 1 (one MAC) Bruce Kraemer, Intersil
Internet EthernetAppl. HL2 MT Ethernet CL H2 DLC HL2 PHY Home Scenario – Bringing Laptop In EthernetAppl. 1394Appl. 1394Appl. 11 MAC Ethernet CL 1394 CL 1394 CL Gateway 1394 H2 DLC+HE H2 DLC+HE Dual ModeDevice 802.11 Point Coordinator Hybrid PHY HL2 PHY HL2 MT Ch1 Ch1 802.11a STA EthernetAppl. HL2 CC 1394Appl. 11 MAC Control 11a 1394 CL Acting CC Control HL2 H2 DLC+HE 1394 User Data 11a PHY HL2 PHY Coexistence – Level 2 - Using the same channel in the same coverage area Bruce Kraemer, Intersil
5GHz Standardization Roadmap IW additions IEEE 802.11a (wireless Ethernet) IEEE 802.11e/f/h (QoS, Security, DFS/TPC, ..) Joint SG Requirements Coexistence Inter-working Spectrum 5GPP Partnership Project (BRAN/IEEE/MMAC) single global standard Inter-working Standards Revisions 5GWIAG BRAN-HL/2 (wireless ATM, IP) Home Profile HE phase2 UMTS - interworking Public Access IW additions 2000 2001 MMAC also participating Today Bruce Kraemer, Intersil
The Partners have agreed to co-operate in the production of globally applicable Technical Specifications and Technical Reports for a 3rd Generation Mobile System The Project is called the "Third Generation Partnership Project" and may be known by the acronym "3GPP". Bruce Kraemer, Intersil
Organization Structures ETSI Secretariat IEEE SA ARIB 5GPP Approval Levels MMAC ETSI BRAN IEEE 802 Wireless Ethernet HL2 802.11 HiSWAN Bruce Kraemer, Intersil
Julius Knapp schedule - FCC Chief of Policy & Rules Tue 13:00 802.11 SG 5 GHz Global 5 GHz Std Tue 18:30 General Tutorial (see below) Tue 20:30 802.11 TGh 5 GHz Spectrum management Wed 08:30 General Regulatory group Wed 11:00 802.15.2 2.45 GHz Co-existence Wed 13:00 802.11/15 Joint meeting Wed 15:00 Standards Board and IEEE staff Wed 16:00 leave for airport Tutorial, Tuesday, 18:30-20:00 ------------------------------------------- Title: FCC's Spread Spectrum rules Presented by: Mr. Julius Knapp, Chief of Policy and Rules, Federal Communications Commission Summary: Mr. Knapp will make a presentation on the current FCC spread spectrum rules, pending issues, and steps the FCC is considering to make the rulesmore flexible. Bruce Kraemer, Intersil
Recent Accomplishments & Future Steps • Joint 5GHz Globalization Study Group (5GSG) approved in BRAN#22 Plenary Feb 02, 2001 • Support to create a Partnership Project for global convergence of 5GHz WLAN standards received in BRAN#22 plenary Feb 02, 2001 • Proposing the idea to 5GWIAG meeting in Stockholm for 5GHz industry commitment Feb 06, 2001 • Starting a formal communication with IEEE802.11 and MMAC regarding Partnership Project • Alignment of approval of 5GSG • To make the best use of the current approval procedure • IEEE 802.11: individual based (one member one vote) • ETSI BRAN (HiperLAN2): company based (weighted vote) • MMAC: company based (not weighted) Bruce Kraemer, Intersil
Memorandum of Agreement Jim Carlo has asked for a draft one page Memorandum of Agreement between the IEEE and ETSI BRAN regarding the formation of the 5GPP. Action Item: Bruce Kraemer & Jamshid Khun-Jush Bruce Kraemer, Intersil
Julius Knapp - Questions It would be of commercial benefit to harmonize the use of the radio spectrum in the 5 GHz band. The following questions are relevant to that goal. 1. Europe spectrum allocations for WLAN in the 5 GHz band include 5.47 to 5.725. What is the forecast for allocation of that band to WLAN in the US? 2. Europe requires the use of Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) and Transmit Power Control (TPC) for the HIPERLAN/2 WLAN in the 5 GHz band. This was concession to the primary users of the band, satellite and radar operators,to mitigate interference. Currently there is no such requirement in the US.Should we expect such a regulation to be imposed in the future? If there is pressure to impose DFS and TPC might the imposition of such a rule be triggered by ITU and WRC decisions in 2003 or might we expect an FCC rule change prior to WRC? 3. Europe and the US specify different transmit power limits for the 5 GHz bands, for example 5.15 to 5.25 GHz. FCC rules were written, in part, in consideration of MSS feeder concerns. Might the US power limit of 50mW be increased if the DFS and TPC mentioned in item 3 above were applied? 4. FCC Report and Order 97-5 and Memorandum & Order 98-121 address rules for use of the U-NII bands. Are there any actions pending or expected that would modify the rules as published? 5. If the interests of standards bodies (such as the IEEE, ETSI & MMAC) and commercial equipment manufacturers were better served by world wide harmonization of the spectrum usage rules in the 5 GHz band, what would the FCC propose would be the most productive path to achieving that goal? 6. Use of the band from 5.725 to 5.825 is doubly defined by U-NII and 15.247 ISM. How should we decide which set of rules applies? Bruce Kraemer, Intersil
PAR and 5 Criteria • Draft documents were prepared in Monterey • PAR doc 01/xxx • 5 Criteria doc 01/yyyyyy • These must be refined and approved by 5GSG • Must be posted on server Tuesday afternoon • Then it can be brought to 802.11/15 joint plenary on Wednesday for vote • If not approved Wednesday, fix and return to vote on Thursday afternoon Bruce Kraemer, Intersil
Call for Proposals • IEEE Study Groups can issue call for applications and call for proposals • These submissions can be used to back up the PAR and 5 Criteria • These proposals can be discussed and refined • However, when it is formed, the Task Group must re-issue the call for proposals Bruce Kraemer, Intersil
5GSG/IEEE Milestone Timeline Promotion of Study Group to TG March Approval of PAR and 5 Criteria May July Promotion of 5GSG to TG September Close of Call for proposals September Baseline of proposed changes for plenary approval November Modifications ready for sponsor ballot 5GPP March Concept socialized May Organization details presented July Creation of 5GPP by IEEE September Close of Call for proposals November Creation of 5GPP by IEEE November Completion of Bruce Kraemer, Intersil
SCHEDULE • PAR Schedule • July 2001 • Issue Drafts of Proposal Selection Process, • Functional Requirements, Evaluation Criteria as a Task Group • Issue Call For Proposals for PHY and MAC • PHY: Modifications of 802.11a • MAC: Modifications of 802.11 MAC • Mar 2002 • Decision on specific modifications • July 2002 • First Tentative Draft Standard submitted for review • Sept 2002 • Comment Resolutions • Nov 2002 • Comment Resolutions • Mar 2003 • Submit to RevCom Bruce Kraemer, Intersil
Web Page Currently missing from web-site. Will be added ASAP. Volunteers to Format? Bruce Kraemer, Intersil
Prior Documents Bruce Kraemer, Intersil
Motions: Proposed that we extend the 5GSG to the next plenary. Proposed that we accept the 5 Criteria document (xxx) and present it for approval by the 802.11 plenary. Proposed that we accept the PAR document (xxx) and present it for approval by the 802.11 plenary. Proposed that we approve the proposal to create a 5GPP as a vehicle for establishing a single global. Proposed that we accept the draft IEEE/ETSI 5GPP MOA for presentation to the 802.11 plenary and to open dialog with 802 SE. Bruce Kraemer, Intersil
Orlando Meeting Objectives • Work toward single converged standard • Joint session of: IEEE 802.11a, ETSI BRAN HIPERLAN/2, MMAC • Discuss coexistence goals • Review activities from ETSI BRAN #23 • Review contributions from 5GWIAG • Purpose, Scope • Definitions, Acronyms • Application Scenarios, Requirements • Future meeting events • Consider steps to move to TG status Bruce Kraemer, Intersil