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How to do the Vocabulary Picto -PowerPoint Presentation. Check out the next few slides!. The very first slide or the title slide should have the following: The chapter of the vocabulary words you are doing The relevant pages in the text book The number of vocab words in your chapter.
How to do the Vocabulary Picto-PowerPoint Presentation Check out the next few slides!
The very first slide or the title slide should have the following: The chapter of the vocabulary words you are doing The relevant pages in the text book The number of vocab words in your chapter. Your name The date – (make sure you finish today!!!) • Save as pictoch#lastname For example: pictoch07mcgay
Example of a Title Slide Chapter 27 of “Latin textbook” 33 words found on pages 81-82 By Julius Caesar December 2011 http://khaymalatha.blogspot.com/2011/04/appolo-god-of-light.html
Follow these easy steps • One slide for each word; and one large photo per each slide cite the source of the photo. • On the top of each slide, identify the part of speech (noun, adjective, verb, adverb, preposition, pronoun, conjunction, interjection or expression) • On the bottom of the slide, properly cite the source of your image by giving the URL in really small font. • Animation - entrance: Give the full Latin forms for each picture on the same slide. See examples below. • Animation - entrance: Give the English meaning(s) for the Latin word on the same slide. See examples below. • Animation - entrance: Give many or all derivatives as well on the same slide. (See my lists and/or use www.wordinfo.info) • Repeat steps 1-6 for each vocab word on your chapter list. BE SURE TO MAKE THE ORDER OF THE SLIDES RANDOM or different from the order in the textbook. • Save as pictoch#lastname For example: pictoch07mcgay • Email me the final version at the end of class!!! (email: donal.mcgay@rtsd.org) • Behave appropriately, diligently, conscientiously and respectfully in the computer lab.See my wordlists on the class webpage
Template for the rest of the slides Latin information form my weblist step 4 = English meaning step 5 (several derivatives – at least 6 or 7 from the bigger lists from my weblists)step 6
NOUN (school.discovery.com) puer, puerīM = boy (puerile, puericulture, puerperial)
verb currō, currere, cucurrī, cursūrus/a/um = to run [concourse, concur, concurrent, corral, corridor, courier, course, currency, current, curricula (plural), curricular, curriculum (singular), curriculum vitae (c.v.), cursive, cursor, cursory, discourse, discursive, excursion, extracurricular, incur, incursion, intercourse, occur, occurrence, precursor, recourse, recur, recurrence, recurrent, telecourse, thermocurrent, xenocurrency] http://bikeandruneng.blogspot.com/
Adjective frigidus, a, um = cold [frigid, frigideserta, frigidity, frigidly, frigidness, frigolabile, frigophile, frigophilic, frigophily, frigophobia, frigorie, frigorific, frigorimeter, frigorism, frigostabile, frigostable, frigotherapy, frisson (s), frissons (pl), refrigerant, refrigerate, refrigeration, refrigerator] http://fifthseasongardening.com/digit/up-yours-winter-or-how-i-saved-the-herb-garden-from-freezing
Save as pictoch#lastname For example: pictoch07mcgay Send me the PPT at donal.mcgay@rtsd.org Lastly… Remember to make the order of the words or slides random or quite different from the order in the book!!! • You earn points for following directions exactly. Conversely, you will lose points, for not including each of the directed items, not animating the Latin/English answers, not finishing on time, not sending it to me, not shuffling the order of the slides to be in a different order from your wordlist, for having blurry photos or nonsensical or inappropriate, for not including the long marks, and for not behaving in the lab. Otherwise, enjoy it!
Your grade on the Vocab Picto-PowerPoint will be a percentage of the number of correct items (see previous slide for how points might be deducted) in your whole PPT divided by the number of things that ought to be present in your whole PPT.