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Characteristics of Successful Managers

Three Views. MintzbergPetersDruckerPrescriptive or descriptive?Normative or positive?. Overlapping Prescriptions. Be a

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Characteristics of Successful Managers

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Characteristics of Successful Managers Steven Globerman Western Washington University

    2. Three Views Mintzberg Peters Drucker Prescriptive or descriptive? Normative or positive?

    3. Overlapping Prescriptions Be a good communicator Focus your energies Be flexible Exercise control through motivation

    4. Some Differences Mintzberg contemplate Peters act fast Drucker have integrity

    5. Questions Does anything on the list surprise you? Is there anything not on the list that you expected to see? Which of the attributes on the list do you think are primarily learned?

    6. On Being a Good Communicator Mintzberg communicate with employees particularly organizational values, goals, and plans Peters instill and share an inspiring vision exhibit leadership walk the walk

    7. On Communicating (cont.) Drucker listen to how you can help empower others acquire the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing

    8. On Focusing Effectively Mintzberg identify things that matter learn to delegate make use of specialists try to see the big picture with in the forest of details an emphasis on analytical skills

    9. On Focusing Effectively (cont.) Peters be obsessed with responding to customers Drucker identify the real problems facing the company by (especially) listening to others in the organization delegate implementation an emphasis on analytical and synthesizing skills

    10. On Being Flexible Mintzberg dont be hasty in resisting formation of new coalitions within and without the organization Peters constantly innovate in all areas of the firm Drucker be imaginative

    11. Control Through Motivating Mintzberg be aware that your actions affect others dont act in a careless manner Peters be a partner with all people connected with the organization Drucker learn how to help/empower others

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