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Sailing the C s Of Successful Marriage

CompanionshipCommitment. . The Greatest Human Contract. ?Marriage is an agreement by which a man and a woman consent to live together as husband and wife, mutually accepting all of the responsibilities that this relationship entails and properly expecting all the privileges and rights which pertai

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Sailing the C s Of Successful Marriage

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    6. Four Components of Commitment A desire for a future together A sense of us or we (part of a team) A high sense of priority for the relationship More satisfaction with sacrificing for the other -- Scott M. Stanley, PhD. What is it with Men and Commitment, Anyway? Keynote address to the 6th Annual Smart Marriages Conference, July 2002

    7. What Is A Marriage Commitment? A two-way, equal relationship Gen. 2:24 A binding vow or contract Matt. 19:3-6; Malachi 2:14-16 A partnership I Pet. 3:7 A life-long bond Rom. 7:1-3 A trust I Cor. 7:1-3

    9. Why Keep This Commitment? To satisfy each others sexual needs (I Cor. 7:1-8) To avoid sexual immorality v. 2 Render mutual affection v. 3 No selfishness allowed in sexual part of relationship v. 4-5 To build trust v. 5, 9

    10. Why Keep This Commitment? To help each other in difficult times (Ruth 1:16-17) In sickness and in health, in prosperity and in adversity, for richer or for poorer Love bears, believes, hopes, endures all things I Cor. 13:7.

    11. Why Keep This Commitment? To help each other in difficult times Two are better than one Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

    12. Why Keep This Commitment? To help each other accomplish spiritual goals Submit to one another in the fear of God Eph. 5:21 Pray together, study together, worship together, etc. because they are heirs together of the grace of life I Pet. 3:7 Need each others help to get to heaven!

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