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ST. ANTHONY Mary CLARET. The man who challenged the impossible. Anthony Mary Claret. Works a great deal , but he is not a workaholic. Prays very often , but he is not a spiritualist man. Writes a lot , but he is not a professional writer.
ST. ANTHONY MaryCLARET Themanwhochallengedtheimpossible
Anthony MaryClaret... • Works a greatdeal, but he isnot a workaholic • Praysveryoften, but he isnot a spiritualistman • Writes a lot, but he isnot a professionalwriter • Iswellknown, but he isnot a superstar • Suffers, but he isnotbitterperson • Is a holyman, but he isnotstupid
He works in hisfather’sworkshop. Manufacturingis in hisblood
When he isonly 17 he leavesSallent and goestothebigcity of Barcelona: thereis a new worldto explore!
He worksduringtheday. He studies at night. He dreams of becoming a greattextileindustrialist.
“In the midst of this whirligig of ideas, while I was at Mass one day, I remembered reading as a small boy those words of the Gospel: "What does it profit a man if he gain the whole world and suffer the loss of his soul?" This phrase impressed me deeply and went like an arrow to my heart. I tried to think and reason what to do, but to no avail.”
He studiestobecome a priest in theseminary of Vic, Catalonia, Spain
He isordained a prieston June 13, 1835 at Solsona, notfarfrom Vic
Afteranattempt of goingtoforeignmissions and of joiningtheSociety of Jesus in Rome, he becomesanitinerantmissionarypreaching in manytowns and villages in Catalonia …
… and in theCanaryIslands, where he isknown as “El Padrito” (The Little Father)
Always “poor and onfoot”, preachingtheGospeltothepoor, in thestyle of theprophets and theapostles
OnJuly 16, 1849 he foundstheCongregation of Sons of theImmaculateHeart of Mary in thissmallroom of thediocesanseminary in Vic
“My God, may you be blessed for condescending to choose your humble servants to be Sons of the Immaculate Heart of your Mother!Most Blessed Mother, may the courtesy of your Immaculate Heart, in accepting us as your Sons, be praised a thousand times! Mother, make us cooperate with such kindness by becoming daily more humble, fervent, and zealous for the salvation of souls.”
OnAugust 4, 1849, astonishingnews: Pope Pius IX appointshim as Archbishop of Santiago, Cuba
“Overwhelmed by the nomination, I had no desire to accept it because I considered myself unworthy and incapable of such a great dignity, for which I lacked both the necessary knowledge and virtue.”
In Cuba he foughtagainstinjustice, helpedthepoor, visited and organizedthediocesis, preachedtheGospeltoall
In 1855, alongwithMother Antonia M. Paris, he foundstheReligiousSisters of Mary Immaculate (ClaretianMissionarySisters)
He sufferedmanyattacks, but he intensivelylovedpeopleand wascommittedtothem
“I was a few days into the mission when I received a royal summons to Madrid. The Archbishop of Toledo, who was confessor to the queen, had died, and Her Majesty had chosen me as her new confessor.”
“In theselast times, itseemsthatGodwantsthelay peopletoplayanimportant role in thesalvation of souls.”
He foundstheAcademy of St. Michael, presides thePatronage of theMonastery of El Escorial, worksactivelyforthereform of theChurch.
In 1850 he publishedthebook “Daughters of theMostHoly and ImmaculateHeart of Mary”, basis of thepresent secular institute “CordimarianFiliation”
Hismind and hisheartprogressivelyopenedto a more and more universal mission : “My spiritisforthewholeworld”
“I have loved justice and hated iniquity. Because of this I die in exile.”