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12 March 2008. 2. TRAC-MTRY Overview. Introduction. Purpose: Provide overview of TRAC-Monterey.AgendaTRADOC and TRADOC Analysis Center background.TRAC-Monterey mission and organization.Sample of current TRAC-Monterey efforts.. 12 March 2008. 3. TRAC-MTRY Overview. TRAC Mission. 12 March 2008. 4.
1. US Army Training and Doctrine Command Analysis Center Monterey Overview
2. 12 March 2008 2 TRAC-MTRY Overview Introduction Purpose: Provide overview of TRAC-Monterey.
TRADOC and TRADOC Analysis Center background.
TRAC-Monterey mission and organization.
Sample of current TRAC-Monterey efforts.
3. 12 March 2008 3 TRAC-MTRY Overview TRAC Mission
4. 12 March 2008 4 TRAC-MTRY Overview TRADOCs mission is to bring in new personnel, provide initial training, and determine the Armys requirements in the areas of Doctrine, Organizations, Training, Materiel, Leadership and Education, Personnel, and Facilities (DOTMLPF). TRADOC is the architect of Americas future Army.
TRACs mission chiefly derives from the TRADOC Futures community.
TRACs mission essential task list (METL) supports members of the TRADOC development community as they design and prepare the Army for future missions around the world.
TRADOCs mission is to bring in new personnel, provide initial training, and determine the Armys requirements in the areas of Doctrine, Organizations, Training, Materiel, Leadership and Education, Personnel, and Facilities (DOTMLPF). TRADOC is the architect of Americas future Army.
TRACs mission chiefly derives from the TRADOC Futures community.
TRACs mission essential task list (METL) supports members of the TRADOC development community as they design and prepare the Army for future missions around the world.
5. 12 March 2008 5 TRAC-MTRY Overview TRAC-Monterey Mission and Vision
6. 12 March 2008 6 TRAC-MTRY Overview TRAC-Monterey Partnerships
7. 12 March 2008 7 TRAC-MTRY Overview TRAC-Monterey Partnership Model
8. 12 March 2008 8 TRAC-MTRY Overview TRAC-Monterey Research
9. 12 March 2008 9 TRAC-MTRY Overview FY07 / FY08 Research Projects
10. 12 March 2008 10 TRAC-MTRY Overview FY07 / FY08 Research Projects
11. 12 March 2008 11 TRAC-MTRY Overview FY07 / FY08 Research Projects
12. 12 March 2008 12 TRAC-MTRY Overview Modeling Ambiguity through False Positive Perceptions Project Description: Many simulations provide sophisticated perception algorithms which focus on whether or not entities can see each other. This approach often neglects, however, the possibility of entities mistakenly perceiving entities that do not exist. The project will gather experimental data to determine the frequency of these False Positive perceptions, develop models based on that data, and create prototype simulations for demonstration.
13. 12 March 2008 13 TRAC-MTRY Overview Effects of Ambiguity on the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP) Project Description: Ambiguity has a recognized and critical affect on the battlefield and, therefore, battle command processes. What is lacking, however, is how this information and the ambiguity it creates impact the commanders ability in making decisions. This project will attempt to provide the foundational underpinnings that will inform the M&S community on the representable aspects of ambiguity and provide insights to its impact on the commanders military decision making process (MDMP).
14. 12 March 2008 14 TRAC-MTRY Overview Ambiguity of Sensor Detection Data and Accuracy
15. 12 March 2008 15 TRAC-MTRY Overview Rapid Scenario Generation Tool Project Description: Goal is to improve the end-to-end process that supports analysis with an emphasis on scenario development and experimental design.
Improve scenario generation and model component reuse by leveraging the XML representations found in many combat simulations.
MSDL integration provides a pathway to multiple simulation platforms.
COA sketch gives the 80% solution for the tactical scenario allowing a military SME to focus on a representation that is not simulation model specific.
16. 12 March 2008 16 TRAC-MTRY Overview Individual Soldier Wireless Tactical Networking Device Study Project Description: Toidentify network enabled capability gaps for CSS Soldiers assigned to fixed operating bases and to identify potential solutions to those gaps.
17. 12 March 2008 17 TRAC-MTRY Overview Joint Dynamic Allocation of Fires and Sensors (JDAFS) Project Description: JDAFS is a quick-turn simulation that augments existing and emerging simulations to better enable studies and analyses. JDAFS lends insight into the application of networked fires and sensors for adoption in emerging simulations. The next phase of the project is development of a customer to drive development and use focusing on network allocation.
18. 12 March 2008 18 TRAC-MTRY Overview UAV Mix Tool Development and Analysis Background: Need a tool that supports UAV airframe and payload mixes, UAV investment strategies, UAV organizations, and employment options for decisions as part of force transformation analysis. Unmanned/manned interactions and collaborative behavior needs to be modeled.
Purpose: Produce a tool that supports UAV Mix Studies.
19. 12 March 2008 19 TRAC-MTRY Overview Interior Building Performance of Small Unmanned Ground Vehicles Project Description: Modeling and simulating the performance of Small Unmanned Ground Vehicles (SUGV) is a deficiency. FCS projects 40% of the military fleet may eventually be robotic. Recognizing that doctrine and TTPs continue to evolve, there exists a need to represent the performance of SUGV in Army M&S. Models of the mobility performance of small ground vehicles must to be enhanced, modified or existing models validated, before small unmanned vehicle performance can be simulated with confidence. SPONSOR: UO FACT ?SPONSOR: UO FACT ?
20. 12 March 2008 20 TRAC-MTRY Overview UGV Analysis Methodology & Metrics
21. 12 March 2008 21 TRAC-MTRY Overview Joint Improvised Explosive Device DefeatOrganization (JIEDDO) Analysis Support Project Description: TRAC will support JIEDDO by investigating and developing a mathematical representation that better informs the relationships among the operational environment, threat activities/behaviors, and Coalition force activities/behaviors correlated with the employment of IEDs against Coalition forces, Host Nation forces, and Host Nation civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan.
22. 12 March 2008 22 TRAC-MTRY Overview High Performance Computing Clustersand Design of Experiments Project Description: Design and develop the supporting services for constructive simulations to execute statistical experimental designs on a high performance computing cluster (HPCC). This project will develop a design of experiments (DOE) tool, a data model and a data base implementation on an HPCC to support provisioning, execution and data services for multiple simulations.
23. 12 March 2008 23 TRAC-MTRY Overview LogisticsBattle Command Model Project Description: The LBC model will be developed with and for TRAC- LEE and it will build upon capabilities developed for Dynamic Sustainment. The LBC model will dynamically forecast and represent demand for supplies in a simulation such as COMBATXXI. Priority of effort is Class III, V, and I. The LBC model also represents the distribution network including nodes (storage, maintenance, supply, medical and field services) and arcs (modes of transport).
24. 12 March 2008 24 TRAC-MTRY Overview LBC for Echelons Above Brigade (LBC4EAB) Project Description: This project will expand TRACs LBC model to support analysis of forecasting and distribution at echelons above brigade (EAB). The stand-alone tool will emulate FCS Logistics Decision Support System (LDSS) capability for forecasting consumption of supplies. The tool will represent the user-defined distribution network and will explicitly represent scheduled bulk distribution from theatre to brigade using forecasted demands. It will also schedule and arrange for efficient distribution of non-recurring demand items.
25. 12 March 2008 25 TRAC-MTRY Overview Joint Test and Evaluation Methodology (JTEM) Analysis Support Project Description: The JTEM programs mission is to develop and evaluate methods and processes used to conduct testing in a realistic Joint mission environment. As part of that mission, JTEM is developing a Capability Test Methodology (CTM) for developing and executing a live, virtual, constructive Joint mission environment for testing. Our research objectives are to integrate advanced analytic techniques into the CTM; to apply the evaluation thread to a case study; and to develop an Analysis Handbook.
26. 12 March 2008 26 TRAC-MTRY Overview Army ReserveCapabilities Based Prioritization Project Description: The United States Army Reserve needs a reproducible, quantifiable, qualifiable and auditable methodology to optimize the prioritization of allocation of finite resources. Methodology must balance risk and investment under a range of Army Reserve Expeditionary Force/Army Force Generation Model scenarios in the 2010 time-frame.
27. 12 March 2008 27 TRAC-MTRY Overview Representing Urban Cultural Geography in Stability Operations Project Description: Civilian human behavior representation (HBR) is the most significant gap in representing political, military, economic, social, information, and infrastructure (PMESII) aspects of the current operating environment (COE) in urban operations. Data collection, knowledge acquisition, and behavior representation methods for organizational and societal models are deficient. These models must address cultural influences and non-traditional warfare.
28. 12 March 2008 28 TRAC-MTRY Overview Developing Commander to Sensor Metrics Project Description: Currently, sensors are placed on the battlespace according to predefined templates dictated by guesses of information needs. Data is sometimes fused into information but information seldom is fused into the required knowledge to answer the commanders operational questions. Sensor data is numerous and is pushed to systems throughout the battlespace.
29. 12 March 2008 29 TRAC-MTRY Overview Future Warrior Technology Integration Experimentation and Analysis Project Description: Todevelop and execute live and constructive simulation experiments to address analysis issues related to new Soldier technologies under development at Natick Soldier Center.
30. 12 March 2008 30 TRAC-MTRY Overview OneSAF Objective System (OOS)Behavior Verification Automation Project Description: Behavior verification is a critical part of OneSAF development and improvement. TRAC will assist in the OOS development effort by developing concepts and tools to automate portions of the behavior verification process developed in FY06. The automation will reduce the time and manpower requirements for this process.
31. 12 March 2008 31 TRAC-MTRY Overview Urban Operations Focus Area Collaborative Team (UO FACT) Project Description:
Identify critical research areas (CRA) in UO M&S.
Solicit / evaluate proposals.
Monitor progress of funded projects to ensure ROI / integration into emerging simulations.
FY07 UO FACT Funded Projects: (total $625k)
1. Interior Building Performance of Small Unmanned Ground Vehicles (SUGVs). ($150k)
2. Development of small arms effectiveness data versus infantry in urban operations. ($200k)
3. Extension of Structural Weapons Effects to High Resolution Building Models ($275k)
FY08 UO FACT Proposed Projects (total $472k)
1. Urban Dust and Smoke Obscuration Model (UDSOM)ERArmy Research Labs ($92,000)
2. Validation of Human Threat Discrimination Modeling in the Urban Environment STARDECOM CERDEC NVESD ($100,000)
3. Representation of Non-Lethal Weapons (NLW) in Constructive Simulations WENSRDEC ($85,000)
4. Methodology for Estimating Structural Component Damage from Internal Detonations WEERDC ($195,000)
FY07 UO FACT Funded Projects: (total $625k)
1. Interior Building Performance of Small Unmanned Ground Vehicles (SUGVs). ($150k)
2. Development of small arms effectiveness data versus infantry in urban operations. ($200k)
3. Extension of Structural Weapons Effects to High Resolution Building Models ($275k)
FY08 UO FACT Proposed Projects (total $472k)
1. Urban Dust and Smoke Obscuration Model (UDSOM)ERArmy Research Labs ($92,000)
2. Validation of Human Threat Discrimination Modeling in the Urban Environment STARDECOM CERDEC NVESD ($100,000)
3. Representation of Non-Lethal Weapons (NLW) in Constructive Simulations WENSRDEC ($85,000)
4. Methodology for Estimating Structural Component Damage from Internal Detonations WEERDC ($195,000)
32. 12 March 2008 32 TRAC-MTRY Overview Future Directions