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Conference Assignment Grade. You must be prompt You must be prepared You must bring Inspiration Map Inspiration Map (4) Main Question Subproblems Hypotheses Criteria to Collect Data. Research Proposal. Important Reminders as you are working to complete this assignment. Inspiration Map.
Conference Assignment Grade • You must be prompt • You must be prepared • You must bring Inspiration Map • Inspiration Map (4) • Main Question • Subproblems • Hypotheses • Criteria to Collect Data
Research Proposal • Important Reminders as you are working to complete this assignment
Inspiration Map • In Color • Legible, Organized and Neat • Essential or Main Question • Subproblem in question format • Hypothesis is a statement (concise on the map) • Criterion used to collect data (literature,survey, interview, equipment, patient charts etc….)
Inspiration Map Reminders • Professional • Attractive • Organized • Concise • Legible • Basic Framework of Your Plan
How do translations affect the general population and create a more health conscious nation? Does the appealing to a wide Hispanic audience, including Mexicans, Cubans, and Puerto Ricans, entail having to appeal to their culture through their language? Does the establishment of a Multilingual Services Department aid in distributing more information to the masses during a health epidemic? Will the same translations be equally understood among different levels of education in a community of Spanish language speakers? The Spanish language and reference to specific countries will appeal to wide audience. The CDC en Español will draw in more people as an epidemic ensues, such as the current H1N1 Flu outbreak. Translations are more easily understood by those people who have obtained higher levels of education. A foreign Spanish speaker will not understand translations as well as American Spanish speakers. Obtain a copy of the Simmons Hispanic Consumer Survey Study, analyze the data. Correlate the number of total visitors to the CDC website, find how many of those come to the CDC en Español website, and compare them to the population. A study with a translation proposed to people of a high school education, a bachelor’s degree, and a post-bachelor’s degree.
Inspiration Reminders • 4 Main Components: • Main Question, • Subproblems (question format), • concise hypotheses statements, • criteria to collect data (how hypothesis will be tested….should include applied and basic data collection)
Inspiration Map Reminders AESTHETICS: *Choose pleasant color combinations *FONT SIZE LEGIBLE *ALL Text Enclosed in Shape *Graphics or Icons should be relevant *Background Colors highlight font *4 Components Clearly Identified
Main Research QuestionWhat is the Role and Procedure Involved in the Quality Assurance Process of Coca Cola? Subproblems: • What is the process of assuring quality among coke products? • What is the role of quality system management at Coke? • Can an average weight of a coca cola bottle be used in place of weighing every bottle separately?
Hypothesis • A tentative proposition to answer the question and guide the investigative process • Generally, there is a 1:1 ratio of hypothesis to subproblem • May have Multiple Hypotheses for I sub problem • Not proven or disproven, but supported or not supported • Make a declarative, concise statement
Making a declarative statement • “There will be a significant difference between…… • There will not be a significant difference between….. This approach to disprove an opposite hypothesis is called the NULL HYPOTHESIS
Delimiting the Research • Researcher states what he does NOT intend to do in the study • All irrelevancies to the problem must be firmly established • Need at least 5. • Put in Bullet format
Delimitation Examples • The study is restricted to researching the effect of translingual marketing on the general population. • The study is restricted to understanding how acculturation is important for translations. • The study does not include…
Stating the Assumptions • Don’t assume the reader understands what you might take for granted • Example: If you are testing to see which teaching style works best on a given history unit then an assumption might be: • All students in the classes tested have the same level of cognitive abilities. • The teacher is competent in both strategies or if comparing 2 different teachers they are equivalent in abilities • Need at least 5 and Bullet each assumption
Assumptions • People of Hispanic origin most commonly speak Spanish. • The Hispanic population has risen in the United States. • People of higher educational levels have larger vocabularies. • Culture affects the dialects of different people.
Defining the Terms • What do the terms in the problem, subproblem, and hypothesis mean? • All terms in the subproblems and hypotheses and procedures that need clarification • Must be an operational definition: how does the researcher define the term in context with the study? • Minimum of 10 terms
Defining the Terms • Translation- the act or process of translating, especially from one language into another • Translingual- operating between two different languages • Culture- the taste in art and manners that are a part of a social group • Acculuturation- the adoption of the behavior patterns of the surrounding culture. • Census- a periodic count of the population • Demographics- selected population characteristics as used in government, marketing, or opinion research
Criteria to Collect Data • Decribe in detail the Type and how much you will collect. • Example: I will interview 3 cardiologists at 3 Atlanta hospitals to test hypothesis # 2 and # 4. • Make sure that your OVERALL Plan has both APPLIED and BASIC Research DATA collected.
Procedure • A detailed description of HOW you will test the hypothesis(es) What instruments or process you will use to collect the data. Should Include, how, what, who, how many, time frame, etc….. Is there enough detail so that someone else could duplicate the exact study?
Data Table Every hypotheses stated must be measured and data collected (both Quantitative and Qualitative) in a data table Every data table created must be LABELED Examples to follow Independent and dependent variables in hypothesis should be concisely and accurately represented. Helps the researcher and reader to interpret and evaluate data results more efficiently. Does the data table reflect the information needed in the hypothesis to test it?
DATA TABLE • Is a Concise and Organized Picture of the Data Collected to test the Hypothesis. • You can organize numbers, quantities, text from literary sources, opinions, answers to questions, etc….
Criteria to Evaluate Dataor Support or Not Support Hypothesis • You must establish your criteria in which you will evaluate data collected for the hypothesis before the experiment • This criteria will be the determinant of whether you support or not support your hypothesis • Example: Eight of ten articles will support……..
Sub Problem 3B • Criterion to Collect Data:Read Nature Center files to determine the number of people attending programs from January 2010 to March 2010 • Procedure: • Accessed company files to see the number of learners in each program • Recorded numbers in data table • Indicated whether the program is for children, adults, or senior citizens, by placing a mark in the appropriate category
Sub Problem 3B • Criterion to support/not support hypothesis:If the data table shows that the majority of programs are offered to elementary-aged children and younger, then the hypothesis will be supported.
DATA TABLE • I will look at each hypothesis and see if you collected the correct kind of data to test it. • I will check to see if the data has been displayed in the most concise and clearly organized manner
Surveys & Questionnaires • Any surveys, questionnaires or example of a patient’s chart, or even an interview with a professional in the field should be included with the data table for that particular sub problem or hypothesis. Is helpful to label question(s) with the appropriate hypothesis(es) See Student Sample # 2
Sub-Problem 1 • Question: Does the youth ministry at JFBC plan activities and events that support the church's core values? • Hypothesis: The JFBC youth ministry incorporates the life of Jesus, worship, missions, discipling, changing methodologies, faithfulness, prayer, and servant hood into its ministry.
Criteria to Support Hypothesis • If 40 out of the 56 cells in the table (71%) regarding core values have ministries within the youth ministry related to them, and fewer than 4 cells have ministries listed under the “no core values” column, the hypothesis is supported.
List of Core Values at JFBC • We desire for JFBC to be more and more like Jesus • We consider worship to be our number one ministry priority • We want to reach as many people for Christ as possible, both locally and globally • We believe preaching and teaching God’s word is central to discipling believers • We believe in an unchanging message and are committed to ever-changing methodologies • We want to be faithful stewards • We believe prayer is our power source • We believe in extra mile servant ministry and excellence in ministry
Survey Questions • 1. What activities fall under the core value of “we desire for JFBC to become more and more like Jesus?” • 2. What activities fall under the core value of “we consider worship to be our number one ministry priority?” • 3. What activities fall under the core value of “we want to reach as many people as possible, both locally and globally?” • 4. What activities fall under the core value of “we believe preaching and teaching God’s word is central to discipling believers?”
Survey Questions (cont.) • 5. What activities fall under the core value of “we believe in an unchanging message and ever changing methodologies?” • 6. What activities fall under the core value of “we want to be faithful stewards?” • 7. What activities fall under the core value of “we believe prayer is our power source?” • 8. What activities fall under the core value of “we believe in ‘extra-mile’ servant ministry?” • 9. What activities within the youth ministry, if any, do you feel do not fall under one of these core values?
Criteria to Support Hypothesis • If 40 out of the 56 cells in the table (71%) regarding core values have ministries within the youth ministry related to them, and fewer than 4 cells have ministries listed under the “no core values” column, the hypothesis is supported.
List of Core Values at JFBC • We desire for JFBC to be more and more like Jesus • We consider worship to be our number one ministry priority • We want to reach as many people for Christ as possible, both locally and globally • We believe preaching and teaching God’s word is central to discipling believers • We believe in an unchanging message and are committed to ever-changing methodologies • We want to be faithful stewards • We believe prayer is our power source • We believe in extra mile servant ministry and excellence in ministry
Survey Questions • 1. What activities fall under the core value of “we desire for JFBC to become more and more like Jesus?” • 2. What activities fall under the core value of “we consider worship to be our number one ministry priority?” • 3. What activities fall under the core value of “we want to reach as many people as possible, both locally and globally?” • 4. What activities fall under the core value of “we believe preaching and teaching God’s word is central to discipling believers?”
Survey Questions (cont.) • 5. What activities fall under the core value of “we believe in an unchanging message and ever changing methodologies?” • 6. What activities fall under the core value of “we want to be faithful stewards?” • 7. What activities fall under the core value of “we believe prayer is our power source?” • 8. What activities fall under the core value of “we believe in ‘extra-mile’ servant ministry?” • 9. What activities within the youth ministry, if any, do you feel do not fall under one of these core values?
Data Tables, Questionnaires, Surveys • All of these are made, but are blank and unanswered in the proposal. • This is “What” you will organize and “What you will ask” • The information (data) collected in the next 6 weeks will be compiled, organized, evaluated and presented in the Final Portfolio and Presentation in December.
Remember this is a Proposal or Plan • This will be your blueprint of collecting your data for the next month and a half. The next month should be exciting and fun as the difficult phase of just trying to figure out what you want to do is finished. Research Design Proposal (Rough Draft) is due on Wednesday March 16th and the final on the 18th at noon
Research Design Proposal • Place all pages loosely, in order by page # in a pocket folder. • Do not staple
Begin Your Research Now!!! • Do not wait until you get your proposal graded. If you have a question that is hindering you, then see me or e-mail me ASAP and let’s get it resolved. Our time is Precious and Ticking Away!!! Take pictures when you can….Senior Project will be here before you know it!!!
GROUP ACTIVITY Turn in one map/group
Creating a Research Plan Andrea has been interning at the Cobb Veterinarian Clinic for the past 3 weeks. She has observed that some of the dogs brought in have been diagnosed with canine lymphoma, heartworms, and hip dysplasia. The owners seem to be caring and conscientious in regard to their pet’s health. She has also noticed that German shepherds have been among several that have been commonly seen with these ailments.
Each group will create a plan that Andrea could use for her research. She will be conducting the study for the next 8 weeks at the clinic, so consider what would be of value to dog owners and the veterinarians for whom she works. • Discuss and collaborate with your group about some possible studies. • Design an inspiration map which includes: a) Main Research Question b) 3 Sub Problems c) A Hypothesis for each Sub problem d) Criteria to collect Data for each Hypothesis
Your Personal Research Plan • Just as Andrea assessed her internship experience and observations, you should do the same. You have been in your internship 4 weeks (Ideally, 30+ hours) and have done a 7 Source Assignment and Literary Review Paper on a related Internship topic. You have a lot of knowledge (basic research) and observations/experiences from your internship (applied research) in which to draw ideas from to create a similar research map (the 4 parts). This is just your first attempt (rough draft) that you will bring with you to the assigned personal conference with me to discuss your research plan and ideas.