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James Goldstein Residence Palace, Brussels 10th February 2009

SUSTAINABLE ENERGY GOES MAINSTREAM Where EU energy projects meet the media. Enhancing the visibility of EU Sustainable ENERGY projects. http://www.pressensave.eu. James Goldstein Residence Palace, Brussels 10th February 2009. Intro to PRESSENSAVE.

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James Goldstein Residence Palace, Brussels 10th February 2009

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  1. SUSTAINABLE ENERGY GOES MAINSTREAM Where EU energy projects meet the media Enhancing the visibility of EU Sustainable ENERGY projects http://www.pressensave.eu • James GoldsteinResidence Palace, Brussels • 10th February 2009

  2. Intro to PRESSENSAVE EU FP6 project with aim to provide the EU Energy programme with a new powerful tool capable of enhancing and maximizing the media visibility of the results achieved, the new products realised and research carried out. Our ultimate goal : Assist EU energy project consortia to effectively and successfully communicate their research results through mainstream European media

  3. The Consortium • Online communication & platform development • Provide and manage technology platform and customise tool based on user needs • Communication expert • Set-up of dissemination tools for EU project consortia (webinars) • Assist projects to exploit research results • Sustainable/Renewable Energy expertise provision • Link with energy research initiatives of EC projects • Media/Journalism expert • Reach out to EU journalism community • Strengthen EU projects’ dissemination plans with media contacts

  4. What PRESSENSAVE offers Virtual Press Office: An on-line tool for all energy projects, where draft press releases can be posted to be revised by professional journalists.  Wide reach towards expansive network of EU energy journalists Media coverage assistance: Experts in communication can support your project’ communication strategies while media professionals can spread news and results through appropriate channels. High visibility Webinar manager: seminars transmitted over the web - projects can be selected to be featured at a webinar as an event on renewable energy.  Your conference is broadcasted and visibile on the Internet

  5. Virtual Press Office User-friendly tool No additional software required Quick registration process User profiling to customise to projects’ media needs and interests Full communication between projects and PRESSENSAVE journalists Personalised email alerts during entire editing process ONLINE ARENA for promotion of EU ENERGY projects to highlight their corresponding news on research, product, event …

  6. Multi-user levels Energy Project coordinator: User of VPO service “Journalist /Editor”: EJC journalist who edits inserted info into media-friendly press release “Scientific Validator”: POLITO who assures scientific accuracy to EJC “Chief Editor”: Takes final edited and validated Press Release to be distributed to the media (EJC) “Platform Administrator”: CYBION maintains platform and assures fluid user flow from initial insertion to final press release publication/delivery All users interact simultaneously on the VPO and are alerted accordingly during editing process

  7. Find us at www.pressensave.eu

  8. News submission by energy project coordinator Text info

  9. PRESSENSAVE journalist is notified about information and is assigned to edit the press release into media-friendly article

  10. After journalist makes first edit, our energy research expert validates article for scientific accuracy, giving some comments on the press release

  11. Email sent to project contact to advise of edited news item accessible on platform

  12. The project Coordinator re-enter platform and view his new press release on personalised home page. Insertion of comments from the Project Coordinator and validation

  13. Chief Editor can archive the PR and send it to media Customised media list to receive PRs

  14. After final validation article uploaded on www.pressensave.eu

  15. Summary: How VPO works 1 • Following registration, EU energy project coordinator inserts the “raw information” • 2) PRESSENSAVE journalist is notified about information and is assigned to edit the press release into media-friendly article • 3) After journalist makes first edit, PRESSENSAVE energy research expert validates article for scientific accuracy • 4) Email sent to Energy project coordinator to advise of edited news • 5) The project coordinator can re-enter the platform and view his newly created professional press release on personalised page

  16. Summary: How the platform works 2 • 6) The project coordinator either validates the release to complete the process or adds further comments to be resent to the journalist. • PC has final say on changes and must validate results. • All comments visible to both PCs and journalists. • Entire dialogue exchange also viewable to both users. • 7) After validation, PR placed on PR list to be sent to media by Chief Editor (professional journalist). • CE archives validated PR • PR appears on public section of portal. • 8) CE sends finalised PR to target media!

  17. SUSTAINABLE ENERGY GOES MAINSTREAM Where EU energy projects meet the media European Journalism Centre's activities for the PRESSENSAVE platform Rodolfo Perez Saracibar Residence Palace, Brussels 10th February 2009

  18. The EJC's role on the Pressensave platform • In charge of the media-related activities: • Verifying the communication needs of the projects • Gather information they wish to disseminate • Transform the information into professional press releases • Sent out the press releases to selected media targets • Media follow up

  19. Added-value provided by the EJC's activities • Giving more media visibility to the projects • Raising awareness of their results • Providing media advice to the projects • Assisting in their relations with the media

  20. SUSTAINABLE ENERGY GOES MAINSTREAM Where EU energy projects meet the media POLITO’s activities for PRESSENSAVE Platform • Roberto Mussi • Residence Palace, Brussels • 10th February 2009

  21. POLITO’s role in the Platform • Preliminary analysis of energy projects registered on the platform • Supervising activity • Assuring a timely validation of scientific accuracy of Press Releases • Act as go-between research projects teams on one side and media on the other

  22. Benefits from POLITO’s activity • Translation of scientific results into media-friendly news […. “it’s all about being able to transform what we want to say in what the public wants to hear”….] • Unbiased information and outlook on Energy technologies • Dissemination of information from the academia to the general public

  23. SUSTAINABLE ENERGY GOES MAINSTREAM Where EU energy projects meet the media The communication partner • Hinano Spreafico D. F. • Residence Palace, Brussels • 10th February 2009

  24. Minerva Consulting & Communication • ROLE IN PRESSENSAVE project : Communication expert • Survey questionnaire sent to all targeted ENERGY projects • Gathering communication and media needs • Customising PRESSENSAVE to projects • Gaguing projects’ current use in media and communication campaigns • Promoting the use of the platform Europe wide

  25. Setting up of a full list of Energy projects dividing the projects by specific energy sectors Selection of the first test user group (22 projects) Preparation of the survey and distribution to the test user group to collect feedbacks (January-March 2008) Gathering of the results Opening and launch of the platform Dissemination of PRESSENSAVE to Energy projects (from April 2008 on) Work implemented

  26. Minerva Consulting & Communication • ROLE IN PRESSENSAVE project : Webinar manager • Set-up of dissemination tools for EU project consortia (webinars) • Assist projects to exploit research results • Webinar = seminars transmitted over the web • 7 projects are selected to be offered a webinar for an event on renewable energy

  27. Webinar is the short for Web-based seminar It is just like a conference room based seminar but participants are in front of their pc with headphones A Webinar is interactive: participants can give, receive and discuss information. The benefits in using this system are: Reach a larger audience Reduce cost Digitally record and allow future playback Webinar support

  28. Coordinator details: James GoldsteinCybion SrlVia Della Scrofa, 117Rome, Italy 00186 Tel: +39 06-6865975Fax: +39 06-68806997 http://www.pressensave.eu info@pressensave.eu E-mail: goldstein@cybion.it

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