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How is HIV Transmitted between People?<br>https://hivrna.com<br>HIV can only be transmitted from one partner to another by way of a few select bodily fluids, including blood, semen, vaginal fluids, rectal fluids and breast milk from an HIV positive individual.<br>hiv, hiv transmission, hiv infection, hiv testing<br>
HIV TRANSMISSION - HOW HIV IS PASSED FROM PERSON TO PERSON Closed mouth kissing HIV Insects or pets Saliva Pre-Chewed Food Toilet surfaces When caregiver’s/mother’s mouth mixes with food while chewing, the chances of spreading HIV rise. HIV is also passed through saliva. HIV is also passed through Toilet surfaces. This circumstance has only ever been known among mother/infants & very rare. It is extremely rare for HIV to be transmitted Unprotected Sex It is rare for HIV to be transmitted Infected Blood Transfusions Oral Sex (Rare) It’s very rare for partners to contract HIV during oral sex. In theory, it’s possible if the HIV positive man ejaculates in the woman’s mouth. n the US, receptive anal sex is the highest risk behavior for HIV transmission, anal sex being the highest risk activity. It’s possible to transmit HIV through infected blood transfusions or infected organ transplants, although this type of transmission has become very rare. Vaginal sex is less risky, but unprotected vaginal sex is still a very high risk behavior. HIV, blood donations and organ transplants are always very thoroughly screened. Or if both parties exchange blood from open sores. Bite Wounds Dirty/ Non- Sterile Needles Pregnancy HIV can be spread if bitten by a person positive for the disease. There were only a limited number of cases, and each involved severe tissue damage leading to open wounds HIV can also be spread from mother to child during pregnancy or be transmitted from the mother to the child when breastfeeding. HIV can be spread if bitten by a person positive for the disease. Data Provided by HIVRNA.com