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e-Infrastructures for e-Science the EU Policy Presentation at the DRIVER Confederation Summit, 20 October 2009. Wim Jansen INFSO F3 European Commission GEANT and eInfrastructure.
e-Infrastructures for e-Science the EU Policy Presentation at the DRIVER Confederation Summit, 20 October 2009 Wim Jansen INFSO F3 European Commission GEANT and eInfrastructure "The views expressed in this presentation are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission"
Science and ICT • Scientific advances more important than ever • Global challenges with high societal impact • Innovation, research and economic development • The Fifth Freedom (Free movement of Knowledge) • Adoption of ICT changes the scientific discovery process • Computing, simulation and data: ‘virtualisation of experiments’ • Tackling the very small, the very big and the very complex • Cost efficiency • Open, cross-border and cross-discipline collaboration
ICT infrastructures for e-Science: a Communication to European Institutions COM(2009) 108 • Highlighting the importance of embracing the e-Science paradigm shift • Highlighting the strategic role of e-Infrastructures as a crucial asset underpinning European research and innovation policies • Calling on Member States and the scientific communities, in cooperation with the European Commission, for a reinforced and coordinated effort to further develop world class e-Infrastructures
physics community biomedics community astronomy community Sharing and federating scientific data Sharing computers, software and instruments Linking at the speed of the light . . . . . . . Scientific facilities e-Infrastructures for science…ubiquitous research environments for accessing and sharing resources and tools… Connecting the finest minds Sharing and federating the best scientific resources Building global virtual communities
e-Infrastructure ICT infrastructures for e-ScienceCOM(2009) 108 Three vectors of a renewed European Research strategy 2020: Europe as hub of excellence ine-Science Sustainable and continuous services of production quality 24/7 Innovation by exploiting know-how beyond Science (Health, Learning, large scale experimentation, LL)
Conclusions by Competitiveness Council of29 May 2009 • Highlight strategic importance of e-Infrastructures; key to overcome fragmentation and digital divide • Member States to consider e-Infrastructures in their national roadmaps • Commission to ensure: • sustainability • global connectivity and interoperability • unimpeded use
Linking at the speed of the light: GÉANT Sharing the best computational resources: e-Science grid, supercomputing Accessing knowledge: scientific data Innovating the scientific process: global virtual research communities Experimenting in silico: simulation and visualisation e-Infrastructures in action today
IMPACT METAFOR EuroVO-AIDA GENESI-DR DRIVER neuGRID EUFORIA D4SCIENCE ETSF EGEE DEISA FEDERICA EVALSO GÉANT Examples of projects network computing data generic e-Infrastructure… user communities involvement
Climate Geo Earth biology astro scientific data infrastructure distributed computing/software infrastructure network infrastructure, GÉANT Scientific Data Infrastructure
Fostering Global Virtual Research Communities Scientific Communities • Geographically spread • Culture heterogeneity • Problem Complexity • Volumes of information • Quality of information • Incentives to share • Organisational barriers e-Infrastructures • Connectivity • Collaboration • Processing, Simulation • Repositories of data • Curation/Review • Trust • Knowledge advantage
e-Science workspaces Data/Visualisation e-Science Workspace e-Science Workspace e-Science Workspace Database Database Computer/Simulation Laboratory Laboratory Library Library Computer Computer EfficiencyGains Economies of Scale Networking Networking Networking/Connectivity
Support to existing research infrastructures INFRASTRUCTURES-2010-1.2.1 Distributed Computing Infrastructure 50 M€ INFRASTRUCTURES-2010-1.2.2 Simulation softwares & services 12 M€ INFRASTRUCTURES-2010-1.2.3 Virtual Research Communities 23 M€ Support to new research infrastructures INFRASTRUCTURES-2010-2.3.1 Construction of new infrastructures (PRACE first phase) 20 M€ INFRASTRUCTURES-2010-3.3 Support to policy development and programme implementation 10 M€ WP2010 (e-Infastructures) Publication: 30/07/2009 / Deadline: 24/11/2009 Call for proposals: FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2010-2 12
Topic objectives INFRA-2010-1.2.3: Virtual Research Communities • General objectives: • Enable an increasing number of users from all disciplines to access, share and use e-Infrastructures (facilities, instruments, software data • Remove constraints of distance, access and usability, as well as barriers between disciplines for a more effective scientific collaboration and innovation • More specifically: • Deployment of e-Infrastructures in research communities to enable multi-disciplinary collaboration • Deployment of end-to-end e-infrastructure services and tools for integrating and increasing research capacities • Build user-configured virtual research facilities and test-beds from collection of diverse resources • Address human, social and economic factors to facilitate the creation, take up/maintenance of e-Infrastructure services • Integrate and link regional e-Infrastructures Expected impact: Increased effectiveness of European research through the broader use of e-Infrastructures by research communities; the emergence of virtual research communities of European and international dimension that cannot be achieved by national initiatives alone;
Call for Proposals Publication: 30/07/2009 / Deadline: 24/11/2009 14
Information Repository services Management of Repositories Management of Access Processing, Computation Physicalinfrastructure Orchestration within the e-Infrastructure: need for coordination all the elements and layers • In the Communication to the Council and EP, the Commission asks the involvement of Member States and key stakeholders to build robust, dynamic and innovative e-Infrastructures for scientific data • This cooperation started already by launching 15 projects, including the FP7 Open Access Pilot (40 Mio Euro) • There is still a long way to go... Adapted from e-SciDR study
eInfrastructure Community building need for coordination all the elements and layers - The changing role of Repositories in future visions of scholarly communications: - Repository activity needs to be joined up more closely with Virtual Research Community developments in eScience, data sharing, preservation and distributed Computing infrastructure • From a Repositories perspective via the enhanced publications concept towards a thematic based scientific data eInfrastructure. Information Repository services Management of Repositories Libraries in the value chain between data and preservation Processing, Computation Physicalinfrastructure Adapted from e-SciDR study
Scientific Data - Looking ahead • “Big, complex data-intensive science" of global dimension is here to stay; hence the increasing value of observational and experimental data in virtually all fields of science • Europe pays particular attention to the aspects of accessibility to scientific information, its quality assurance and preservation • Developing an ecosystem of European Digital Repositories, federating and adding value to national or discipline-based repositories will be necessary • Multi-disciplinary approaches, new participative paradigms and global research communities are an essential part and driver of the strategy • …but organisational, governance and financing models need reconsideration, informed by sociological, political and cultural considerations • Upcoming Calls of e-Infrastructures programme to provide support to the e-Science transition We need to exploit the growing sensor/effector layer to make the world itself a real-time database. (from the creativity machine, V. Vinge)
For further information www.cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/e-infrastructure/