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LIGHTING YOUR HOME - It can change the perception of your home. - Creates sensations like safety and comfort - Helps to enjoy the home in his major potential. - Gives beauty or drama to a room - A small room can turn her in big and drafty
LIGHTING YOUR HOME - It can change the perception of your home. - Creates sensations like safety and comfort - Helps to enjoy the home in his major potential. - Gives beauty or drama to a room - A small room can turn her in big and drafty - A big room can turn her in small and stifling - It can be relaxing or stimulant - It is not so expensive as a remodeling LIGHTING NEEDS - It complements the way of life - To take in all the activities that develop in every space, for power like that to achieve the atmosphere that is wished. - It is possible to emphasize - It can absorb or reflect the light, to our convenience FUNDAMENTALS OF LIGHTING - There are three types of light, and these work together - It depends on the function and on the style - General - It is used for spaces that do not need special light - Task - It is used for those spaces that need special lighting - Accent - Focal point
DEFINITION OF TEXTURE - Texture is sometimes used to describe the feel of non-tactile sensations. Texture can also be termed as a pattern that has been scaled down (especially in case of two dimensional non-tactile textures) where the individual elements that go on to make the pattern not distinguishable TIPES OF TEXTURE - Tactile texture: We can feel when touching the object, it is real. a- The visual texture: is only perceive with the eyes, is an illusion of as is the material of an object. WHAT IS IT THAT TEXTURE DESCRIBES OF AN OBJECTS? So many words can describe a texture, word like: - Rough/ - Bumpy/ - Slick/ - Prickly /- Scratchy/ - Smooth/ - Silky / - Soft. HOW CAN THE TEXTURE INFLUENCE THE CHARACTERISTICS OF A SPACE? - With the texture we can feel the space, wecan achievesensations, emphasize or define spaces, havebetterspatialquality, etc WHAT IS THE IMPORTANCE OF TEXTURE IN ARCHITECTURE ? - The texture allows us to define spaces, helps to determine the functionality, Depending on the material one gives the character to the building