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Vanessa Griffiths

Transforming Community Services. Vanessa Griffiths. What TCS is about. Transforming community services The interests of patients and carers are paramount Quality is the organising principle Driven by a commissioning strategy which has quality and reducing inequalities at its core

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Vanessa Griffiths

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Transforming Community Services Vanessa Griffiths

  2. What TCS is about • Transforming community services • The interests of patients and carers are paramount • Quality is the organising principle • Driven by a commissioning strategy which has quality and reducing inequalities at its core • Delivering value for money • Enabling integrated care

  3. Separation of the functions of the PCT • Part of the plans for transformation • Commissioning part of the PCT now NHSLCR • The provider services now LCR CHS • Functioning as an Autonomous Provider Organisation (APO) with separate managerial and governance arrangements • Legally remain a single organisation • Options for the future of total separation but not yet • Contractual arrangements between NHSLCR and LCR CHS for the services that they provide • Allows each part of the organisation to concentrate on their main purpose

  4. Strategies for delivery of service transformation • To achieve transformation NHS LCR together with LCR CHS will need to develop a transformation programme which addresses • Strategy • Culture • Technical/process • Structure

  5. So what happens next? Review of types of service provided Identification of enabling programme by service line to support transformation i.e. clear articulation of the strategic goals; cultural change required and how; technical support such as information systems; structural change required

  6. At the heart of change • Any proposed changes must meet the key WCC challenges – e.g. should deliver: • Better health • Better care • Better value • Robust risk assessment of change and mitigation plan in place • Structural change is only part of the solution and is delivered through a commissioning process

  7. Service lines for review - 1 • Promoting health and wellbeing • Nutrition and dietetics • Podiatry • Dental services • Services for children and families • Children’s services • Specialist community children’s services

  8. Service lines for review - 2 • Acute services closer to home • MIU/WIC • Intermediate care • Clinical navigation • Community hospitals • Outpatient services, diagnostics & day cases • Out-of-hours

  9. Service lines for review - 3 • Rehabilitation and long-term conditions • Community nursing • Physiotherapy outpatients • Speech and language therapy • Other outpatient therapies • Specialist nursing • Community matrons • End of life care • Palliative care

  10. Example: Intermediate care - 1 • Strategy: integrate care across health and social care to reduce cost and improve patient experience • Culture: understand the different cultures of health and social care teams and develop interventions to support alignment to goals

  11. Example: Intermediate care - 2 • Technical: develop joint commissioning strategy between PCT and LA. • Align financial and performance incentives to support operational delivery. • Implement information systems that support information sharing and feedback • Structural: Possible section 75 agreement

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