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RECORDER KARATE Order of Belts. WHITE BELT. YELLOW BELT. YELLOW BELT. Snail, snail, snail, snail, ‘Round and ‘round and ‘round and ‘round. ORANGE BELT. ORANGE BELT. Star Light, Star Bright.
YELLOW BELT Snail, snail, snail, snail, ‘Round and ‘round and ‘round and ‘round.
ORANGE BELT Star Light, Star Bright Star- light, star bright, first star I see to-night, Wish I may, wish I might, have this wish I wish to-night
Doggie, Doggie Dog-gie, dog-gie where’s your bone? Some-one stole it from my home! Who stole the bone? I stole the bone!
BLUE BELT Hot Cross Buns Hot cross buns, hot cross buns, one a pen-ny, two a pen-ny, hot cross buns Mary Had a Little Lamb Mar- y had a lit- tle lamb, lit- tle lamb, lit- tle lamb. Mar- y had a lit- tle lamb it’s fleece was white as snow. Au Clair de La Lune 1. Au clair de la lu- ne , Mon a- mi Pier- rot 2. Prê te- moi ta plu- me Pour é- crire un mot.
BLUE BELT Hop old squirrel Eid-le dum, eid-le dum, Hop old squirrel, eid-le dumdee Hop old squirrel Eid-le dum, eid-le dum, Hop old squirrel, eid-le dumdee
Recorder Practice Sheets B A G E D
PURPLE BELT See- saw Sacra-down, which is the way to Lon-don town? One foot up the other foot down, that is the way to Lon-don town.
PURPLE BELT Old Brass Wagon Cir- cle to the left old brass wag- on, Cir- cle to the left old brass wag- on, Cir- cle to the left old brass wag- on, You’re the one my dar- lin’.
PURPLE BELT The Canoe Song (adapted)
PURPLE BELT Char- lie o- ver the o- cean Char- lie o- ver the sea--------- Char- lie caught a big fish. Can’t catch me! ---------
PINK BELT (BROWN) ImprovisationLow D,E, and G, A, B
Extra Melodies Old Dan Tucker countermelody Spongebob
Extra Melodies This is the Cake That Mack Ate Jolly Old St. Nicholas -section