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4.01 D1 Nutrients, Functions and Sources Created by: Mrs. McCulloch

4.01 D1 Nutrients, Functions and Sources Created by: Mrs. McCulloch. Proteins. Minerals. Fats. Carbohydrates. 100. 100. 100. 100. 200. 200. 200. 200. 300. 300. 300. 300. 400. 400. 400. 400. 500. 500. 500. 500. Carbs100. What are Carbohydrates?.

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4.01 D1 Nutrients, Functions and Sources Created by: Mrs. McCulloch

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 4.01 D1 Nutrients, Functions and Sources Created by: Mrs. McCulloch

  2. Proteins Minerals Fats Carbohydrates 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500

  3. Carbs100 What are Carbohydrates? Supplies body’s major energy source

  4. Proteins 100 What are peanuts? This legume can cause a serious allergy problem ?

  5. Minerals 100 What are minerals? Nutrient group that keeps the body running smoothly

  6. Fats 100 What is Fats? Nutrient dietary guidelines recommend in moderation

  7. Carbs 200 What are complex carbohydrates? This type of carbohydrate provides bulk in the form of cellulose and sustained energy

  8. Proteins 200 What are eggs? This protein is found in the dairy section. Cholesterol is found in the center part.

  9. Minerals 200 What is iron? A nutrient found in baby formula

  10. Fats 200 What are vital organs? Fat protects these

  11. Carbs 300 What is whole wheat pasta? Runners eat this complex carbohydrate to help sustain energy when they run

  12. Proteins 300 What are incomplete proteins? These are missing one or more amino acids

  13. Minerals 300 What is calcium? Mineral found in the greatest amount in the body

  14. Fats 300 What are 9? This is the number of calories we get from 1 gram of fat.

  15. Carbs 400 What is 4? This is the number of calories in one gram of carbohydrates

  16. Proteins 400 What are Amino Acids? Small units that make up protein

  17. Minerals 400 What is sodium? Too much of this mineral can lead to hyper-tension

  18. Fats 400 What are unsaturated fats? This type is usually liquid at room temperature.

  19. Carbs 500 What is 6-11? The number of daily servings you should have from the grains group

  20. Proteins 500 What is complete protein? A type of protein that contains 9 essential amino acids

  21. Minerals 500 What is potassium ? An imbalance in this mineral can cause dizziness, fainting, and serious heart issues, even death

  22. Fats 500 What are saturated fats? These are solid at room temperature

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