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Get Connected: CHS Programs/Committees. After Prom: Student Safety Communications: Quicknotes, Directory, Website, Eagle’s Eye Fundraising : Safeway, Amazon, Restaurant Nights, BJ’s, Directory Ads Homecoming/Community Event(s): Pancake Breakfast: October 12th Membership:
Get Connected: CHS Programs/Committees After Prom: Student Safety Communications: Quicknotes, Directory, Website, Eagle’s Eye Fundraising: Safeway, Amazon, Restaurant Nights, BJ’s, Directory Ads Homecoming/Community Event(s): Pancake Breakfast: October 12th Membership: #1 last year of all twelve HCPSS High Schools
Get Connected: CHS Programs/Committees Continued • Parent Advocacy: • Mentor Program, S.I.T. (School Improvement Team), parent group support, Parent Volunteer Award • School Enrichment: • Teacher Recognition Awards, Financial Support for teacher and staff requests • Student Advocacy: • HC DrugFree, Reflections, SAT Prep, After school Activity Bus, Student Scholarships • Volunteer Parent Opportunities: • Holiday Baking, Staff Appreciation, Office Help, Lunch-time Ticket Sales
Take ACTION Today • JOIN!!!! We Have FUN!!! • Sign Up for Quicknotes: • http://www.chs-ptsa.org/ • Safeway/Giant Enrollment • Get Involved: • Board Vacancies Include: Fund Raising Committee Chair, After Prom Committee Chair, and Reflections Committee Chair • OPEN Meetings: Listed on our web site next is on Wednesday, October 9th at 7PM in the CHS Media Center Contact: Terri Chiu chsptsapres@yahoo.com or tachiu@comcast.net Phone 410-750-2792
Boosters • http://centennialboostersonline.com/default.php
CHS Friends of Music President Amy Luking: aluking@verizon.net http://www.centennialmusic.org/home/Friends-of-Music Assistant Treasurer Concert Choir Coordinator Orioles Night Coordinator Music Spiritwear Coordinator
Centennial High School Back to School Night Being College and Career Ready
Vision • A Vision inspires, challenges, empowers, and exists into the future. Centennial High School is committed to academic excellence as we work to provide the knowledge, skills, and experiences necessary for all students to succeed in a globally dynamic 21st century. • Centennial High School will embrace the cultural diversity of our students. Our school community will value a safe, nurturing, and supportive learning environment that provides exemplary teaching and learning.
HCPSS Strategic Plan Vision: Every student is empowered to learn and inspired to excel. Mission: We cultivate a vibrant learning community that prepares students to thrive in a dynamic world
HCPSS Strategic Plan Goal 1: Every student achieves academic excellence in an inspiring, engaging, and supportive environment. Goal 2: Every staff member is engaged, supported, and successful. Goal 3: Families and the community are engaged and supported as partners in education. Goal 4: Schools are supported by world-class organizational practices.
Common Core State Curriculum: • Reading and Writing Standards Across the Curriculum • Disciplinary Literacy • Technology (UDL) • Mathematical Standards • STEM-Centric (Inquiry and 5 E’s) • HSA/AP and Student Growth • Data Analysis and Formative Assessments • Teacher Evaluation
CHS Professional Learning Plan 1. Explanatory and Argument Writing 2. Standards for Mathematical Practices 3. STEM (Creative Problem Solving- Inquiry) 4. Disciplinary Literacy 5. PARCC •Professional Learning for Staff • Support through Departments, EEA Team, Administrative Team, and Curricular Offices. • A Snapshot of our SIP will be posted October 15th on our website.
CHS Schedule 2013-2014 • Period 1 7:25-8:15 • Period 2 8:20-9:10 • Period 3 9:15-10:09 • Period 4A/B 10:14-12:20 • (4-30 minute lunches) • Period 5 12:25-1:15 • Period 6 1:20-2:10
Lunch Shifts • Lunch A 10:14-10:44 • Lunch B 10:46-11:16 • Lunch C 11:18-11:48 • Lunch D 11:50-12:20
Enrollment • Centennial’s enrollment is 1,363 students.
Aspen • 1. Online Emergency Cards – please complete online. The Media Center will be open for anyone to use the computers to login and complete their information. • 2. Aspen Portal: HCPSS Aspen Portal is a web based grading program that allows parents to view his/her student’s grades online. • 3. Teachers will be accountable for updating Aspen
SAT • Centennial High School average SAT =1772 • We are number 2 in the Baltimore Area…
AP2012-2013 • We started our AP Boot camp this summer to encourage students to participate in AP classes. • 70 students participated • 58% of our students participate in AP exams
Bullying, Cyberbullying, Harassment, or Intimidation (Policy 1060) The Board of Education prohibits acts of bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, or intimidation because these behaviors compromise the learning environment and wellbeing of students, staff and community. Reports can be done through Aspen and/or anonymously on our Centennialeagles.org webpage. Bullying may include but is not limited to the following specific behaviors: • Hitting, kicking shoving, spitting, hair pulling or throwing something • Getting another person to hit or harm the student • Teasing, name-calling, critical remarks, or threatening, in person, by email or text message • Bullying by demeaning and making the target of jokes • Cyberbullying
Upcoming Dates • Check Website for Dates and Events • Sign up for enews alerts • Quick Notes • Twitter
Most Important Factor in Student Achievement Students First 2013-2014 • Schools can only be as good as the people within them… • Schools must utilize strategies that result in more good teaching in more classrooms more of the time.
Excellence in Learning • Equity and mutual respect are non-negotiable. • Everyone must accept responsibility for excellence and helping one another. • Learning means providing road maps (collaboration) and partnerships (co-planning) for reaching high expectations. • Success reflects growth and open doors to new experiences and explorations.
Update on Cell Phones- Policy 8080 1. The use of personal communication devices will be permitted during the school day for approved purposes during designated times and in designated areas of the school building. (Hallways and Cafeteria) 2. The students takes all the responsibility for the device’s safety, security, and maintenance. 3. Communication devices may not be used to record, transmit, or post photographic, audio, or video during school hours for non-instructional purposes. 4. The placing and answering of personal phone calls, texts, or emails during instructional time are forbidden. 5. When not in use, all devices must be switched off or to “silent mode.” Any disruption to class or other educational activity may result in disciplinary action.
CHS Emergency Plan • Every staff member receives a new and updated manual each year. • We have 12 or more drills every school year to practice for fire drills, “Lock Downs,” and “Duck, Cover and Hold.” • Every staff member has a position or job in case of emergency. • We will notify you at the end of the day via alerts when we have conducted drills. We have completed an evacuation, a lockdown, and 5 drills already.
Health Classes please report… • All health classes will meet in the GYM and not in room 912 or 412.
Centennial Website • www.centennialeagles.org WHEN LOOKING AT OUR CALENDAR ON OUR HOME PAGE- DO NOT USE THE ONE ON THE TOP OF THE PAGE BUT THE ONE ON THE SIDE OF THE HOME PAGE…. We are working on fixing this.