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ENUM (t E lephone NU mber M apping) Update CSCN Chair Presentation to ISACC Information and Communications Technology Standards Advisory Council of Canada October 2005 Doug Birdwise Chair – CSCN doug.birdwise@bell.ca 613-781-4366. ENUM World Summary. ENUM Trials began in 2002.
ENUM(tElephone NUmber Mapping)UpdateCSCN Chair Presentation to ISACCInformation and Communications Technology Standards Advisory Council of CanadaOctober 2005Doug Birdwise Chair – CSCNdoug.birdwise@bell.ca613-781-4366
ENUM World Summary • ENUM Trials began in 2002. • As at May 2005, three Countries have implemented ENUM in production systems (Austria, Poland & Romania) • Three Countries are in the process of implementing ENUM (United Kingdom, Sweden, South Africa). • Seven Countries have ENUM trails underway (China, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Sweden). • Fifteen Countries have received the delegation of their ENUM domain (Antarctica, Armenia, Ascension Is., Austria, Brazil, Czech Republic, Diego Garcia, Hungary, Liechtenstein, Singapore, Slovak Republic, St Helena, Switzerland, The Netherlands, United Arab Emirates). • Sources: • http://www.internetnz.net.nz/public/enum/2005-07-ENUM-Report-trial-summaries.pdf • http://www.internetnz.net.nz/public/enum/2005-04-13-mco-trial-presentation.pdf
CC1 ENUM LLC Status • On 27 October 2004, the Country Code 1 (CC1) ENUM Limited Liability Corporation (LLC) was created in the USA by AT&T, Bell South, GoDaddy.com, MCI, SBC Laboratories, Sprint and Verizon to implement ENUM in CC1 and the USA. • The stated purpose is to build the public infrastructure that will promote the development of ENUM technology in a single, carrier-class manner within the countries of the North American Numbering Plan (NANP). • The LLC is seeking to build a commercial implementation consistent with the relevant open standards of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) upon which ENUM is based. • On 12 February 2003, the USA Department of Commerce endorsed USA participation in ENUM and established guidelines for implementation (see: www.ntia.doc.gov/ntiahome/ntiageneral/enum/enum_02122003.htm). • On 9 February 2005, CIRA and the US ENUM LLC signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) regarding the terms under which CIRA would act, during the trial period, as the Tier 1A registry for ENUM for participating countries in Country Code 1.
CC1 ENUM LLC Status • On 2 Sept 2005, the USA Dept. of State issued a letter to the CC1 ENUM LLC encouraging the LLC to proceed with requesting other NANP area nations to request the ITU to temporarily delegate the CC1 domain to the CC1 ENUM LLC for the purpose of conducting an ENUM trial. In this letter, the USA Government also established terms and conditions for a USA Trial of ENUM. http://www.enumllc.com/USGDelLetter.pdf • The CC1 ENUM LLC has developed and agreed upon a Framework Document for a US/CC1 ENUM Trials Program: http://www.enumllc.com/cc1trials.html • The CC1 ENUM LLC is currently creating Tier 1A and Tier 1B Registry Technical and Operational Requirements documents for nations within Country Code 1. • In Sept-Oct 2005, the CC1 ENUM LLC intends to send a letter requesting CC1 Governments to approve the request for temporary delegation of the ENUM CC1 domain to the CC1 ENUM LLC for the CC1 ENUM Trial. • In Sept-Oct 2005, the LLC plans to submit the CC1 ENUM Tier 1A draft RFP to CC1 governments and the CC1 ENUM Tier 1B draft RFP to the USA Government for approvals. • The LLC intends to start the CC1 USA ENUM Trial in December 2005. • The LCC is planning to select the CC1 Tier 1A ENUM Registry vendor and the USA Tier 1B ENUM Registry vendor by June 2006. • The LLC intends to launch the CC1 USA ENUM system with CC1 Tier 1A and USA 1B vendors in the December 2006 to March 2007 time period.
ENUM Forum Status • The USA-based ENUM Forum has created an ENUM specification and architecture for implementing ENUM in CC1 and the USA (see: www.enum-forum.org). • The ENUM Forum Mission is to develop the ENUM implementation framework for deploying IETF RFC 3761 in a two-tiered DNS structure rooted under “e164.arpa” for E.164 numbers within the United States and a potential common implementation with other countries served by the North American Numbering Plan (NANP). • Currently the ENUM Forum is working on the following ENUM related tasks: • ENUM Implementation for Toll Free Non-Geographic Numbers • Infrastructure (Carrier) ENUM • USA ENUM Trial Framework
CSCN ENUM STATUS • The CSCN has submitted two TIF Reports on ENUM to the CISC, CRTC and Industry Canada for consideration. • TIF Report 40 addressed: • Delegation of the Top Level Domain “1.e164.arpa” • TIF Report 45 addressed: • ENUM architecture & operations (Tiers 1A and 1B) • RFP and bidding process to select ENUM Tier 1 vendors • The CSCN is currently examining key ENUM issues including the following: • Major ENUM Questions • Canadian ENUM architecture and operations (the “Public” ENUM system) • Carrier ENUM (a private ENUM system for Telecom Carriers) • Canadian ENUM Trial • Funding Mechanism to pay for Tier 0, 1A and 1B Registries
CSCN ENUM STATUS • The CSCN supports the temporary delegation of the CC1 ENUM Domain “1.e164.arpa” for ENUM Trial purposes. • The following Canadian entities have indicated an interest in participating in a Canadian ENUM Trial: • CIRA – Canadian Internet Registry Authority • Xit Telecom • MCI Canada • The CSCN is currently seeking additional contributions to develop a proposed Canadian ENUM Trial Framework and Plan. • It is not clear at this time whether there will be a Canadian ENUM Trial similar to the CC1 ENUM LLC Trial being planned for the USA, as contributions have not yet been submitted to the CSCN for consideration. • Several contributions have been submitted by various parties regarding the Canadian ENUM structure and funding of the system (e.g., CIRA, Xit, Bell Canada, TELUS). • Xit has proposed a change to the Canadian ENUM Tier 1 Registry structure (Tier 1C concept) which will be discussed at the CSCN. • It is expected that a third TIF Report will be agreed in the near future and submitted to the CISC and CRTC for consideration.