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KNR 273: Introduction to Therapeutic Recreation

KNR 273: Introduction to Therapeutic Recreation. Dr. Sandra Wolf Klitzing, CTRS. Overview of Today’s Class. Get acquainted Course syllabus & expectations Overview of ISU TR sequence. Get Acquainted. How did you learn about TR? Why did you select TR as a career?

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KNR 273: Introduction to Therapeutic Recreation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. KNR 273: Introduction to Therapeutic Recreation Dr. Sandra Wolf Klitzing, CTRS

  2. Overview of Today’s Class • Get acquainted • Course syllabus & expectations • Overview of ISU TR sequence

  3. Get Acquainted • How did you learn about TR? • Why did you select TR as a career? • What skills/abilities/characteristics do you possess that will be an asset in TR? • What was the best thing about your break?

  4. How would you define TR?

  5. Course Syllabus • Distribute syllabus • My expectations of you • What are your expectations of me?

  6. SK Expectations • Get Excited • Get Engaged • Get Experience

  7. ISU TR Sequence • 273 Introduction to Therapeutic Recreation (Spring) • 253 Techniques in Therapeutic Recreation (Fall) • 279 Therapeutic Recreation Client Documentation (Fall) • 278 Therapeutic Recreation Service Delivery (Spring) • 365 Advanced Therapeutic Recreation Practices (Spring)

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