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Strategic Plan Update

Strategic Plan Update. Q4 2007-2008 (April 1 – June 30). Mission: To inspire each girl to fulfill her promise and to better the world. The Elements of our Vision. To fulfill our mission, Laurel must be a school in which : Every girl is known; each girl thrives

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Strategic Plan Update

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Strategic Plan Update Q4 2007-2008 (April 1 – June 30)

  2. Mission: To inspire each girl to fulfill her promise and to better the world

  3. The Elements of our Vision To fulfill our mission, Laurel must be a school in which: • Every girl is known; each girl thrives • Definitions of excellence are broad • The facilities support extraordinary curricula • Teachers are celebrated • The community is welcoming and diverse • We practice responsible and forward-thinking fiscal stewardship

  4. Strategic Initiatives

  5. 2007-2008 Q4 Update Significant progress over past two quarters: • Third quarter of 2007-2008 (1/1 – 3/31) • Service Learning— Led structured school-wide service learning event (February 2008); AND Marti, Dory & Tim C. represented school at OAIS White Paper conference on service learning & global citizenship, returning with many resources/ideas • Undergo full curricular assessment—developedthe “screens” to assess the presence/absence of the defining features of curricular excellence (as defined previously) in all major curricular units; AND started work on template to capture scope and sequence, skills and content, and essential questions at every grade level in every classroom—to be further developed with the “pilot” group that will complete their own scope and sequence work (using the new templates) by year’s end

  6. 2007-2008 Q4 Update (con’t) Significant progress over past two quarters (con’t): • Third quarter of 2007-2008 (1/1 – 3/31) • Sustain/Develop Faculty--Surveyed new faculty from past two years and mentors from past two years about how the present program has worked for them; AND identified Mentor Program Leader (Licia Kovach) • Fundraising--Completed phase II of prospect screening; AND enlisted and educated Campaign chair and steering committee; AND secured funding restricted for current operations, including Dream, Dare, Do Scholarships, to meet budget goal ($250,000) • Strategic Enrollment Plan--wrote and oversaw the development of a joint brochure promoting Laurel and US transportation routes; AND began to implement new events in identified outreach areas • National Pre-eminence--used CRG PR materials and initial theme (girls and math) to develop a lecture that LD, AVK, or LG will give around town next year

  7. 2007-2008 Q4 Update (con’t) Significant progress over past two quarters (con’t): • Fourth quarter of 2007-2008 (4/1 – 6/30) • Best Practice—team designed a best practices self-assessment instrument which was then administered to the faculty • Service Learning—Service Learning web page has been updated & launched on school website • Student Information System—scope and ambition of initiative under careful consideration • Undergo full curricular assessment— shifted focus of initiative, placing curricular chart and scope/sequence at center of preliminary phase of initiative; additionally, the team worked with D’s to determine best way to get teachers to self-evaluate the curricular experiences they oversee using the materials developed within the initiative; a book group was formed to discuss Checking for Understanding; • Complete a facilities masterplan—a draft square footage assessment was created and reviewed by the Committee; schematic areas for potential construction were proposed; original Lyman Campus drawings were studied for further understanding of spatial relationships

  8. 2007-2008 Q4 Update (con’t) Significant progress over past two quarters (con’t): • Fourth quarter of 2007-2008 (4/1 – 6/30) • Sustain and develop outstanding faculty—worked on a mentor/mentee handbook, outlining expectations for both; discussed with Head and Admin team how mentors should be chosen, and devised manner in which mentors could be compensated for the increased role • Strengthen and mobilize volunteers-- developed a strategy with Alumnae Association president, Head of School and President of the Board to address succession planning • Fundraising-- reached goal for Annual Fund ($1.05M) and completed campaign capacity study • Balance budget­--developed tracking instrument allowing Ad Team to monitor overall changes in budget (use of instrument will be ongoing); revised reporting structure to provide monthly reports to budget managers (Ad Team) comparing actual results to both Original Budget (approved by Board prior to close of previous year) and to “Opening Budget” based on actual enrollment in September • Increase enrollment--analyzed current Financial Aid operation and upgraded service; identified grades where Net Tuition Revenue structures may be applied • National pre-eminence--CRG-driven panel topic submitted to and accepted by NAIS, NCGS, ISACS, and OAIS for consideration at 2008-2009 annual conventions

  9. Strategy Map as of 7/1/08

  10. Strategy Map as of 4/1/08(page 2)

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