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Dear C olleague ,

ORGANIZE D BY Slovenian Society of Pathology and Forensic Medicine BOARD MEMBERS Helmut Popper , Austria Sigurd Lax , Austria Kurt Prein , Austria Marina Kos, Croatia Sven Seiwerth , Croatia Ales Ryska , Czech Republic Josef Zamecnik , Czech Republic

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ORGANIZED BY SlovenianSocietyofPathology andForensic Medicine BOARD MEMBERS Helmut Popper, Austria SigurdLax, Austria Kurt Prein, Austria Marina Kos, Croatia SvenSeiwerth, Croatia AlesRyska, CzechRepublic Josef Zamecnik, CzechRepublic AndrasMatolcsy, Hungary AttilaZalatnai, Hungary ZsuzsaSchaff, Hungary Dušan Daniš, Slovakia MarianŠvajdler, Slovakia Lukas Plank, Slovakia Metka Volavšek, Slovenia Jera Jeruc, Slovenia Izidor Kern, Slovenia MAIN TOPICS Dermatopathology Gastrointestinalpathology Uropathology COURSE BASICS IN PATHOLOGY Serouscavitypathology Neuropathology SPECIAL SESSION Pathology in media SPECIAL SLIDE SEMINAR POSTER SESSION Dear Colleague, On behalfofoursociety I would like to invite you to join us for the3rd PANNONIA CONGRESS OF PATHOLOGY. Theeventwillbeheld in Bled, Slovenia, from 15 to 17 May, 2014. Slovenia, one ofthepannoniancountries, lies at the heart of Europe, where the Alps meet the Dinaric Karst , and the Mediterranean shakeshandswith the Pannonian plains. It is sometimes called the picture-perfect paradise due to its varied geography which encompasses lush, green forests, hills with vineyards, crystal clear mountain lakes, fairytale castles, mysterious cave underworlds, many natural and landscape parks, rivers and the sea. Bled is renowned foritsalpine lake with the island in themiddle, resembling a cellwiththenucleus. It is a pearl of theJulian Alps that attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world each year. It is an ideal place to rechargeyour batteriesneeded for the busy everyday life. We are looking forward to welcoming you for a challenging scientific discussion and a friendly gathering in the idyllic Bled resort! Izidor Kern

  2. OFFICIAL LANGUAGE The congress will be held in English. CONGRESS VENUE Hotel Golf, Bled CONTACT For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at the following address: irena.dolhar@klinika-golnik.si DETAILED CONGRESS INFO Details on transport, accommodation, registration, congress venue and abstract submission will be available at the congresswebsite: http://www.klinika-golnik.si/pannonia/ DATES TO REMEMBER Registrationopens 30 November 2013 Abstractsubmissionandslide seminar casesdeadline 28 February 2014 FIRST ANNOUCEMENT 3rdPannoniaCongressofPathology CERTIFICATE of ATTENDANCE It willbeissued at theRegistration desk. CME CREDITS Thecongresswillbesubmitted forEuropeanaccreditation. REGISTRATION FEES Bled, Slovenia May 15-17, 2014

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