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Tennessee Forester Credentialing

Types of Credentialing Credentialing is the administrative process for validating the qualifications of professionals and assessing their background and legitimacy. Titling: defines the title forester" as a profession and establishes minimum qualifications of a forester but may allow those without

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Tennessee Forester Credentialing

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    1. Tennessee Forester Credentialing

    2. Types of Credentialing Credentialing is the administrative process for validating the qualifications of professionals and assessing their background and legitimacy Titling: defines the title “forester” as a profession and establishes minimum qualifications of a forester but may allow those without the title to provide forestry services Registration: lists those individuals who meet the minimum criteria established; may be voluntary or mandatory and may restrict who can practice Licensing: grants individuals the authority to offer services & restricts those who practice

    3. History of Forester Registration in TN 1952 the K-T SAF established a committee to examine licensing foresters in Tn & Ky 1960 planned to present to KY Legislature in 1964 and in TN in 1965 1964 K-T SAF decided it was not good political climate to promote licensing for foresters in Tennessee 1966 KY licensing bill for foresters failed 1974 Forester licensing passed KY house but was killed in the Senate 1977 the Licensing Committee of the K-T SAF was disbanded. 1984 K-T SAF Legislation & Policy committee was charged to study the certification of professional foresters and report their findings at the summer meeting 1987 Licensing & Registration committee reestablished by KT then declared inactive in 1989 1998 Tennessee Forest Management Advisory Panel, established by Senate Joint Resolution No. 230 recommended “Establish registration program for professional foresters.” 2004 Tennessee Forestry Commission’s response to the Southern Forest Resource assessment recommended establishing a group to evaluate the benefits of and / or feasibility of a TN forester credentialing program.

    4. Goals/ Purpose of Credentialing Goal - to protect the public from unqualified practitioners, the State of Tennessee credentials foresters who meet the qualifications as described in the provisions below. Purpose – for the social and economic welfare of Tennesseans is inseparably linked to the health, conservation, stewardship, and management of our forest resources. We depend on our forests to provide for many public benefits, including clean water, wildlife habitat, recreation, tourism, scenic landscapes, climate modification, and wood products.

    5. Registration In A Nutshell Mandatory Registration Education: BS or Higher in Forestry Experience: 2 Years Professional Experience Completion of Tennessee Specific Shortcourse Continuing Education: 18 CFE Hours every 2 Years

    6. Grandfathering Grandfathering open for 2 years Education + Experience 4 Year Natural Resources or Related Degree +8 Years Experience w/in Last 10 Years 2 Year Natural Resources Degree + 12 Years Experience w/in Last 14 Years No Degree + 16 Years Experience w/in Last 20 Years 3 Written References Shortcourse Completion and examination

    7. Who Is Exempted From Registration The practice of any other legally recognized profession or trade acting within the scope of such profession or trade. The application of forestry principles and procedures on any timberlands, woodlands, or forest in which any person, firm, partnership, or corporation owns an interest; The work of an employee or a subordinate of any registered forester holding a registration under this chapter; provided, that such work is done under the direction, supervision, and responsibility of a person holding a registration under this chapter The practice of forestry by officers employed on public lands Employees of the federal government and educational institutions in the State of Tennessee who, in the exercise of their assigned duties, conduct forestry education programs. The selling of ones’ own timber, or the purchasing of timber apart from that which is considered the practice of forestry. The practice of Arboriculture

    8. Shortcourse Directed by Board Likely Conducted By UT Extension Subjects specific to Tennessee laws, rules and issues Passage of examination required Costs Unknown At This Time

    9. Board of Forestry Board will function under the laws and rules of the TN Department of Commerce and Insurance 7 Members serving 5 year Terms 5 Foresters 2 NIPF’s Appointed by Governor from 3 Foresters nominations from KT SAF 3 Foresters nominations TN ACF 3 NIPF’s nominations from TFA 2 Ex Officio Members State Forester Department Head UT Forestry, Wildlife & Fisheries

    10. Costs Under TN Dept of Commerce & Insurance guidelines groups are required to self fund Recommendation Application & Registration Fee <$200 Biannual (every two years) Renewal Fee <$100 Shortcourse fees Other potential fees TN has a $400 annual Professional Services Fee for some professions Geologists and Land Surveyors do not pay it

    11. Reciprocity Is generally granted by States to others whose criteria for Credentialing is at least as stringent Major requirements for reciprocity with adjoining states seem to be: comparable education, experience and passing of a test

    12. Commencement If accepted by Tennessee Forestry Commission If supported by the industry and groups interested in TN forest resources If accepted by Department of Commerce and Insurance If enacted by Tennessee legislation If approved by the Governor

    13. Survey of TN SAF Members Mailed Dec 15, 2007 to all SAF members (210) in Tennessee 33% of ballots were returned (69) 81% of respondents supported proposal

    14. Foresters in TN 210 SAF Members Industry Foresters ~60 Consulting Foresters ~70 State Gov’t Foresters ~100 Federal Gov’t Foresters ~30 Academic Foresters ~20 Urban Foresters ~20 Others ~100 Total Estimate ~400-500

    15. Geologists in TN Established by TCA 62-36-101 thru 120 Currently have 2, 208 active Geologists in TN Fees Registration $115.00 Biennial renewal $35.00 Exam fee to be determined (new 2007?)

    16. Land Surveyors in TN Established in 1969 TCA 62-18-109 Currently have 1,099 Active Surveyors Fees Registration $200.00 Biennial renewal $280.00 3 Exams fee of $425.00 Continuing Education requirement

    17. Credentialing in Neighbor States Georgia 1,241 Foresters Type: Mandatory Registration w/ test Registration: $20, Renew $40 Alabama 1,055 Foresters Type: License w/ test Registration: $50, Renew $100 South Carolina 783 Foresters Type: Mandatory Registration w/ test Registration: $50, Renew $65 Mississippi 1,200 Foresters Type: Mandatory Registration w/ test Registration: $50, Renew $20 Arkansas 529 Foresters Type: Mandatory Registration w/ test Registration: $20, Renew $30 Virginia Type: Title…use of Forester Registration: $none Maryland 182 Foresters Type: License w/ test Registration: $55, Renew $100 North Carolina 928 Foresters Type: Mandatory Registration w/ test Registration: $ 50, Renew $40

    18. Other States with Credentialing Maine License California License 1,200-1,300 Foresters Connecticut License 110 Foresters Massachusetts License 192 Foresters Michigan Voluntary Registration 217 Foresters New Hampshire License Oklahoma Voluntary Registration 131 Foresters West Virginia Registration 395 Foresters

    19. Legal Review Department of Agriculture’s legal staff may be able to review/assist some Commerce & Insurance legal staff will review & advise Government Operations Committee of the legislature may need to review

    20. Groups for Further Input Forestry Commission TFA Farm Bureau TN Wildlife Federation TN Urban Forestry Council Landowners TDEC TWRA Hardwood Sawmills Consultants TN Forest Council Nature Conservancy TN Env. Council Ducks/Quail Unlimited Sierra Club Cumberland Alliance SOCUM

    21. TN Forester Credentialing Sub Committee Richard Evans David Todd Diana Gennett Ben Myers David Mercker Dave Walters (Chair) Gary Schneider Dave Hancock Kim Rhor Bob Ploetz Wade McMahan Tom Cunningham

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