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The Cold War in Asia

The Cold War in Asia. 1945-1952. Aims of the U.S. in Asia. Restore peace Help Asian people resist foreign rule Restore Asian trade with the rest of the world Especially committed to Philippines, Japan, and China Allows the Philippines its independence in 1946. Occupation of Japan.

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The Cold War in Asia

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Cold War in Asia 1945-1952

  2. Aims of the U.S. in Asia • Restore peace • Help Asian people resist foreign rule • Restore Asian trade with the rest of the world • Especially committed to Philippines, Japan, and China • Allows the Philippines its independence in 1946

  3. Occupation of Japan • Disarm Japan and punish militarists • Reeducate the Japanese and help them form a democratic government • American troops, under the command of Douglas MacArthur, would occupy Japan to enforce this • Emperor remained as symbol of unity • Japanese culture was left intact • A strong capitalist economy was established

  4. Communist Triumph in China • After Japan’s surrender, China is divided • Communists and Mao Zedong control the north • Nationalists and Chiang Kai-shek held the southwest, eventually the center

  5. Civil War in China • Civil war began in the 1930’s between the communists and the nationalists • Mao’s communist forces grew strong during WWII • Civil war flared up again after WWII • Marshall: End aid to China; Western Europe is more important to help • China could not be saved from communism: Communists take over mainland China 1949 • Nationalists flee to Taiwan

  6. Aftermath of Communist Victory • Truman believed that U.S. public would not support military intervention to save China from communism • The U.S. recognized Taiwan as the true China and blocked attempts of Mao’s China to get a U.N. seat

  7. War in Korea • After the Japanese surrender in WWII, the USSR occupied Korea north of the 38th parallel and set up a communist government • South Korea recognized as true gov’t; U.S. withdrew troops because Korea was outside it defense perimeter • 1950: North Korean troops invade South Korea to spread ccommunism

  8. Police Action • Did USSR or China help? • U.N. Security Council orders North Koreans to withdraw and authorizes U.N. members to aid South Korea

  9. MacArthur in Korea • Instructed to limit fighting to below the 38th parallel • North Koreans are pushed back north; MacArthur was given the OK by the U.N. to liberate the North and reunite Korea • China’s troops come to N.Korea’s aid, pushing U.N. forces back south

  10. Truman Fires MacArthur • MacArthur wanted the U.S. to bomb China; Truman doesn’t want to risk war • A letter is released in which MacArthur criticizes Truman • Truman is commander-in-chief (civilian): Should he control the military? • Truman fires MacArthur • Korean War ends in stalemate; cease fire declared in 1953 and the country remained divided

  11. Fear of Communists Aftermath of the Korean Action

  12. Spies Everywhere? • After the USSR develops the A-bomb, Americans fear there are communists among them • The loss of China and North Korea to communism worsens these fears • Some government officials, entertainers, and college professors were labeled as communists, ruining lives

  13. McCarthyism • Senator Joseph McCarthy led these “witch hunts”; all of his accusations were later proven false • McCarthyism: the use of indiscriminate and unfounded political accusations to destroy the character of one’s opponent

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