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Some Important Facts About Venous Reflux Disease

Are you concerned with an increasing number of spider veins or varicose veins? Vein disease may concern only appearance, but studies state the problem is more than this it can decrease the strength and leads to heavy leg syndrome. So while veins insufficiency can snatch the beauty, its symptoms are enough to leave your legs physically drained. Negligence can have severe consequences like DVT, leg swelling, leg ulcerations, and skin discoloration. Overall dealing with vein insufficiency is never easy and you need a vein doctor or specialist who is always by your side to give any help that is re

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Some Important Facts About Venous Reflux Disease

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  1. Some Important Facts About Venous Reflux Disease Your legs contain a vast network of blood vessels that make up an important part of your circulatory system. Blood is conveyed to your lower extremities through your arteries, but it is then sent back to the heart and lungs for renewal through your veins. These two types of blood vessels are different in the ways that they work - arteries contain internal muscles that literally "pump" blood, but veins do not, so they rely on the contraction of the muscles that surround them to provide the pumping action. If there is an issue in your circulatory system, visit the vein center to get suggestions from a vein specialist. What makes this work is that veins contain tiny, one-way valves that open as the blood passes through them on the way to the heart, but then close immediately afterward so that blood doesn't flow backward and collect in the veins. When these tiny venous valves become diseased, they become "leaky," which allows the blood to flow "backward." This is called venous reflux. Get more information from vein doctor Texas. What you don't know about venous reflux CAN hurt you? Venous reflux is the most basic reason for varicose veins. Pressure builds up when faulty venous valves allow blood to flow back into your veins and collect there, so they swell and become enlarged. If these veins are superficial (meaning close to the surface of the skin, as opposed to deeper in your legs), they may become visible on your legs as they take on the bluish-purple color of deoxygenated blood. It is estimated that 30 million people in the US alone develop varicose veins every year because of venous reflux. Such conditions require varicose vein treatment Texas by a vein doctor.

  2. Venous reflux is highly correlated to age, gender, and heredity. That is, your risk for developing this disease is higher if you are female, and if you are over 50. As a result, 72% of women and 42% of men will develop venous reflux and varicose veins by the time they are in their 60s. Another factor that makes you more at risk for venous reflux disease is genetics - if one of your parents had varicose veins, you have a 60% chance of getting them if you're female, and a 20% chance if you're male. If both of your parents had varicose veins, you have a 90% chance of getting them yourself, whatever your gender. Venous reflux disease is progressive. It doesn't go away or "get better on its own" if you don't seek treatment - it gets worse. Left untreated, varicose veins will lead to chronically swollen legs and ankles so painful that it becomes difficult to even walk or stand for more than a few minutes, and can cause your legs to be covered with bleeding sores that won't heal. Get the treatment from vein doctor Houston, if you want to relieve them permanently. Treatment options for venous reflux disease exist. And they're fast, easy, painless, and so safe that you can have your varicose veins removed in about an hour in the comfort of your local area from a vein doctor Houston at vein center texas.

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