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What is 16mo3-plate

16mo3 Steel Plates is a pressure vessel steel that is utilized in high-temperature applications. ASTM A204 16Mo3 Plates are recognized for their high wear and tear resistance, corrosion resistance, weldability, and tensile and yield strength. As nitrogen oxide is eliminated from the steel composition, the 16Mo3 Plates become more resistant to nitrate corrosion.

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What is 16mo3-plate

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What is 16mo3Plate 16mo3 Steel Plates is a pressure vessel steel that is utilized in high-temperature applications. ASTM A204 16Mo3 Plates are recognized for their high wear and tear resistance, corrosion resistance, weldability, and tensile and yield strength. As nitrogen oxide is eliminated from the steel composition, the 16Mo3 Plates become more resistant to nitrate corrosion. For more information visit: https://www.csecplates.com/16mo3-plate- stockists-suppliers.html

  2. 16MO3 ALLOY STEEL PLATES The chrome-molybdenum steel plate has good weldability and is frequently used in the oil, chemical, and gas sectors to fabricate Industrial Boilers and steel pressure containers. Alloy Steel Plate Suppliers provide a variety of steel alloying components. Our products are well-known for their exceptional use in a variety of environments.

  3. Content •16Mo3 Steel Plates Specification •16Mo3 Chromium Molybdenum Steel Plates Equivalent Grades •ASTM A204 16Mo3 Plate Chemical Analysis •ASME SA 204 16Mo3 EN10028 Plate Tensile Requirements •Cr-Mo 16Mo3 WNR 1.5415 Steel Plate Makes •Alloy A204 16Mo3 Plates Processing •EN10028 16Mo3 Plate Available Sizes •16Mo3 Plates Available Thickness, Widths and Lengths •Price List of 16Mo3 Corrosion resistant Alloy Steel Plate •Hot Rolled and Cold Rolled 16Mo3 Plates Application Industries •Other Keywords For 16Mo3 Plates •Worldwide Distributors of ASTM A204 Gr.B 16Mo3 Plates

  4. About us C hampak Steel & Engg. C o., founded in 1978 and led by intellectual individuals, is now one of the largest manufacturers, suppliers, stockists, importers, and exporters of Stainless Steel, C arbon Steel, Alloy Steel, High Nickel Alloys, Special Alloys, Aluminium Alloys, C opper Nickel, Titanium Alloys, Duplex & Super Duplex, Tantalum Alloys, Duplex & Super Duplex, Tantalum Alloys, Pipes, Tubes, Plates, Round Bars, and Fittings made of Abrasion Resistant Steel, Hadfield Manganese Steel, C orten Steel, High Tensile, Quenched & Tempered Steel, Armour Steel, and other steels. For more information please visit: https://www.csecplates.com/

  5. Thank you

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