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ESports explore all over world

Esports (also known as electronic sports, <br>e-sports, or eSports) is a form of sport competition using video games.[1] Esports often takes the form of organized, multiplayer video game competitions, particularly between professional

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ESports explore all over world

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  2. 01.WHAT IS E-SPORTS ? Esports (alsoknownaselectronicsports, e-sports, oreSports) isaformofsport competitionusingvideogames.[1] Esports oftentakestheformoforganized, multiplayer videogamecompetitions, particularlybetween professionalplayers, individuallyorasteams.

  3. THE RISE OF ESPORTS 02. ESPORTShavebeenabigdealforquiteawhile. It’sagiantindustryestimated tobeworthsomewhereintheballparkof $1.8billionby2022. It’sattracting thelargestaudienceontheplanet, alreadyover600millionpeople. Forbes reportsthatesportproathleteshavebeengrowingmorethan40% annually everyyearsince1998.

  4. 03.TheIncredibleGrowthofeSports TheeSportsindustryhasseentremendousgrowthovertheyears, bothintermsofviewershipandrevenue. Theincreasingviewership iswhatmainlycontributedtotherevenuegrowth – andit'snotjust becausethoseviewersaregeneratingrevenue. Seeingthepotential ofreachingalargeandengagedaudience, brandsareinvestingin eSportsmarketing, bothdirectlyandindirectly. Thishascontributed torapidrevenuegrowthintheindustry, onlysloweddownbyCOVID limitinglargepubliceSportsevents.

  5. 04.TOURNAMENT Casualplayersatthe2013IntelExtremeMastersinKatowice, Poland Esportsarealsofrequentlyplayedintournaments, wherepotentialplayers andteamsvietobeplacedthroughqualificationmatchesbeforeenteringthe tournament. Fromthere, thetournamentformatscanvaryfromsingleor doubleelimination, sometimeshybridizedwithgroupstage.[133] Esports tournamentsarealmostalwaysphysicaleventsinwhichoccurinfrontofa liveaudience, withrefereesorofficialstomonitorforcheating.

  6. 0 5 . T Y P E S O F E S P O RTS G A M B L I N G Asfarasesportsgamblinggoes, mostofthebetsmovewithinthesame natureastheydowithtraditionalsports. Therefore, mostgamblingsites offeringthebookerserviceallowuserstobetbasedontheoutcomeof tournaments, matchesorspecialesportstitles. Ontheotherhand, dueto thenatureofesports, thereareplentyofinnovativewaystobet, whichare basedonin-gamemilestones."FirstMap" bets.[191]

  7. In the future there will be a way to automate responses based on pre-written keywords and through machine learning. Proliferation ofChatBots Presentations are communication tools that can be used as demonstrations, lectures, speeches, reports, and more. It is mostly presented before an audience.

  8. RiseofAugmentedReality Here are some predictions What's in store for us? Future of Technology It's time we see and engage with the world differently. Right now, we experience augmented reality through games, but there's a lot to it more than entertainment. Real use cases of augmented reality include medical training, classroom education, business logistics, and the tourism industry. Augmented reality is an emerging player in the tech economy. We can only expect further innovation and improvements in this area of communication.

  9. 03 WholeBrain Emulation Presentations are communication tools that can be used as demonstrations, lectures, speeches, reports, and more. It is mostly presented before an audience. It serves a variety of purposes, making presentations powerful tools for convincing and teaching.

  10. Brain-Computer Interface In the future there will be a way to automate responses based on pre-written keywords and through machine learning. Presentations are communication tools that can be used as demonstrations, lectures, speeches, reports, and more. It is mostly presented before an audience.

  11. Digital telepathy In the future there will be a way to automate responses based on pre-written keywords and through machine learning. Presentations are communication tools that can be used as demonstrations, lectures, speeches, reports, and more. It is mostly presented before an audience.

  12. No longer will you have to learn a foreign language to communicate with others Auto Translation Presentations are communication tools that can be used as demonstrations, lectures, speeches, reports, and more. It is mostly presented before an audience.

  13. Proliferationof ChatBots 01 02 Presentations are communication tools that can be used as demonstrations, lectures, speeches, reports, and more. It is mostly presented before an audience. Presentations are communication tools that can be used as demonstrations, lectures, speeches, reports, and more. It is mostly presented before an audience.

  14. ElectronicPaper Current trends on virtual presence will provide the groundwork for truly immersive communication designed to transcend time and space. Current trends on virtual presence will provide the groundwork for truly immersive communication designed to transcend time and space. 04

  15. "Electriccommunicationwillneverbea substituteforthefaceofsomeonewho withtheirsoulencouragesanother persontobebraveandtrue." -Charles Dickens

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