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Fur is back in style and there are choices in the way you can wear fur. Fur coats and hats are ideal for winter as are scarves and stoles made of fur. However, scarves and stoles of fur lend themselves easily to being worn in a variety of different ways to add glamorous looks. <br><br>Read more : https://www.amifur.com/<br>
Reason to Wearing Fox Fur Scarves or Fur Stole Fur scarves are ideal to provide a highlight and counterpoint to dresses, a way to draw attention and distinguish you from the crowd. Fur is back in style and there are choices in the way you can wear fur. Fur coats and hats are ideal for winter as are scarves and stoles made of fur. However, scarves and stoles of fur lend themselves easily to being worn in a variety of different ways to add glamorous looks. An added advantage is that you are not limited to wearing scarves or stoles in winter. You can wear them in warmer weather too. Why do women love fox fur scarves? You can get scarves made of fox fur in a variety of colors ranging from silver to gray to gold and brown. Then there are exotics like violet fur and arctic fur as well as silver tipped fur. The vast variety makes it possible for you to select a scarf or a stole to go along with whatever different colored dress you have or to convey a special image. Wear a dark dress and top it with a silver or gold scarf and the effect is simply stupendous. People love to watch you when you wear fur. Your entire being is transformed from plain to exotic and glamorous with just one simple step. You are perceived as being a charmingly alluring woman when you wear a real fur scarf. You Can Follow Us:
A fur scarf or stole can be worn in different ways. Just loop it over your shoulders and let the ends dangle at the front. You can loop one end over the shoulder. You can loop it twice or thrice. You can knot the scarf. You can tie it around your hips or waist. Each variation creates a powerful imagery of style. Since there are so many different colors of furs available it is easy to color coordinate wardrobes. You can wear white fur scarf with white or pale cream colored dresses or with darker ones. Each time the effect is different. Enhance this by coordinating the rest of the accessories like handbags and shoes to match and you have a glorious visual of a woman of style and substance. Yes, fur does represent substance. Not everyone can afford fur is the general impression though fur has become quite affordable these days. Only celebrities’ sport fur is the general assumption and by wearing fur women gain this association that makes them stand apart in a crowd. If you wish to make yourself even more attractive and slinky then there is nothing like topping this ensemble with a sable fur hat. The hat can perch on your head in any number of different ways. You can wear it square right on the head. You can push it back or you can pull it forward. You can slant it at a rakish angle. Each time you achieve a different effect. From coyly demure to insouciant, you can project the image you wish. Eyes pop out of their sockets when men see women with fur accessories. For best effect wear plain colored clothes, whether light or dark in shade. It is never a good idea to go in for prints or patterns. These clash against fur and detract.
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