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teeth whitening in dubai pdf

the science behind the whitening teeth

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teeth whitening in dubai pdf

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Understanding the Science Behind Teeth Whitening: How Does It Work? Scroll down to know more about Teeth whitening in Dubai.

  2. Table of contents 01 02 How teeth whitening works? Introduction 03 04 Common methods used for teeth whitening Conclusions

  3. 01. Introduction

  4. What is teeth whitening? Teeth whitening is a process that aims to lighten the color of teeth and remove stains or discoloration. The science behind teeth whitening involves the use of various agents that penetrate the tooth structure and alter the appearance of tooth color

  5. What are the factors behind teeth discolored or stained? Teeth can become discolored or stained over time due to a variety of factors, including: 1. Extrinsic Stains: These are surface stains that occur on the outer layer of the tooth (enamel) and are typically caused by the consumption of dark-colored foods and beverages (like coffee, tea, or red wine), smoking, or poor oral hygiene. Intrinsic Stains: These are stains that occur within the tooth structure and can result from factors such as genetics, aging, trauma, certain medications, or excessive fluoride exposure during tooth development. 2.

  6. 02. How teeth whitening works?

  7. How teeth whitening work? To understand how teeth whitening works, it's important to know the basic knowledge of a tooth. Each tooth consists of three layers: first outermost enamel, second dentin, and third the innermost pulp. The enamel is the hard, protective layer that surrounds the tooth, while the dentin is a softer layer that supports the enamel. The pulp contains nerves and blood vessels. Teeth whitening usually works by using bleaching agents to break down and remove stains or discoloration from the tooth structure. The bleaching agents typically contain hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, which are the key active ingredients responsible for the whitening effect.

  8. 03. Common methods used for teeth whitening

  9. There are several methods of teeth whitening available: In-Office Professional Teeth Whitening: This is performed by a dentist or dental professional using high-concentration bleaching agents. The procedure usually involves applying a protective barrier to the gums and applying a whitening gel or paste directly to the teeth. Special lights or lasers may be used to enhance the whitening effect. In-office treatments generally provide faster and more noticeable results compared to at-home methods. At-Home Professional Teeth Whitening: Dentists can provide custom-fitted trays and whitening gel for patients to use at home. These trays are filled with the whitening gel and worn for a specific period, typically a few hours each day or overnight, as recommended by the dentist. At-home professional teeth whitening usually takes longer to achieve desired results but offers convenience and flexibility. Over-the-Counter Teeth Whitening Products: There are wide variety of products available, such as whitening toothpaste, whitening strips, gels, and rinses etc. These products typically contain comparingly lower concentrations of bleaching agents and may require longer treatment durations to see noticeable results. They are generally more affordable but may be less effective than professional treatment which are offered by dental clinic. ● ● ● ●

  10. 04. Conclusions

  11. In conclusion, teeth whitening is a cosmetic dental procedure designed to lighten the color of teeth and remove stains or discoloration. It utilizes bleaching agents, such as hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, to penetrate the tooth structure and break down the pigmented molecules responsible for tooth discoloration.

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