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As a music PR company, we understand the importance of a strong online presence and effective promotion. We work with musicians like yourself to help develop and execute marketing strategies that cater to your individual goals and needs, using our experience and industry insights to achieve the best results.
7/10/23, 11:50AM MusicPRCompany|PersonalizedMusicMarketingServices MusicPRCompany|PersonalizedMusicMarketing Services quitegreat.co.uk/music-pr-and-marketing MusicPR&MusicMarketingCompanySince1996 TherearesomanymusicPRandmarketingagenciesthatoffermusicmarketing services Before we dive in – making great music that people engage with is key. This should be yourprimaryfocus.Ifyourmusicisn’twellwrittenandpeopledon’tlikeitthenyou’llfallat thefirsthurdle–somethingweknowyoudon’twant.Andwedon’twantforyou either. AsamusicPRcompany,weunderstandtheimportanceofastrongonlinepresence and effective promotion. We work with musicians like yourself to help develop and execute marketing strategies that cater to your individual goals and needs, using our experienceand industryinsights toachieve the bestresults. Getintouchatask@quitegreat.co.uktofindouthowyoucangetyourmusic heard! BrilliantworkingwithQuiteGreat-we'reacharitythatsecuredsomeexcellentcoverage with their help and I would thoroughly recommend. A great team at Quite Great that really...Read More EllaS. 5thSeptember2021 DearQuiteGreatteam,Thankyousomuchforyouramazingcreativityandyourpassion aboutart!Youreallyinvestyoursoulandallcapabilitiestohelpartists,theproject...Read More DmitryArt 5thSeptember2021 PrevNext MusicPR & Music Marketing Services by Quite Great As a music PR and marketing company, we understand the challenges that musicians and artists face in promoting their music and building their careers. Whether you’re an unsigned musician just starting out or an established artist signed to a big label, our comprehensivePRandmarketingservicesaredesignedtohelpyouachieveyourgoals andunleash your music potential. https://www.quitegreat.co.uk/music-pr-and-marketing/
7/10/23, 11:50AM MusicPRCompany|PersonalizedMusicMarketingServices Economymusicpromopackages Werun30musicblogs,independentlyeditedbyrealmusic-obsessedwriters, creatingoriginal contentaround you andyour music. Guaranteed Radio Airplay Worldwide – Our Quite Great radio shows are ranked globallyintheMixcloudchartsandareairedacrossover210radiostationsaroundthe world. In today’s digital age, social media is a powerful tool for promoting music. You can alsocontributetoourYouTube(1M+subscribers),Instagram(100K+followers),and TikTok (55K+ followers), simply by creating an exciting introduction and a brilliant performanceandaccompanyingitwithathumbnailimagesowecanpresentittothe world. Brand Building: We understand the importance of building a strong brand, and our teamwillworkwithyoutodevelopaprofessionalimage,createawebsite,andbuilda communityof fans and supporters. SpotifyMusicPromotion–It’s importantforartiststodoeverythingtheycantoget their music moving on streaming platforms such as Spotify, Soundcloud, Apple Music,andAmazonMusic.But howdoyoudothat? Howdoyougetpromotedon Spotify?ThisiswhereQuiteGreatcanhelpyou. At our music PR and marketing company, we are committed to helping musicians and artists achieve their goals and reach new heights in their careers. Whether you’re just startingoutorareanestablishedartist,wehavetheexpertiseandresourcesyouneedto succeed. So why wait? Contact us today to learn more about our services and how wecan help you. AGlimpseintoSomeofOurTopPR CampaignsandGetin TouchwithUsToday. CreativeMusicPromotion Thebesttypeofmusicprandmusicpromotionisthetypethatgetsyouasanartist noticed!It is as simpleas that. SoatQuiteGreatwestrivetofindthekey‘angle’thatwillhelpusgenerate creative,impactful music promotion. Quite Great PR owner Pete Bassett has 25+ years of experience and whilst Head of PRatPolydor,helearnttheimportanceofcreativeideasthatwouldhelpreleasesgrow. This was true for releases he oversaw including Geffen, Motown, Fiction, and Mother, andthe same is true foryou! WatchVideoAt:https://youtu.be/paF3byIh9lQ https://www.quitegreat.co.uk/music-pr-and-marketing/
7/10/23, 11:50AM MusicPRCompany|PersonalizedMusicMarketingServices Let’s talk about how best to promote your music online, and growyourfan online. Setyourselfclear objectives withmeasurableresults Whatareyouclearlydefinedgoalsforyourcampaign?Areyoulookingtogetxnumberof reviews on your release date? Or do you want 100 new streams of your new single within 2 weeks? Set yourself a measurable goal with a deadline to help manage your project moreeffectively. Developanengagingonlinepresence Whereareyourfanscongregating?AretheydancingtomusiclikeyoursonTikTokorare they deep in the comments of a niche reddit thread? Identify where your target audience isand focusyour attention ondeveloping yourpresence there. So what isthebest way topromoteyourmusiconline? ThebestwaytopromoteyourmusiconlinewhenworkingwithareputablePRagencyis to interact with them, make sure you get weekly reporting, and then discuss with your teamtargets andhow to adaptyour campaign asit develops. Dream Theater,WangChung,OtisMcDonald,KobeBryant,MadeleinePeyroux,Bria WatchVideoAt:https://youtu.be/TH_lNsy4xOQ Formoreinformation,pleasecontactask@quitegreat.co.uk When approaching us to discuss the label services we offer or just individual services, always make sure you are ready to discuss the small details behind your music and think of what would be relevant to develop. For example we have had acoustic artists touring the UK along the canal system stopping off and performing at pubs, dance acts who get spotted by label singing behind beauty counters, bands who create artwork from rubbish, folk singers who lived in a tree, rock gods who are rumoured to be buying football teams, formerwaitressessingingfortheirsupperwhoendupperformingtoBradPittandGeorge Clooney and getting a major label deal and classical acts busking to raise money for charities. The list is endless but the fundamental thing is to look at where the story fits into the release pattern and not to try and make an idea fit if it is not going to help the artist to gain media coverage, as don’t forget, there is great opportunity once a news story is onlinethataradiointervieworseriesofradiointerviewswilltakeplace,aidingpotential fangrowth. https://www.quitegreat.co.uk/music-pr-and-marketing/
7/10/23, 11:50AM MusicPRCompany|PersonalizedMusicMarketingServices ThisiswhatweliketoseeasthebestPRformusicartists,theabilitytoworkartistsand discoverthe story thatwill hit the headlines. QuiteGreatwasfoundedin1996wedostressthisasitisvitaltounderstandthatwe have been changing and adapting to the market whilst upholding the vision that the business of music promotion and marketing should be fun, creative and honourable throughoutall this time…. Asacompanythemusicteamstrivetomakesurethatweactonbehalfofourclientsina professional manner and ensure that communication with them is at the forefront of everythingwedo.Ourbusinessmodelissimple,wewilldiscussyourneedswithyouand work out a way to create a budget and on occasions a partnership that can help you maintainyourreleasepatternsandbanddevelopmentwithoutfearingthatthewheelsare goingto fall off. QuiteGreatMusicPromotionhavecarvedoutareputationforcreativethinking,usingthe background stories we gather from our artists to create those ‘EUREKA’ moments that give us headline grabbing stories that will reflect your music and your history and again reflectthe importancewe placein fully understandingour artists. We love what we do as we believe music is one of the most important things in life, and justtore-assureyouoncemorealthoughourliferevolvesarounddevelopingartists,we haveabackgroundofhelpingmajorartiststoo,inallgenresfromhip-hoptoclassical, poptorock,folktosteampunkandprettymucheverythinginbetween.Itisthisvarietyof musicalgenreexpertisethatmeansthatwhateveryourmusicalstyleandthestageyou areatinyourcareer,weareahomefor yourmusicpromotion,socontactusnow. ContactQuiteGreatPR YourName YourEmail Your Message Whatis1+9 https://www.quitegreat.co.uk/music-pr-and-marketing/