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Think about these quotes and choose the one t hat you most identify with. Be ready to defend your choice. Welcome. Lions.
Think about these quotes and choose the one that you most identify with. Be ready to defend your choice.
Welcome Lions
Mrs. Szymczak (Shimshack)276-2001 x 80514Conference time: 1:04-1:49Email: tammy.szymczak@misd.orgSchedule Tutorials: By appointment 1st---English I Adv. 2nd---PLC 3rd---English I Adv.4th---English I Adv.5th---English I Adv.6th---English IV AP7th---Conference8th---Royals
Bring all needed materials to class. Have pen, paper, and needed materials at all times. • Be seated and ready to work when the bell rings. Begin warm-up activities: reading, grammar, or vocabulary assignments. • Respect and be polite to all people. Please use appropriate language. • Do not talk or leave your desk when a lesson is being presented. If possible wait until the presenter is finished. • Respect other’s property. Do not write on desk, walls, chalkboards, or other students’ belongings. Place trash in receptacles. Respect the teacher’s territory; please do not go into the teacher’s desk, shelves, cabinets, or file drawers without permission. Class Rules
Please do not bring food, candy, snacks, drinks or gum into the classroom. Peppermints are fine. • Please take care of personal business between classes. Go potty before class begins. • 8. Use blue or black pens preferably. Pencils are ok. • 9. Stop all talking when a guest enters the classroom. Show respect to • all administrators or teachers entering the classroom, especially SUBS!!! • 10. NO ELECTRONIC DEVICES OF ANY KIND unless asked • to use for a lesson. THIS IS NON-NEGOTIABLE!!!!!! KEEP THEM PUT AWAY in the cell phone caddy or backpack unless told otherwise!!!
ClassRules • Be on time, on task, and prepared to learn EVERYDAY. #nofreedays • Respect the teacher, the classroom, other students, and yourself. #benice • Be responsible for your own learning. #quitcheating#hardwork • Clean up after yourself and your peers. #notyourmom • Keep all personal electronics PUT AWAY. #onlywithpermission#notexting#notweeting#nopictures
Policies and ProceduresAttendance PolicyIf you are absent, it is your responsibility to get any missed work. If a quiz or test was assigned before you were absent, then you are responsible for it the day you return. It is up to you to ask for the make-up work. **Look at website to see what you missed. Many resources are available. Tardy PolicyTardy stations are located in the cafeteria during 1st and 5th periods. All other periods will be sent to closest administrator office.Mrs. Miller –B2104
Homework PolicyHomework is given as practice to ensure your success in class. I may or may not take a grade on the homework, but it would be to your advantage to complete the assignment. (Sometimes it is used as bonus.) All homework is important regardless if it is graded.
Late Work Policy for Advanced Freshmen • Late work will not be accepted for full credit. Late is any time after the assignment is collected by the teacher. • Work turned in 1 school day (one class period) or less after the due date will reflect a 20 point or 20% loss of credit. • Work turned in 2 school days late (2 class periods) will lose 40 points or a 40% loss of credit. • Work will NOT be accepted after the 2 day. • In class assignments are due by the end of the period unless otherwise noted by the teacher. If a students fails to turn in an assignment completed during class, a zero will be recorded. • Long term assignments will not be accepted late due to the length of time students are given to complete the said assignment i.e. Research papers, projects, essays, etc. It is your responsibility to turn the assignment in on the given due date regardless if you are absent.
Late Work Policy for AP Literature Due to English IV AP being a college level class, it is expected that all work will be turned in by the deadline stated per assignment. Late work is not tolerated and may result in a zero. Cheating Cheating and/or copying another’s work is a serious offense. A grade of 0 will be given and a discipline report will be filed. This also includes intentional/unintentional plagiarism.
English I-Adv. Freshmen Grading Policy Major grades count %70Quizzes/Daily %30 (Quizzes may count twice) Unit tests Vocabulary Homework Assigned projects Notes Daily/class work Essays Reading Others as needed Unit vocabulary tests All policies and rules are subject to amendment - you will be notified of changes.
English IV-AP Grading Policy Major grades count 80% Daily/Quizzes 20% (quizzes may count twice) Unit tests Vocabulary Homework Assigned projects Notes Daily/class work Essays Reading Others as needed Unit vocabulary tests All policies and rules are subject to amendment - you will be notified of changes.
Juniors and Freshmen Supplies Supplies Blue or black pens Binder/notebook Red pen Dividers Wide ruled paper *Please choose one of the following for classroom supplies. 1st period-Kleenex 3rd period-Blue/black pens, red pens, or highlighters 4th period-Wide ruled paper or legal size paper 5th period-Dry erase fine-point markers 6th period-Dry erase fine-point markers
Class Expectations The Advanced English program is designed to prepare students for college level work for either the Dual Credit or Advanced Placement Courses. Students enrolled in such courses are typically task-oriented, highly motivated, proficient readers and writers. Students are responsible for keeping up with outside reading and writing assignments and should be able to prioritize their time to meet all deadlines. This course will be conducted under an honor code. All students will be expected to do their own work, unless designated by the teacher as a group assignment. Students may be given projects, essays, etc. that must be completed outside of class. It is expected that they complete the assignment without plagiarizing or sharing information with other students. This includes sharing homework, study guides (unless designated by the teacher for group study), test questions, essay questions, etc. If a student is caught cheating, the disciplinary action will be in accordance with the student handbook and a grade of zero will be given for the assignment.
Class Expectations In this class we will: 1. Use MLA header on all assignments Jane Doe Mrs. Szymczak Class-Period Day/month/year Have a title for works turned in on notebook paper or typed written assignments. Title must be on first line. Skip the subsequent line. 3. Answer all questions/assignments in complete sentences. Example: Where does the primary action take place? The primary action takes place in the puritan community of Salem, Massachusetts.
Use correct punctuation and grammar. Support your answers fully to show understanding of the material. Example: How is courage illustrated in the selection? Courage is seen through the action of Giles Corey when he refuses to give in to the courts and identify who told him Putnam is reaching out for land. Corey stays true to his word in protecting his friends. Although he is held in contempt of court and is pressed to death, Giles never gives in to save his life. His willingness to die is the greatest act of courage. **Failure to do so may result in loss of points.
Remind Mrs. Szymczak would like you to join Remind 101. To receive messages via text, enter 81010 Seniors text--d2kke8h Freshmen text--2bc6h4 You can opt-out of messages at anytime by replying, 'unsubscribe@mrsszymcza'. Remind is a tool for convenience; I do not always put reminds. It is ultimately your responsibility to read the board in class and look at my website for information.