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Kharif Conference 2011 Group IV presentation . States: Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Meghalaya, Tripura, Nagaland and Sikkim. Assam : Status . Rabi 2011 Estimate :
Kharif Conference 2011Group IV presentation States: Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Meghalaya, Tripura, Nagaland and Sikkim
Assam : Status Rabi 2011 Estimate : • More coverage under summer rice, maize, pulses, oilseeds and vegetables inspite of deficient rains during rabi 2010 • Major Contribution of Shallow tube wells; 8% increase in production and 5% increase in productivity • Increasing trend of rice and horticultural crop production for the last four years. • Increase in production &productivity of rice since the introduction of NFSM in the state - ( 50% &35% in Kharif rice and ; 62% and 22% in rabi rice ) • 21% production growth in fruits; 72% in vegetables and 26% in spices, since the introduction of Horticulture Mission Kharif 2011 Planning: • Nearly 5-10% enhanced targets for area, production and productivity under autumn /winter / Kharif rice, jute , sugarcane, oilseeds, vegetable, maize and pulses planned
Assam : Issues Productivity of rice below the national average of 2130 kg/h i.e. 1765 kg/h Defunct Seed certification agency ; seed money from RKVY required Assured irrigation in 20% of the cropped area only 63.2 kg/ha consumption of fertilizer against the National average of 129 kg/ha . Insufficient availability of power for farming weak marketing infrastructure . High moisture content in paddy deterring procurement by FCI More than 85% farmers without KCC Subsidy on seeds should be 50% of the cost. Inclusion in Fodder scheme subsidy on pump sets upto 75% to benefit large number of small and marginal farmers. Fertilizer issue – transport subsidy from rack point to dealers godown; dealers margin and availability of sufficient rail racks during peak period
Arunachal Pradesh: Status Rabi 2010-11 Estimate : • Low Area coverage and production of maize, wheat, pulses, mustard, potato during rabi 2010 than the targets (nearly 80-85%of the targets achieved) • Higher vegetable area and production (100% achievement) Kharif 2011 Planning • Enhanced targets of area, production under rice, maize, millets, pulses, potato, ginger and vegetables in comparison to Kharif 2010.
Arunachal Pradesh : Issues • Lowering of eligibility criteria under RKVY to qualify for the scheme easily • Capacity building–more quota for Agriculture courses in Central SAU for NE States. • Convergence Guidelines of schemes like NREGA, SGSY, BRGF, RKVY etc. • Enhancement of Administrative charges under RKVY from existing 1% to 3% • Provision of LMV as a special case under RKVY for effective monitoring
Manipur: Status Rabi 2010-11 : • Quantum increase in area and production of rice , nearly doubled compared to 2009-10 • significant decrease in area and production of maize(78%), rabi pulses (50%)and oilseeds( 50%) compared to 2009-10 Kharif 2011 planning: • Higher targets under rice, maize, pulses, oilseeds and sugarcane proposed compared to last Kharif
Manipur : Initiatives and Issues Initiatives: • Higher yield of Mustard and Peas cultivated under Zero tillage in rice fallows • 1200 kg/ha against 900 kg/ha - Mustard • 700-800 kg/ha against 450kg/ha- Peas • Nearly 30% of rice area under SRI ; highest yield of 13.4 tons /ha under SRI Issues: • Inclusion of 3 valley districts under NFSM. • Low coverage of farmers under KCC
Meghalaya: Status Rabi 2010 estimate : • Low production in rabi rice expected ; more coverage planned under boro paddy • Increase in area and production of rice (4%) , oilseeds (25%) compared to rabi 2009. • Decrease in area and production of pulses (12%) Kharif 2011 planning: • Strategies proposed for achieving higher targets - • Cluster approach for rice and maize in watershed areas; Conversion of wasteland into cultivable land ; and increased mechanization
Meghalaya : Initiatives and Issues Initiatives: • Tie up with feed mills for assured farm gate procurement of maize in watershed areas • Higher production of rice under SRI: about 7 tons/ha. Issues: • Non availability of suitable Rice HYV for higher altitude region • Seed Certification Agency yet to be set up • Lack of scientific storage at village level
Mizoram : Status • Rabi 2010 Estimate : • Production of cereals expected to increase by 5%, Oilseeds remaining same • Substantial drop in production of pulses • Kharif 2011 Planning: • 10-20% enhancement in Production targets of Rice, Maize, Pulses and Oilseeds planned • New Initiatives: 1000 ha area expansion under OPAE
Mizoram : Issues • funds for reclaiming areas for Wet Rice Cultivation (WRC) • Potential Area for Cultivation: 74,644 ha • Current Area under WRC: 11,937 ha • Funds for establishing road connectivity to Wet Rice Cultivation land in valleys
Tripura : Status • Rabi 2010 Estimate : • Production of Food grain is expected to increase by 10% • Kharif 2011 Planning: • More production targets under Rice, Maize and Pulses • Issues: • More funds for ATMA and MMA at par with previous year allocation. • Need funding for 1000 deep tube wells • Subsidy for farm mechanization up to 75%
Nagaland-Status Rabi 2010 Estimate : • Nearly 3 thousand MT Higher Food Grains production against the target of 51.39 thousand MT • Oil seeds production is nearly 1thousand MT less against the target of 35.96 thousand MT Kharif 2011 Planning : Higher production targets fixed for Kharif foodgrains and oilseeds Issues: • Seed availability • NFSM is to be extended to valley districts of Nagaland
Sikkim - Status Rabi 2010-11 estimates: • Achievement of specified targets possible due to timely sowing and massive campaign Kharif targets: • Higher targets proposed-28% additional area under rice ; 30% under hybrid Maize; 10% area under SRI • Increase in pulses (rajma, urad) area as relay crop or intercrop Initiatives: • 7500 hectares already organic certified. Organic ginger is being exported to Germany • State is targeting to make whole State Organic by 2015 Issues: • Pulses schemes is to be extended to Sikkim also