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Time Limits Pitch

My first refined pitch for my A2 music video idea

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Time Limits Pitch

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Time Limits – Sammy Rash Music Video Pitch

  2. The Track

  3. The Meaning • This is a song about the pressure society puts on young people to find themselves and build a career as soon as possible. • The singer is talking about his own future as well as the future of perhaps a love interest. He talks about his aspirations as well as things that are important such as enjoying life and spending time with people close to him.

  4. The genre • Indie/Pop – originating in Britain in the late 1970s, this subgenre combines key elements of both genre to create a more melodic style with a greater emphasis on harmonies. • This subgenre has become increasingly popular in the past few years with many artists turning back to core instruments such as the guitar for inspiration.

  5. The idea (Synopsis) • A singer is busking on the street. • The Love interest – takes notice of the music • Cuts of love interest with the singer – in a café, walking around shops etc. • Possible handheld shots – the singer vlogging? • Dancers surround the singer who is busking towards the end of the video.

  6. Visual Cues (Colours/images)

  7. Influences • Olly Murs - ‘Heart skips a Beat’ • The 2007 romance film ‘Once’ • The 2016 musical film ‘La La Land’ • Michael Rosenburg – or his stage name Passenger who used to busk prior to fame. • As well as Ed Sheeran who would do the same thing.

  8. The cast (Who do you hope will be involved in your production?) • I don’t have a definite idea of who I would cast but there are a few appearance criteria’s that I have thought about: • The lead singer: a young male – possibly in his late teens, his look would have to be effortless but stylish (a young Damon Albarn look). • The love interest: a girl a similar age to the lead singer – typical girl next door look.

  9. Performance (How many performers? Any instruments) • The aim is to depict the artist as a teenage heartthrob for young girls. • The performance must therefore focus predominantly on his appearance and his singing. • The lead singer should be both singing and dancing. • Throughout the performance we will see the singer with his guitar and a microphone. • There will also be dancers dressed as regular people on the street.

  10. Narrative (How are you telling a narrative? Story? Thematically?) • The story will be told generally chronologically: • The video will start on the street with the artist busking, then move onto the singing capturing the love interest's attention. • The ‘love story’ will then follow a chronological storyline with the ‘couple’ going on dates that gradually more intimate e.g., a coffee date, date at the park, dinner etc. • The video will still occasionally cut to the original set up of the singer busking. • The end will be cyclical as the ‘couple’ will be in the same location as the busking, the singer will continue to perform as people start dancing, including the love interest.

  11. The Style • The star personae would be shown as what style? • The artist will be presented as a typical teenage ‘boy next door’ – perhaps a mixture of a musical and skater boy. • This is a stereotype we are all used to but there is still a sense of enigma around the persona as this style hasn’t yet been overdone. • The ’star’ isn’t a complete mystery, there is an element of warmth and openness to him but the focalization on his appearance is what makes him desirable.

  12. The Structure • Opening shot – closeup on the singer with a gradual pull out showing the artist singing on the street with his guitar. • 12 sec in closeup of the artist playing his guitar followed by a zoom and pan out once again showing the singer as a whole from a different angle. • 24 sec in an OTS of the singer depicting the street with people minding their own business. Love interest also depicted – she starts to pay attention to the artist. • 47 sec in love interest approaches the singer – pan around the pair. • 58 sec in the montage of the various date set ups begins with cuts back to the original set up. • 1 min 32 sec in there is a break in the singing as the artist briefly talks – at that point, the montage slows on the couple sitting in a café – a mid shot of the singer saying the phrase. • 1 min 56 sec in the montage finishes as we return to the original set up of the singer playing his guitar, a choreographed dance routine breaks out around him for the final chorus. • 2 min 19 sec in the camera starts to gradually zoom in on the singer • 2 min 24 sec final shot of the singer playing his guitar, alone on the street.

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