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2009 NCAA Softball Playing Rules Changes and Rationale CPU ADDITION page 20 New Note For Fair Ball Definition 1.40 A legally batted ball that… .5 First falls or is first touched on or over fair territory beyond first or third base.
2009 NCAA Softball Playing Rules Changes and Rationale
CPU ADDITION page 20New Note For Fair Ball Definition 1.40 A legally batted ball that… .5 First falls or is first touched on or over fair territory beyond first or third base. Note: Beyond first or third base is determined by the baseline between first and second base and the baseline between second and third base (see diagram at the end of rule 2).
MAJOR ADDITION page 23Helmet For Student-Athlete Base Coach 1.57 The protective headwear most commonly worn by an offensive player. Players are required o wear helmets while batting or running the bases, or when positioned in the on-deck circle or as base coaches in the coaches’ boxes. Catchers are required to wear a protective helmet while receiving pitches in a game. Other offensive players may wear a helmet for safety reasons.
MAJOR ADDITION pages 28New Pitcher’s Lane 1.93 Pitcher’s Lanedefinition The area to which the pitcher is restricted when delivering the pitch.
EDITORIAL & MAJOR ADDITIONS pages 33 & 35Changes Regarding The Field… 2.1 Backstop EDITORIAL ADDITION page 33 …When the backstop is wood, cement or brick, it is recommended that it is padded. 2.11 Foul Pole MAJOR ADDITION page 35 The foul pole must be a metal, plastic, or wooden pole that extends vertically upward from the foul line at the point it intersects the home-run fence. The pole and/or the line shall be visible connecting the ground to the top of the pole. The pole should extend at least 10 feet from the ground. …In addition, it is recommended that the color of the foul pole should contrast with the background so it will stand out, preferably white or yellow.
MAJOR ADDITION pages 37Referring To The Pitcher’s Lane 2.15 Lines Lines (foul lines, running lane, pitcher’s circle and lane, dead ball areas, coaching, batter’s and catcher’s boxes) denote spaces to which players or coaches are restricted. …The outside edge of the first and third base lines and their extensions should correspond with the outside edge of first and third base, and the outside edge of the pitcher’s lane should correspond with the outside edge of the pitcher’s plate and batter’s box.
MAJOR ADDITION pages 38Referring To The New Pitcher’s Lane 2.19 Pitcher’s Lane The area to which the pitcher is restricted when delivering the pitch. The pitcher’s lane shall be eight feet in length extending along the outer edges of the pitcher’s plate toward the inside edges of the inside front corners of the batter’s boxes.
MAJOR CLARIFICATION & ADDITION pages 43&44 Changes Regarding Equipment Rule 3 Introduction last paragraph …Coaches are responsible for ensuring that their players are legally equipped and properly attired to reflect a positive image of the game. Uniforms, accessories and equipment (including batting gloves that must be worn, carried in the hands or put out of sight in pockets) must be worn properly and as designed. Exception: Sunglasses may be worn as desired… 3.1 Ball .1 The ball shall meet the following specifications: …. Maximum dynamic stiffness: 7,500 pounds per square inch (effective July 2009).
MAJOR ADDITION page 51Helmet For Student-Athlete Base Coach 3.8 Helmet for Student-Athlete Base Coach .4 A student-athlete in the coaches’ box is required to wear a protective helmet whenever the ball is live from the first pitch of an inning to the last out of the inning. EFFECT- If an umpire observes a student- athlete in the coaches’ box without a protective helmet, the umpire shall direct the student- athlete to wear one without penalty. Failure to do so when directed by the umpire shall result in ejection of that student-athlete.
CPU ADDITION page 73Regarding Warm-Ups Between Innings 6.5.6 Between innings and during pitching changes, warm-ups shall be limited to: .2 Throwing and catching with one ball among not more than four players and the pitcher in the infield;
CPU RESTRUCTURE page 76Defensive Conference Exception Requesting a suspension of play in order: a. To remove the pitcher from the pitching position or make a defensive substitution, provided the umpire is informed of the change before the representative steps over the foul line or consults with any player(s) and provided the team is ready to resume play when the umpire has completed recording and announcing the substitution or, in the case of a pitching change, the pitcher has completed her warm-up pitches.
MAJOR RESTRUCTUREpage 77Offensive Conference Exception Requesting a suspension of play in order: a. To make an offensive lineup change provided the umpire is informed that a change will be made before any consultation with player(s) or team personnel and provided that the team is ready to resume play when the umpire has completed recording and announcing the substitution.
MAJOR ADDITIONpage 77New Battery Only Conference When the catcher requests time to speak to the pitcher, base runners may not abandon the vicinity of their bases without it being a charged offensive conference. Note: If either team is charged with a conference, base runners are no longer restricted to the area near their bases.
CPU Clarification page 80Called Game Inclusion Of Stats 6.16 .2 The record of all individual or team actions up to the moment the game ends shall be recorded. If the scoring in an incomplete inning has no bearing on the outcome of the contest, all individual and team statistics shall be included.
MAJOR CHANGE page 81Forfeited Game Exception 6.19.1 A forfeited game shall be declared by the umpire crew in favor of the team not at fault in the following cases: .2 If, after the game has begun, one side refuses to continue to play. Exception: In the event that team air travel conflicts with continued play, a forfeit shall not be declared as long as the departure time from the field is communicated before the start of the game.
MAJOR CHANGE AND REORDER page 1078.5 Substitute Player slide 1 of 2 remains intact change “The coach” to “A coach” is now old; is now old; is now old; is now old; is now old;
MAJOR CHANGE AND REORDER page 1078.5 Substitute Player slide 2 of 2 is now old and changed to: Substitutes shall be considered officially in the game when reported to and accepted by the plate umpire, recorded on the official lineup card and the substitution is announced to the opposing coach, scorekeepers, the official scorer and the public address announcer. Note: It is the responsibility of both the reporting coach and the plate umpire to ensure the substitution is recorded on the lineup card as stated by the coach.
MAJOR ADDITION page 108Pitcher Substitution 8.5.2 A pitching substitution shall be governed by the following: .4 A pitcher is considered to be in the game when the conditions of Rule have been satisfied and she throws a warm-up pitch or a pitch to the first batter she faces if she is not entitled to warm-up pitches.
EDITORIAL CORRECTION page 111No CatchOn Batted Ball 9.2.3 The fielder uses any equipment or part of her uniform that is displaced from its proper position to play on a batted ball. EFFECT- Delayed dead ball is signaled. If equipment interferes with a batted fair ball or with a batted foul ball that, in the opinion of the umpire, might become fair, the batter-runner and each other runner is awarded three bases from the base legally occupied at the time of the pitch but may advance further with liability to be put out. If the illegal catch or touch is made on a fair batted ball that, in the opinion of the umpire, would have cleared the home-run fence in flight, the batter-runner is entitled to a home run, and each base runner is awarded home plate. The ball may have been prevented from going over the fence by detached player equipment that is thrown, tossed, kicked or held by a fielder.
CPU CORRECTION page 114Obstruction 9.3.3 An obstructed runner may not be called out between the two bases where she was obstructed unless one of the following occurs: .7 When a batter hits a fly ball that is caught or an infield fly is declared and the batter-runner is subsequently obstructed running to first base.
EDITORIAL CHANGE page125Taking The SignalCPU CORRECTION page126EFFECT Corrected From Illegal Pitch 10.2.1 Before starting a pitch, the pitcher must comply with the following: .1 Both feet must be on the ground in contact with the pitcher’s plate and at least half of the pivot foot must be on or above the top surface of the pitcher’s plate. Both feet must be within the 24-inch length of the pitcher’s plate. EFFECT (10.2.1-10.2.2) Illegal Pitch 10.2.3 After receiving the catcher’s signal, the pitcher’s hands must come together in view of the plate umpire for not more than five seconds… EFFECT-A ball is awarded to the batter.
EDITORIAL CHANGEpage 126Step/Stride Toeing The Pitcher’s Plate 10.4 Step/Stride .2 The non-pivot foot must remain in contact with the pitcher’s plate at all times before beginning the forward step. Note: If the pitcher has toed the pitcher’s plate and, without stepping or sliding backward, simply drops her heel which forces her to lose contact with the pitcher’s plate, there is no violation.
MAJOR CHANGE page 127Step/Stride Contact With Pitcher’s Plate 10.4 Step/Stride .3 It is legal to slide the pivot foot forward or across the pitcher’s plate provided contact with the pitcher’s plate is maintained. Exception: Physical contact with the pitcher’s plate may be lost if all of the following apply: 1. The pivot foot is considered to be pushing off from the pitcher’s plate when the pitcher, while still in contact with the pitcher’s plate, turns, twists or bends her pivot foot. 2. The pivot foot has not reduced the distance to home plate. 3. The pivot foot must remain in contact with the ground; however, rocking onto either the toe or heel is allowed.
EDITORIAL CLARIFICATION page 131Foreign Substance 10.13.1 Under the supervision and within view of the umpire, a resin (any drying agent) may be used on the pitcher’s hand/fingers. If any foreign substances (including resin) are applied, the pitcher’s hands and fingers must be wiped off to avoid defacing the ball or transferring substances to the ball. .2 No player or other team personnel may apply moisture or a foreign substance directly to the ball nor do anything else to deface the ball. EFFECT(10.13.1-10.13.2)- For the first offense, an illegal pitch shall be called as soon as the foreign substance touches the ball…
CPU and MAJOR ADDITION page134Warm-Up Pitches 10.19.1 At the beginning of each half-inning, the pitcher of record may throw not more than five warm-up pitches… 10.19.3 A player other than the pitcher of record throws a warm-up pitch. EFFECT- For a first violation, the umpire shall issue a warning to the offending coach. Subsequent violation by the same team shall result in ejection of the head coach.
MAJOR CLARIFICATION page 144EFFECT Thrown Bat 11.8.5 .2 When a bat is thrown into fair or foul territory, whether intentional or not, and it endangers an umpire or a defensive player who is not making a play on the ball. EFFECT- Delayed dead ball is signaled. For a first violation, the offending team is warned. For any subsequent violation by the same team, the offended coach is given the option of the results of the play or the batter shall be declared out and base runner(s) shall return to the last base occupied at the time of the pitch…
MAJOR ADDITION page 146Checked Swing 11.13 Checked Swing .2 A checked swing is ruled when the batter attempts to contact any pitch not in the strike zone but successfully aborts her attempt. If the batter is attempting to avoid being hit by a pitch rather than attempting to contact it, checked swing does not apply.
CPU CORRECTION page 153Batter Interference EFFECT Exception 3 11.22.2 Regarding batter hindering a defensive player… EFFECT- The ball is dead, the batter is out, and each runner must return to the last base that, in the umpire’s judgment, was legally touched at the time of the interference… Exception 3. If the catcher is not making a play on a base runner but the batter interferes with the catcher’s return throw to the pitcher, the umpire should call time and return the runner(s) to the base occupied at the time of the accidental interference.
CPU CLARIFICATION page 215MAJOR ADDITION page218Regarding Scoring 14.1 Official Scorer .1 The official scorer shall record in writing or electronically the team lineups, names of the head coaches and umpires, and inning, score, number of outs, runners’ position and count on the batter throughout the game. 14.2 Scoring Terms .18 Left Early: Action of a base runner who is called out for leaving the base she occupied before the release of the pitch.
EDITORIAL ADDITION page236Referring To Winning Pitcher The starting pitcher is credited with a win in the following circumstances: .1 She has pitched at least four total innings (cumulative, not necessarily consecutive) of a game of six or more innings, her team is ahead when she is replaced (including runners for whom she was responsible and later scored), and her team stays ahead for the remainder of the game.
MAJOR CHANGE & REORGANIZATIONpage 242Umpire Attire page 1 of 3 15.1.1 The umpiring crew shall be dressed alike. .1 The standard uniform is comprised of a plain navy blue fitted cap, powder blue, short-sleeve pullover shirt (with a collar, button placket with navy,powder blue, and white trim on the collar and sleeves), white undershirt, navy blue pants, navy blue ball bag, black belt with a silver buckle, all black socks and shoes, and plain navy blue umpire jacket. A turtleneck shirt may be worn under the jacket only and, if worn, must be navy blue.
MAJOR CHANGE & REORGANIZATIONpage 242Umpire Attire page 2 of 3 .2 The umpiring crew may wear alternate uniforms as designated by conferences or associations. Alternate uniforms may include heather grey pants, a navy blue, short-sleeve pullover shirt (with a collar, button placket with red, navy, and white trim on the collar and sleeves), a navy blue, long-sleeve pullover shirt (with a collar, button placket with red, navy and white trim on the collar), a powder blue, long-sleeve pullover shirt (with a collar, button placket with navy, powder blue, and white trim on the collar), and/or a color-trimmed navy blue umpire jacket.
MAJOR CHANGE & REORGANIZATIONpage 242Umpire Attire page 2 of 3 .3 All umpires must wear the same color shirt, but individual umpires may wear a short- or long-sleeve shirt. .4 All umpires must wear the same color and style (with same trim) jackets, but individual umpire may choose to not wear a jacket.
CURRENT MISTAKEpage 255Improper Player Chart Appendix B Section 7 under the illegal player column: Offensive coach has option to return the batter to the plate with previous count and all players advanced one base from the time of the report; or takes the result of the play; offending player is ejected regardless.
EDITORIAL CHANGEpage 259Lightning Safety Guidelines Appendix E Due to the potential life saving nature of the material in this appendix, it is suggested that the entire appendix is reviewed even though the only changes from last year are the text in the box on page 260 and changes in the last paragraph of section f.