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Common Mistakes made during the CLAT Exam.

As the Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) 2022 is approaching, many students are<br>thinking about what all things are to be taken care of in the exam. Obviously, most students<br>spend 1-2 years preparing for this exam, and clearing the examination and getting a good<br>NLU is a dream that they have seen. However, it is necessary that students while giving<br>exams should make sure that they do not lose marks because of silly mistakes. During the<br>examination, students often make common mistakes that can be easily avoided when an exam<br>is being given with precision and efficiency. Six common mistakes that th

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Common Mistakes made during the CLAT Exam.

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  1. Common Mistakes made during the CLATExam As the Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) 2022 is approaching, many students are thinking about what all things are to be taken care of in the exam. Obviously, most students spend 1-2 years preparing for this exam, and clearing the examination and getting a good NLU is a dream that they have seen. However, it is necessary that students while giving exams should make sure that they do not lose marks because of silly mistakes. During the examination, students often make common mistakes that can be easily avoided when an exam is being given with precision and efficiency. Six common mistakes that the students tend to do and should avoidare- Do not skip reading instructions- It is mandatory for the students who are appearing for the exam to read all the instructions given to them including instructions given on admit card judiciously. These instructions help you to understand the marking scheme for each question, tell you if there is any negative marking, provide information on time-period, explain how to mark answers, and other importantinformation. Do not stick to one question- Mostly students get stuck while trying to solve one question which they know they can solve but are not able to solve. It is better not to waste time on that question and rather answer the other questions first, and if time remains then try again solving it. It is okay to do something except your mental defeat for an overall betterresult Do not lose morale if you see tough questions – Sometimes the first few questions go as bouncers for students as they are not able to answer them. It is recommended that students should not panic or lose morale seeing those questions. Move to the next questions and start attempting them. It is possible that those questions are tough for the majority and therefore, they won’t affect your result much. However, losing your spirit by seeing those questions and not being able to solve the other questions properly can lead to a badresult. Keep an eye on the time- While students are attempting the exam, they forget to keep checking the time again and again. Mostly, competitive examinations like CLAT are time- based examinations and one who manages the time secures better marks as the student is able to attempt more questions that too patiently and calmly. So, keep a tab on theclock. Attempt more questions- Do not be afraid to attempt questions. Try attempting as many questions as you can. But make sure that it should not be total guesswork (blind guesswork). You should have prior knowledge or surety before answering a question or else there would be negativemarking. Read questions sincerely- Many times, students do know the answer to questions but tend to mark wrong answers just because of confusion which is caused by reading questions carelessly. Remember, even a small word can change the whole meaning of the sentence. It is required that read every question cautiously before attempting so that the accuracy rate is higher and you don’t lose marks because of sillymistakes.

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