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Performance report. Qtr3 2017/18 February 2018. Contents. Executive summary. Strong performance throughout the third quarter with most operational and strategic KPIs meeting expectations.
Performance report Qtr3 2017/18 February 2018
Executive summary • Strong performance throughout the third quarter with most operational and strategic KPIs meeting expectations. • Work on benefits throughout the HRA continues with baseline data being recorded. This work has informed the business planning process for 2018/19 and will be reflected in a new organisational balanced scorecard. • HRA Approvals timelines continue to reflect improvement although some variability in the monthly KPIs demonstrates vulnerability in the service due to tight resourcing. • Ethics service again continues to meet its mandatory targets. Some improvement to PR timelines, although these still remain slightly outside target. Again, targets particularly susceptible to staffing levels. www.hra.nhs.uk | @HRA_Latest
Executive summary Strategic KPIs • Key achievements include full roll out of joined up validation pilot, continued improvements to approvals timelines and getting it right first time as well as strong staff survey results. Operational KPIs • Mostly a strong performance throughout the HRA more than meeting expectations as in previous months • Stretch targets removed in most cases to focus on core delivery during period of transformation. • Improved KPIs developed for learning and development provision Projects • Business case approval for HRA digital transformation achieved (Jan18) • Notable progress being made on SIP and rationalisation of transformation programme governance arrangements www.hra.nhs.uk | @HRA_Latest
User experience HRA Approval Timelines in Calendar days from REC final decision to HRA Approval by month of Approval HRA Approval timelines from final REC FO have seen significant decreases from November 2016 to March 2017 where most study types have seen a levelling off through to June 2017, with the exception of Non-REC studies timelines which have more recently seen a decrease from September 2017. This is the result of collaborative working between Assessor and REC teams on joint approvals and changes in ways of working around end stage approvals and issue of HRA Approval letter. The trend reversed in January due to the holiday season.
User experience Median Timelines from Submission to HRA Approval Median timelines from submission have remained relatively consistent, with the only major change in REC Commercial studies dropping an average of ~10days in the past 4 months. The trend reversed in January due to holiday period.
User experience Some improvement achieved in ‘getting it right first time’ although insufficient data to give certain trends. Significant effort has been made to communicate how to ‘get it right first time’ through social media. Changes have also been made to the checklists in IRAS. Further efforts are being made to ensure non-commercial sponsors support applicants in submitting valid applications.
Programme highlights to Dec Website fully launched and new suite of KPIs measuring benefits being monitored Transformation programme: • Joined up validation roll out in progress; revised initial assessment letter • IRAS verification tool being developed; • Proportionality review draft report; • Workforce board draft terms of reference produced; • Business case for research systems transformation submitted Approval timelines remain significantly improved on 2016 performance
Ethics service Service meeting KPIs is almost all areas. Ethics service is working with individual Ethics committees where issues have been identified with proportionate reviews to Address KPIs being slightly outside timelines. Other factors impacting speed of Improvement include vacancies, cover arrangements, member availability.
Learning and development New suite of KPIs developed for learning and development this year. Significant increase in person hours and number of people participating in HRA organised learning following promotion of plan for staff and also attendance at national days for Chairs and members. Collaborative events include those jointly delivered with MRC and NHS BT.
Quarter 3 summary • 71% of users scored 7 and above out of 10 in October • 69% of users scored 7 and above out of 10 in November • 85% of users scored 7 and above out of 10 in December • Excellent feedback received for majority of services.