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Centennial Place Elementary. EIC School. THEME: LIVING THINGS. Centennial Place Elementary School Vision.
Centennial Place Elementary EIC School THEME: LIVING THINGS
Centennial Place Elementary SchoolVision • Our vision at Centennial Place is a school where all children have a supportive learning environment that meets their needs while preparing them for a global society. As the centerpiece of the learning village, the school features innovative uses of time and space, multi-grade groupings, self-paced learning as well as gender, ethnic, and generational inclusion. The professional staff is committed to the belief that the school exists to serve the child and that each child will be a successful learner. Each child will be encouraged to develop intellectually, emotionally, and socially.
EICVISION STATEMENT Our vision is to enrich the academic environment for our students through the integration of interdisciplinary learning experiences that incorporate the resources of our community.
Team Members • 5th grade teachers (Sean Blass) • Science lab (Hassan Rafig) • Gifted program (Cathy Archibald) • Media Specialist (Jennifer Burke) • Instructional Specialist (Barbara Preuss) • Coach (Kim Morris-Zarneke) • Community /Georgia Aquarium (Brian Davis)
Resources • Georgia Aquarium (Brian Davis) • Environmental Protection Division: Adopt-A-Stream (Kim Morris-Zarneke) • History Museum & MLK Center • Georgia Tech - Urban Planning & Civil Engineering • Clean Air Campaign • Additional Support: Coca Cola
MAP Natural System ComponentProcess Trees Photosynthesis Plants Erosion Air Life Cycles Soil Evaporation Insects Water Cycle BirdsWater Shed Social System ComponentProcess School building Economics Furniture Government Books Architecture Infrastructure Sociology Faculty/Staff/students Community Vehicles
Implementation • 5th Grade will be divided into groups • Experimenting • Investigating • Research
FOCUS OF INVESTIGATION • The impact of pollution and the land use practices on the natural and social systems of the community
Organizing Question • In what ways does pollution and current land use practices affect the natural and social systems in our community?
Supporting Questions? • How has our community changed over time? • What is pollution? Has pollution increased in our community over time? Why? • What do we need to do to better use our outdoor classrooms? • What effect does our school building have on the community and the environment? • What can you (student) do to improve the natural and social systems in the community? • How can you (student) make the community members aware of their impact on the environment.
Learning Objectives: Subject-specific Lessons • S 5.19: Identify & describe the 5 major kingdoms • MA 5.1: Round decimals to nearest whole number • SS 5.7: Explain the impact of the physical environment on the settlement patterns and movements after the Civil War • SS 5.10 Analyze the physical and human characteristics of places and use this knowledge to define regions, interrelationships among regions and change
Learning Objectives:Community-based Investigation • S. 5.17: Student will collect wildlife from the outdoor classroom areas • LA 5.6: Students will deliver a planned oral presentation • LA 5.9: Students will utilize a process approach to plan an write coherent well developed text that reflects an awareness of audience and purpose • S 5.19: Students will compare and contrast the 5 major kingdoms • MA 5.7 Students will relate a fraction to a part of a whole • MA 5.18 Students will identify factors and multiples of a given number, including prime factorization
Subject-specific Lesson Plans • Thematic Unit: LIVING THINGS • Compare/contrast different kinds of living things • Identify & classify living things • How does pollution impact living things
Lesson Plan I • Engage: Discussion of physical features around school versus man-made structures • Explain: Introduction to natural and social systems • Explore: Students will map natural and social areas around school • Extend: Students will map natural and social systems around their own neighborhoods • Evaluation: Students will present their neighborhood maps
Lesson Plan II • Engage: Classify identified items into natural and social systems • Explain: Discussion of how natural and social systems interrelate • Explore: Students will identify and classify natural components found in outdoor classrooms • Extend: Students will compare/contrast school environment versus neighborhood • Evaluation: Students will identify natural/social systems on a map
Authentic Assessments:LIVING THINGS UNIT • Student portfolios • Activity/project rubrics • Journal reflections • Student/group presentations • Research papers • Debates
Timeline Phase I: LIVING THINGS Planning/Development: June 16-July 18 Implementation/Evaluation: 1st quarter Phase II: EARTH SCIENCE Phase III: PHYSICAL SCIENCE **Service Learning Project: (Pending student input) Rehabilitation of outdoor spaces (i.e. pond/butterfly garden)