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The Lean Manufacturing and Value Stream Mapping

The Lean Manufacturing and Value Stream Mapping Chapter 4 (Supplement) Business Process Modeling, Simulation and Design Overview Introduction the Lean Manufacturing Value Stream Mapping Lean technique Analyze flow and information of a process eVSM GumshoeKI, Inc.

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The Lean Manufacturing and Value Stream Mapping

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Lean Manufacturing and Value Stream Mapping Chapter 4 (Supplement) Business Process Modeling, Simulation and Design

  2. Overview • Introduction the Lean Manufacturing • Value Stream Mapping • Lean technique • Analyze flow and information of a process • eVSM • GumshoeKI, Inc. • Web demonstration and exercise

  3. Introduction to the Lean Manufacturing • Lean manufacturing is the production of goods using less of everything compared to mass production: less waste, less human effort, less manufacturing space, less investment in tools, and less engineering time to develop a new product. • It is renowned for its focus on reduction of the original Toyota Production System (TPS) “seven wastes” in order to improve overall customer value

  4. Value Stream Mapping • Value Stream Mapping is a Lean technique used to analyze the flow of materials and information currently required to bring a product or service to a consumer.

  5. Sample of a Value Stream Map

  6. Implementation of VSM • Identify the target product, product family, or service. • Draw a current state value stream map, which is the current steps, delays, and information flows required to deliver the target product or service. This may be a production flow (raw materials to consumer) or a design flow (concept to launch). • Assess the current state value stream map in terms of creating flow by eliminating waste. • Draw a future state value stream map. • Implement the future state.

  7. Value stream mapping software • Typically, the software is available as either enhancements to already available programs such as Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Visio, or stand alone. • Utilizing software can help speed up the process and help simplify calculations that help make up a completed map

  8. eVSM • GumshoeKI, Inc. - developers of the eVSM software • The software has been designed to complement the lean implementation methodologies in the lean enterprise institute. • http://www.evsmhelp.com/eLearning/learn/GKIL_gif_1.htm

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