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Berkeley Housing Authority Year in Transition 2007-2008

Berkeley Housing Authority Year in Transition 2007-2008. Board of Commissioners Berkeley Housing Authority. City Council City of Berkeley . Joint Meeting July 15, 2008. Year in Transition Fiscal Year 2007-08. 120 Day Initial Transition Period Conditions for Subsidy Accomplishments

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Berkeley Housing Authority Year in Transition 2007-2008

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  1. Berkeley Housing AuthorityYear in Transition2007-2008 Board of Commissioners Berkeley Housing Authority City Council City of Berkeley Joint Meeting July 15, 2008

  2. Year in TransitionFiscal Year 2007-08 • 120 Day Initial Transition Period • Conditions for Subsidy • Accomplishments • Key HUD Indicators • Management Improvements • Staff Development • Challenges and Opportunities for Fiscal Year 08-09 • Finance Indicators

  3. 120 Day Initial Transition Period • Staffed agency w/Executive Director; temp staff and consultants from CGI (July – December) • Procured workers compensation and liability insurance through Special District Risk Management Authority • Developed/approved temporary job classifications (including review with appropriate bargaining unit) • Developed organizational structure for Authority • Ratified Council’s position with respect to preserving union protections for BHA employees

  4. Conditions for Subsidy • Ratified union protections for BHA employees (post 120-day transition period) • Made required payment on HUD 108 Consolidated Loan (assumption of the HUD loan is under legal review) • Projected SEMAP score for FY 07-08 is “Standard Performer” (60) • Projected PHAS score for FY 07-08 is “Troubled” • Identified representatives for “2x2” committee

  5. Conditions for Subsidy (continued) • Regular monthly meetings; two ½ day retreats • Annual Presentation to City Council July 16th • Mid-year and annual budgets submitted as required • Reaffirmed union protections for employees (June 2008)

  6. Accomplishments • Achieved minimum 95% reporting rate for S8 family re-certifications (September); maintained throughout the year • Public Housing Wait List: accepted new applications, created list of 500 potentially eligible families (December) • Honored with “2007 Special Achievement in PHA Administration” award (HUD-February)

  7. Accomplishments (continued) • Achieved 100% occupancy in RHCP (May) • Fostered collaboration with Berkeley Police Department; addressed 138 inquiries • Standardized and simplified process for requesting reasonable accommodation; processed 72 requests • Developed class specifications for all permanent, authorized positions; performed related recruitments • Improved management of LIPH and RHCP programs: rent collection and lease enforcement (initiated 3 evictions for nuisance activity/program violations)

  8. Accomplishments (continued) • Enhanced communications with clients • Quarterly newsletters • Forms and information posted on Website • Updated bulletin boards in BHA lobby • Notice to clients regarding availability of translation services • Notice to program participants about “Violence Against Women Act”

  9. Key HUD Performance Measures • Established, implemented, standardized new governance structure • Adopted regular meeting schedule (and location) • Adopted Bylaws • Appointed committees: Finance, Personnel and Policy • Initiated orientation/training for commissions • Overview of programs and roles and responsibilities of Commissioners • Provided NanMcKay handbook on role of Commissioners • Purchased NAHRO membership for each Commissioner

  10. Key HUD Performance Measures(continued) • Adopted Annual Plan (Mar) including • Comprehensive revision of the Administrative Plan (S8) • Comprehensive revision of the Admissions and Continued Occupancy Policy (LIPH) • 100% performance of pre-contract inspections • Increased performance and reporting of HQS inspections

  11. Management Improvements • Annual HAP contract confirmation process with S8 landlords • Systematic pre-admission criminal background checks for all adults admitted to programs • Implemented automated, on-line, verification systems for various public and private income reporting agencies • On-line monitoring systems for reasonable accommodations and administrative hearings • On-line monitoring systems to track completion of annual reexaminations

  12. Staff Development • Training and travel for finance staff and commissioners to participate in professional training courses • In-service training with HUD staff on reporting and income verification systems • Training, testing and certification for Housing Specialists and Housing Occupancy Manager • Focus on employee morale

  13. Staff Development (continued) • Initialized library of resource materials • Purchased handbooks for staff from NanMcKay • Section 8 Eligibility handbook for all Housing Specialists • Administrative Plan and Admission and Continued Occupancy Policy for all staff • Developed list of “helpful” internet sites • Bi-weekly in-service training on various eligibility factors

  14. Challenges and Opportunities for Fiscal Year 08-09 • Feasibility study on viability of LIPH Program • Ensure long-term affordability of large family rental units • Achieve relief from regulatory compliance and reporting requirements • Complete permanent staffing of all positions • Review contracting options (e.g. inspection services) • Complete implementation, documentation and training on Elite software • Further refine HUD mandated policies: • Limited English Proficiency Plan • Section 3 Hiring Plan • Continuity of Operations Plan

  15. Challenges and Opportunities for Fiscal Year 08-09 (Continued) • Evaluate operational efficiencies • Initiate a strategic planning process • Analyze work flow processes • Complete a detailed Standard Operation Procedure Manual and train staff

  16. Financial Highlights • Maintained separate PHA General Ledger • Produced timely and accurate periodic financial reports • Adopted financial policies and procedures • Prepared and Adopted BHA Annual Budget • Procured Independent Public Accountant (IPA) for FY 08 and FY 09 • Procured Comprehensive Insurance • Capital Funds

  17. Maintained Separate BHA General Ledger • BHA-Wide and Individual Funds • Low Income Public Housing (LIPH) Fund • Rental Housing Construction Housing (RHCP) Fund • Capital Fund • Section 8 Fund • Mod/Rehab fund • Security Deposit Loan Fund (SDLF) • Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) fund • Emphasys General Ledger Conversion

  18. Produced timely and accurate periodic financial reports • BHA-Wide and Individual Funds • Balance Sheets • Income Statements • Budget to Actual Reports • FAS PHAS Scores • Capital Fund • Lease-up and Funding Utilization • Section 8 Vouchers • Mod/Rehab • Other Reports as needed • HUD Specific • On-time SAGIS Certification • Internal and External Reporting

  19. Adopted financial policies and procedures • Banking • Investments • Petty Cash • Procurement • Record Retention • Utility Allowance • Write-off • Tenant Receivables • Physical Assets

  20. Prepared and Adopted BHA Annual Budget • BHA-Wide • Individual funds • Coordinated with City Manager’s Office • Separate Budgets Submissions for • RHCP Fund • Capital funds

  21. Procured Independent Public Accountant (IPA) for FY 08 and FY 09 • Developed a Request for Proposal • Identified ten Certified Public Accounting Firms that were invited to bid on the project, • Conducted a bidder’s conference to respond to any questions from proposing firms, • Reviewed submittals, • Interviewed the proposing firms, • Scored and ranked the proposals, • Developed a staff report with recommendations • Board appointed Independent Public Auditor for Audit Services for Fiscal Years ending June 30, 2008 and June 30, 2009.

  22. Procured Comprehensive Insurance • Procured Comprehensive Insurance from Special District Risk Management Authority (SDRMA)

  23. Capital Funds • Closed Out FY 2004 • Obligated all of 2005 and 2006 • Expended all allowable 2005, 2006 and 2007 • Administration Costs • Management Improvements • Ensured FY 2008 Capital Fund monies were allocated in eLOCCS

  24. Acknowledgements The “Year in Transition” was challenging, yet rewarding. We wish to thank those who continue to partner with us to ensure a quality program for our clients and a healthy work environment for our staff.

  25. Acknowledgements • U.S.Department of Housing and Urban Development Steven Schneller, Public Housing Director Melina Whitehead ~ Gerard Wendt ~ Jeff Jackson Claire Garcia ~ Carol Joseph ~ Baljit Khosa Andrew Nguyen ~ Joyce Prado

  26. Acknowledgements City of Berkeley Phil Kamlarz, City Manager Gail Feldman; Wanda Williams; Angela Gallegos-Castillo (City Manager’s Office); Robert Hicks; Jenny Chew; Rey Garcia; Sharon Thygesen; Luis Perez (Finance); Gail Wrear (Auditor); Roxana Andrade; Roger Asterino; Lourdes Chang; Yolanda Gorman; Carlos Romo; Tim Stroshane (Housing); Dave Hodgkins; Dave Abel; Paul Church; Veronica McMath (Human Resources); Donna Lasala; Lance Brady; Jason Ferguson; Joe Koontz; Ken Plante; Keith Skinner; Norlinh Stubbs; Dana Westmoreland (Information Technology); Dennis Ahearn; Andrew Frankel; Andrew Greenwood; Alyson Hart; Mary Kusmiss; John Nutterfield; Casimiro Pierantoni (Police); Claudette Ford; Hallie Llamas; Carmela Rejwan; Stan Norton; Roland Anolin; Harvena Tracy (Public Works); Jay Kelekian; Debra Hutton; Lillian Mayers; Jacquelyn Morgan; Kathy Lee (Rent Stabilization Board)

  27. Acknowledgements Community Partners Bay Area Legal Aid Center for Independent Living Disability Advocacy East Bay Community Law Center National Housing Law Project

  28. Acknowledgements Housing Partners Affordable Housing Associates Resources for Community Development Satellite Housing Inc Chris Gouig, Alameda County Housing Authority Mike Pucci, Alameda City Housing Authority Jon Gresley, Oakland Housing Authority Tim Jones, Richmond Housing Authority

  29. Acknowledgement The staff of the Berkeley Housing Authority for keeping the vision before you and never accepting failure as an option. Tia M. Ingram, Executive Director Patricia Baker~ Tilda Barnes~ Rhonda Clark~ Lynda DeShazier Tracy Jackson~ Veronica Jefferson~ Althea Maybon Lugertha Smith~ Jayla Soukphaly~ Delania Williams~ Jesy Yturralde Consultants: CGI, Inc; Eugene Jones; Chris Cristobal Clarence Block; Charlie Francis Jennifer Bell ~ James Diamond: Law Office of Goldfarb & Lipman

  30. Acknowledgements Board of Commissioners For your commitment, dedication and unwavering support. Thank you for continuing to challenge us to strive for excellence. Carole Norris, Chair Wise Allen; Michael McBride; Marjorie Cox; Dorothy Hunt Melissa Male; Adolph Moody

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