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Email Marketing Tips And Tricks

tips and tricks for email marketing to convert more customers

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Email Marketing Tips And Tricks

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  1. EMAIL MARKETING STILL WORKS GREAT!! FREE TIPS AND TRICKS YOU NEED TO KNOW BEFORE YOU GET STARTED! Email is still a ​very important means of communication​ that we use on a daily basis. ​Statistics show​ that it is currently used by ​more than half of the world's population​ . As early as 2018, 281 billion emails were sent daily - and by 2023, that number is expected to grow to 347 billion! At the same time, as many as ​61% of customers​ expect the ​email to provide them with useful information​, such as advice or tips. Thus, it can be said that just as companies are interested in reaching customers, customers are also interested in information. Give them to them. Otherwise, the email will most likely end up in the trash and no one will read it. The content of the email responds to the (then) current situation and provides the recipients with several useful hints and tips. So email still has huge potential. It would be a sin not to use it - especially because emailing can bring you several valuable benefits . Gain the trust of your customers and work on your relationship together. Email marketing is a great tool for building a strong and long-term relationship with your customers . Would you also like to start email marketing but don’t have any targeted leads to send your email to? Click here to get instant leads! Let's now briefly imagine how to work on the relationship with your customers via e-mails: Segment your contact database . It's hard to do without it. Divide your database into groups that combine certain properties or behaviors . This makes it much easier to prepare content tailored to the group. You can classify recipients according to various criteria - by activity, their behavior, demographics or interests. To obtain data, you can then use, for example, a form for collecting emails, you can also be based on customer behavior on the web. If you buy dog ​​pellets for a year, but you keep receiving emails with cans for cats, you will get the impression that the company doesn't really know you at all and that it doesn't care about you. Think about the problem the group is currently solving . What burns your customers? What are their needs and desires? Provide advice to recipients to help them resolve the (alleged) problem . But you can also inform or entertain customers via email.

  2. Would you also like to start email marketing but don’t have any targeted leads to send your email to? Click here to get instant leads! Try to keep in touch and continue to send useful information to recipients at reasonable intervals . A great way to build a relationship with a customer is also to send an email based on a special occasion . This can be a birthday, a holiday, but also a joint anniversary (for example, a year after registration). Let the customer know by email that it's important to you. You can also attach a gift to the email. From gaining trust and building a relationship with a potential customer, this is just a step towards another significant benefit that emailing can bring you - to a positive impact on building a brand . If you regularly send recipients emails with useful content, the company will remain aware of them . And not only that. In this way, you can also influence the extent to which customers know you. Would you also like to start email marketing but don’t have any targeted leads to send your email to? Click here to get instant leads! And what about SEO? At first glance, it might seem that emailing is not very related to search engine optimization. But the opposite is true. In addition, emailing can help SEO in several ways. What's going on? Emails can be a great source of traffic to your site. In addition, we are now talking about quality and relevant traffic, because emails bring to the web those who are really interested in the content. User interactions are also worth mentioning - if your subscribers visit the site, it is likely that some of them will comment or share the posts. Others, on the other hand, look at other content and spend more time on your site. Immediate bounce rates can be reduced, and new comments are expanding the content. All these factors then show search engines the authority of the site. Email marketing also has to do with link building . Therefore, take the opportunity to motivate your readers to share interesting content. Another positive that emailing can bring is faster site indexing . How is it possible? This is because Google can crawl links in recipients' mailboxes. For indexing, just add a link to the page to the email. Secondary benefits of e-mailing... We must not forget the secondary benefits that e-mailing brings. For example, it can help you better understand your target audience . Thanks to email marketing, you can better know what

  3. your customers' desires and needs are or what problems they are solving. This in turn can guide you to improve your services . Emailing just makes sense. So it's obvious that email marketing definitely makes sense - even if your customers aren't buying from you right now. It can bring you a number of valuable benefits. Would you also like to start email marketing but don’t have any targeted leads to send your email to? Click here to get instant leads!

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