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Dlance Premium wax resin ribbons are known for their excellent print quality, high density, and durability. DNB multiapps LLP designed to provide sharp and clear prints with good contrast, making them ideal for applications where readability is crucial. Contact us at 91 8147420462 or info@opticalcrm.com for more details, and also visit our website: - https://www.dnb-ma.com/thermal-transfer-resin-color.php<br>t<br>
DNB MULTIAPPSLLP www.dnb-ma.com
waxresin Thermaltransferpremium Dlance premium wax ribbon is a type of thermal transfer ribbon used in printing applicationsthatrequirehigh-qualityand durableprints. Itiscommonlyusedforprintingbarcodes, labels, and other types of images onto variousmaterials. DNB multiapps LLP provide Premium wax ribbonsareknownfortheirexcellentprint quality,highdensity,anddurability. www.dnb-ma.com
SharpBarcodesand Texts Idealforuseonanassorted rangeoflabelmaterials. SellingPointS Sensitiveanddensely Colourprint. Theprintheadsafe& increasesprinterlife. www.dnb-ma.com
Weight:310GramsPerRoll RollWidth: 105mm Length: 300 Meter CoreSize:1"(inch) Color: Red,Green,Blue Specification Compatible Printers:TSC, Zebra, TVS, Citizen, Datamax, Thosiba,Sato,Godex&many more. www.dnb-ma.com
CallorWhatsApp +918147420462 www.dnb-ma.com www.opticalcrm.com